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Chess engine: Berserk 20250307b JA (Windows, Linux and Android)

Berserk is a very good, gradually developed chess engine. On the CEDR ranking list it currently ranks 5th with a rating of -2720. The engine recently won a strong tournament, beating among others the Obsidian and Dragon engines. Check out these results:

Berserk 20241119 wins Middle Class Engines Tournament (Tests by Jörn Gronemann, 2024.12.01)

Berserk - UCI chess engine ( written in C).
Author: Jay Honnold  Rating Chess Engines Diary CEDR=3713

Bench: 2645748

Elo   | 1.42 +- 1.12 (95%)
SPRT  | 10.0+0.10s Threads=1 Hash=8MB
LLR   | 2.90 (-2.25, 2.89) [0.00, 2.00]
Games | N: 102494 W: 24817 L: 24397 D: 53280
Penta | [423, 12229, 25587, 12521, 487]

Elo   | 1.85 +- 1.42 (95%)
SPRT  | 60.0+0.60s Threads=1 Hash=64MB
LLR   | 2.90 (-2.25, 2.89) [0.00, 2.50]
Games | N: 55718 W: 12945 L: 12648 D: 30125
Penta | [47, 6376, 14743, 6619, 74]

Berserk 20250203 vs other engines:
Integral Games
Caissa 1.2128.5/54+354 Games
Alexandria 7.0.14 JA27.5/50+550 Games
Integral 7.0.0 JA25/50+050 Games
Horsie 1.0.6 JA25/50+050 Games
Obsidian 15.04 SE24/50-250 Games
PlentyChess 4.0.124/50-250 Games
Starzix 6.017.5/30+530 Games
Alexander 5.021.5/28+1528 Games
Stockfish 1711/25-325 Games
Lizard Games
Dragon 3.39.5/20-120 Games
SF-PRO2 05.02.20254/10-210 Games
Aramis 1.4.0 JA8/8+88 Games
Demolito 2025-01-287.5/8+78 Games
Obsidian 15.03 SE4/8+08 Games
DON 3.24/8+08 Games
DarkSeid 5.43/8-28 Games
Artemis 8TR2.5/8-38 Games
Bitbit 1.36/6+66 Games
Fatalii 0.9.0 JA6/6+66 Games

Jim Ablett compiles:

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