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Stockfish dev-20250213 wins TOP Engines Tournament, 26.02.2025

A significant tournament, with over 1000 games played among very strong chess engines, has concluded. Stockfish dev-20250213 won, and DON 3.2 and Killfish PB 090225 engines tied for second and third place. More tests are ongoing, and the results will be available soon on our website

Chess Engines Diary Team

All CEDR 576.727 games download (01.02.2025) ๐Ÿ’พ 1014 (!) games from the tournament download

๐Ÿ‘ @chessenginesdiary Country - Poland, City - Malbork  ๐Ÿ•“ Time 3'+3" 
๐Ÿ’ปDell G15 SE, i7-11800H RAM 16,0 GB  ๐Ÿ–ฌ GUI-Banksia

Tech table:
Alexander 5.023302384863544.66.152.0315.0
Aramis 1.4.0 JA4460104419019.74.360.3257.6
Artemis 8TR9492177763348.35.366.4354.6
Berserk 2025020321421438284849.84.979.0386.2
Caissa 1.2124201455348437.95.365.0345.4
DarkSeid 5.49268160127744.65.855.3320.2
Demolito 2025-01-2813841268498123.15.268.9355.0
DON 3.26883133308549.95.270.5363.8
Fatalii 0.9.0 JA293153664619.45.554.4297.3
HypnoS ++ 1.0217332332644245.85.274.1386.31
HypnoS 220824bis10766205676145.25.269.3362.7
Integral 7.0.014014261906340.35.465.8352.1
JigSaw 6.08425154601749.65.460.1327.3
Killfish PB 09022511822216052448.95.562.7343.0
Obsidian 15.017622337402644.15.272.1376.3
Obsidian 15.03 SE17934337219242.85.366.8355.5
Roc2 2.0.425237460251819.75.564.2351.8
SF PB 13022511898215800048.45.560.8335.2
SF-PRO2 05.02.202512869230929241.85.663.4353.4
Stockfish 1711658214044347.85.463.3344.5
Stockfish dev-2025021311430215148351.15.365.4347.5
Yuliana 6.011784216006350.55.562.7342.0
YuliGM 1911896222419949.15.366.2354.2
