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New version chess engine: Nalwald ab11891 JA

Nalwald - Chess engine written in Nim
Author: Jost Triller  Rating Chess Engines Diary CEDR=3319

More data (including some DFRC)
Tweaked eval
Added piece combinations to eval
Changed eval optimization
Search tweaks
Tuned search parameters using weather-factory
Refactoring and bugfixes
70 ±10 Elo in selfplay vs Nalwald 18 at 30s+0.3s

Use the modern binaries if your CPU supports BMI2 and POPCOUNT.

Intel CPUs including and after Haswell (2013) support BMI2 and POPCOUNT.
AMD CPUs including and after Zen 1 (2017) support BMI2 and POPCOUNT.

Nalwald 19 vs other engines:
JigSaw 5.90/21-2121 Games
Knightx 4.118/18+1818 Games
Lizard 10.51/18-1618 Games
Yuliana 5.01/18-1618 Games
Stockfish 16.10/16-1616 Games
Obsidian 13.00.5/14-1314 Games
Lambergar Games
Bagatur 5.1a9.5/12+712 Games
Critter 1.6a8.5/12+512 Games
Hedgehog 2.40711/11+1111 Games
Odonata 1.0.05/11-111 Games
Arasan Games
Caissa 1.201.5/11-811 Games
PlentyChess 3.0.0 JA1/10-810 Games
Javelin Games
Sirius 7.06/8+48 Games
Clarity Games
Caissa 1.190.5/8-78 Games
Motor Games
Alexandria Games
HypnoS 1407240/8-88 Games

Nalwald ab11891 Dev by Jost Triller.
Jim Ablett compiles:


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