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Raid 3.7 TR wins TOP Engines Tournament by Chess Engines Diary, 2025.02.07

Another Tournament of strong chess engines was won by the Raid 3.7 TR engine. The same number of points were also won by the Troubadour 1.5 and Promenade engines, which took 2nd-3rd place. More tests soon on our website.

Chess Engines Diary Team

All CEDR 576.727 games download (01.02.2025) ๐Ÿ’พ 840 games from the tournament download

๐Ÿ‘ @chessenginesdiary Country - Poland, City - Malbork  ๐Ÿ•“ Time 3'+3" 
๐Ÿ’ปDell G15 SE, i7-11800H RAM 16,0 GB ๐Ÿ–ฌ GUI-Banksia

Tech table:
Arasan 25.018634335437631.85.666.7370.4
Artemis 7TR8711162941946.45.367.9362.8
DON 4.56526124765646.75.269.5363.3
Heimdall 1.3.012363247904426.95.074.0369.0
Horsie 1.013015261599832.75.073.8367.4
Horsie 1.0.6 JA14005279849234.05.071.7358.7
HypnoS ++ 1.0116064318491649.05.081.9413.01
JudaS ++ 1.0113129239129046.25.566.9367.1
Obsidian 15.015451305969545.15.073.7372.2
Raid v3.7 TR8294168509849.64.970.6347.3
Rems M-2+210708212565444.25.075.1378.5
SOLIDOR AI11280209500947.65.466.0355.3
Sting Black Hole 921597401568426.95.464.8348.45
Stockfish 1711166216627545.85.273.3377.9
Stockfish dev-2025020211983226944248.55.369.7368.1
SugaR AI 2.7015458311643446.45.079.2392.8
Troubadour 1.510752210873846.45.176.6390.4
Vafra 12.7 Cfish21318446707842.54.882.2392.2
Vanilla 14c11531256663848.44.583.7376.01
Yuliana 6.011272214970454.15.271.5375.0
