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New version chess engine: Colossus 2025a

- UCI chess engine, Author: Martin Bryant
Rating Chess Engines Diary CEDR=2826

v. 2025a
t is a 64-bit Windows executable which should run on any modern PC as it does not use any extended instruction sets like AVX. I have no plans for a Macintosh, Unix or Android version.
My tests indicate an improvement of about 15 - 20 ELO.
Apologies in advance for any outstanding bugs! If you have any problems, questions, comments, suggestions, games etc please email me here. Also apologies if I am slow (or non-existent) in responding, it just seems impossible to keep up sometimes!
Next steps may include NNUE and a whole bunch of other things... but I have no idea how long that will take!

Colossus 2022a vs other engines:
Caligula 1.0b5/16-616 Games
Rebel 15x20/16-1616 Games
Smallbrain 1.210.5/12+912 Games
Vafra 3.3.23/12-612 Games
K2 0.996.5/11+211 Games
Hiarcs 15.50/11-1111 Games
Journeyman 1.76.5/10+310 Games
Delocto 0.61n4.5/10-110 Games
Counter 4.11/10-810 Games
Stash 33.00.5/10-910 Games
Berserk 9-dev0/10-1010 Games
Amoeba 3.40/10-1010 Games
Zevra 2.57.5/9+69 Games
Fornax 4.07.5/9+69 Games
Novice 3.17.5/9+69 Games
Devel Games
Blunder 8.5.56/9+39 Games
Bagatur 3.30.5/9-89 Games
Galjoen 0.41.26/8+48 Games
Apotheosis 4.0.14/8+08 Games
Mayhem 7.32.5/8-38 Games

Colossus homepage:
