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Chess engine: Seer 2.8.0 Dev.9d8b602 JA (Windows, Linux and Android)

Seer - UCI chess engine  Author: Connor McMonigle 
Rating Chess Engines Diary CEDR=3643

This release adds an estimated 50 Elo in self play under UHO testing conditions. This improvement in strength can be attributed to an improved network fine-tuned exclusively on a self play game result (WDL) target, improved repetition detection, SPSA search parameter tuning and a number of miscellaneous search refinements. As was the case for the prior release, the embedded network was trained solely on data originating from Seer produced by way of many self play iterations starting with the initial "retrograde learning" network bundled with v2.0.0-v2.1.0 as a base.

Elo   | 52.22 +- 3.42 (95%)
Conf  | 40.0+0.40s Threads=1 Hash=64MB
Games | N: 20002 W: 6531 L: 3547 D: 9924
Penta | [33, 1217, 4716, 3803, 232]

Seer 2.8.0 vs other engines:
Chess-System-Tal-297.5/197-2197 Games
RubiChess 2024011284.5/171-2171 Games
Ethereal 14.2571.5/162-19162 Games
Berserk 1346/109-17109 Games
Clover 6.142/84+084 Games
Alexandria 7.0.035/80-1080 Games
Rebel 16.337/75-175 Games
Berserk 12.130/72-1272 Games
RofChade 3.138/70+670 Games
Koivisto 9.236/70+270 Games
Uralochka 3.41a JA28.5/61-461 Games
Viridithas 12.0.036/60+1260 Games
Stormphrax Games
Obsidian 13.022.5/58-1358 Games
Uralochka 3.41 dev127.5/52+352 Games
Caissa 1.1922.5/52-752 Games
Caissa 1.1621.5/48-548 Games
Caissa 1.1819.5/45-645 Games
Obsidian 10.020/44-444 Games
PlentyChess Games
Dragon 3.315/43-1343 Games
Caissa 1.1718.5/42-542 Games
Clover 6.220/40+040 Games
Black Marlin 9.024/38+1038 Games
Booot 7.323/36+1036 Games
Titan 1.1.018/36+036 Games
Alexandria Games
Titan 1.0.018/33+333 Games
PlentyChess 1.0.017/33+133 Games
Minic 3.4122/32+1232 Games
Alexandria 6.018.5/32+532 Games
Fire 9.318/32+432 Games
Lizard 10.414/32-432 Games
Velvet Games
Revenge 3.016/30+230 Games
Obsidian 11.014.5/30-130 Games
Obsidian 12.012.5/29-429 Games
Stormphrax 4.1.018/28+828 Games
Akimbo Games
Igel 3.5.514.5/28+128 Games
Velvet Games
Uralochka 3.41 dev314/28+028 Games
Texel 1.1116/26+626 Games
Obsidian 9.013/24+224 Games
Lizard 10.312.5/24+124 Games
Lizard 10.511.5/24-124 Games
Uralochka 3.40a11/24-224 Games
Starzix 5.014.5/22+722 Games
RubiChess 2023091811.5/22+122 Games
Viridithas Games
Vafra 14.12.1 Stockfish10.5/22-122 Games
Clover Games
Clover JA10/19+119 Games

Jim Ablett compiles:


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