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New version chess engine: HypnoS-plus 1.02 (derived from Stockfish)


HypnoS is a free and strong UCI chess engine derived from Stockfish that analyzes chess positions and computes the optimal moves.

HypnoS does not include a graphical user interface (GUI) that is required to display a chessboard and to make it easy to input moves. These GUIs are developed independently from HypnoS and are available online.

v. plus 1.02:
-Adjusted history bonus/malus scaling for better move retention and stability.
-Fixed Exploration and Decay Factor scaling in UCI options

πŸ” Rating Chess Engines Diary CEDR=3767

HypnoS plus 1.0 vs other engines:
Stockfish 1729.5/60-160 Games
SF-PRO 13.01.202528/56+056 Games
Artemis 6TR24/50-250 Games
ShashChess 3823/46+046 Games
JudaS ++ 5.020/42-242 Games
Yuliana 6.017.5/36-136 Games
PROMENADE17/34+034 Games
CorChess 2025011915/30+030 Games
Brainlearn 3014.5/30-130 Games
Yuli GM STRONG X14.5/30-130 Games
Stockfish 2025011813/30-430 Games
Raid 3.7 TR14.5/28+128 Games
Contact 1011/22+022 Games
Dark SisTer 8.010.5/21+021 Games
Troubadour-1.310/20+020 Games
Stockfish 202501129.5/20-120 Games
Berserk 2024111912/18+618 Games
CorChess 2024123010/18+218 Games
Kookaburra 3.009/18+018 Games
Marauders 4.09/18+018 Games
Killfish 0212249/18+018 Games

by Marco Zerbinati

HypnoS ++ 1.02 download
