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New chess engine: Mufasa 0.2.1 JA (Windows, Linux and Android)

Mufasa - chess engine written in C++
with the help of CMake and GTest framework.
Author - Alikhan Sirgaliyev

Mufasa uses [GNU GPLv3] (, which means you can do anything with the project, except distributing closed source versions.

Adjustments to resolve time management issues and compilation errors

Mufasa 0.2.1 vs other engines:
Aramis 1.3.00/4-44 Games
Arasan 24.2.20/4-44 Games
Stockfish 16.10/4-44 Games
HypnoS 202407270/4-44 Games
Stockfish 202407280/4-44 Games
SF-PRO 29.07.20240/4-44 Games
Hedgehog 2.4070/4-44 Games
Catto 0.12.22/2+22 Games
Mufasa 0.2.1 JA0.5/2-12 Games
Floyd 0.9 JA0/2-22 Games
Drofa 4.1.1 JA0/2-22 Games
Illumina 1.00/2-22 Games
Lc0 0.31.00/2-22 Games
CorChess 202407240/2-22 Games
YuliGM Strong 1808240/2-22 Games
Clarity 7.2.00/2-22 Games
Tcheran 2.50/2-22 Games
Annie 2ca4ccd 2024-07-080/2-22 Games
Bread Engine 1.1.00/2-22 Games
ChessMaster 20230/2-22 Games
Cool Iris 12.100/2-22 Games

Jim Ablett compiles:
