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Obsidian15 wins Arena New Engines Test, 03-08.02.2025

The results of this tournament are quite a surprise. The Obsidian15 engine won by a large margin, which was better than Stockfish and its variants. In second place was the SF-PRO2 30.01.2025 engine, and third place was taken by the Artemis 7TR engine. More tests are underway, the results will be on our website soon.

Chess Engines Diary Team

576.727 games download (01.02.2025) 
πŸ’Ύ 544 games from the tournament download

πŸ‘ @chessenginesdiary Country - Poland, City - Malbork  πŸ•“ Time 3'+3" 
πŸ’»HP ENVY i5-8250U 8GB RAM πŸ–¬ GUI-Arena

01Obsidian15 Gabriele Lombardo374049.0/64 1288,50 
02SF-PRO2 30.01.2025 Apocalypse377047.5/64 1262,50 
03Artemis 7TR Tanick Ramz376747.5/64 1246,25 
04Stockfish dev-20250202Marco Costalba377547.0/64 1234,75 
05Rems M 2+2 EN and Stockfish developers376746.5/64 1208,25 
06SOLIDOR AI Team SOLIDOR376446.0/64 1196,75 
07HypnoS ++ 1.01 M.Z and Stockfish developers376745.0/64 1170,00 
08Horsie 1.0.6 JA Liam McGuire240045.0/64 1136,75 
09Viridithas 16.0.0 Cosmo368142.5/64 1028,00 
10Minic 3.42 JA Vivien Clauzon352736.5/64 799,25 
11Yukari 2025.2.4 JA Hannah Ravensloft240020.0/64 276,25 
12Inanis 1.6.0 Pawel Osikowski297219.0/64 241,25 
13Sting Black Hole 9 Marek Kwiatkowski313218.5/64 299,75 
14Aurora 1.26.0 Kjljixx237011.0/64 136,50 
15Potential 1.0.0 ProgramciDusunur240010.5/64 115,25 
16Prelude 1.0 Quinniboi1024009.5/64 117,75 
17Amy 0.9.7 JA Thorsten Greiner24003.0/64 35,25 
