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Chess engine: Dumb 2.3 (Windows and Linux)

Dumb - "A simple & stupid UCI chess engine"
Author: Richard Delorme, Rating CED=2805

Dumb,a simple and stupid UCI compliant open source chess engine by Richard Delorme, written in the D programming language, released in June 2017 under the MIT License. 
Dumb is a dumbed down version of Amoeba with just a basic evaluation function and basic search algorithms. Its purpose is to be a benchmark for weak engines [source].

Dumb version 2.3:
use magic bitboard for move generation
retuned evaluation function (still limited to material & positional square table).
retuned search parameters + probcut added
much better comments following the D convention
added logging facilities & eval/board display to better understand how the engine works
This version is bout 20 Elo stronger than version 2.1. Version 2.3 fix a regression introduced in 2.2

Dumb 2.3 - download

Dumb 2.1 - results:
Ceibo 1.02/7-37 Games
Ares 2.3.145/6+46 Games
Apotheosis 4.0.14/6+26 Games
Ivanhoe 663.5/5+25 Games
Colossus 2022a3/5+15 Games
Ice4 v40/5-55 Games
Blunder 8.5.54/4+44 Games
ShenYu 2.0.14/4+44 Games
Piglet 1.3.64/4+44 Games
Akira CE 1.0.164/4+44 Games
Camel Games
Zevra 2.53.5/4+34 Games
Floyd 0.9 JA3.5/4+34 Games
Galjoen 0.41.23/4+24 Games
Lishex 1.1.13/4+24 Games
Fornax 4.03/4+24 Games
Rengar 2.1.12/4+04 Games
Princhess 0.19.01/4-24 Games
Kobra 1.21/4-24 Games
Pirarucu 3.3.5 JA1/4-24 Games
Leorik 3.00.5/4-34 Games


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