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New version chess engine: Quanticade Fenrir 1.0 JA (Windows, Linux and Android)


Quanticade - UCI Chess engine  Rating Chess Engines Diary CEDR=3564
Quanticade is based on BitBoard Chess engine by Maksim Korzh

v. Fenrir 1.0:
Excited to announce Quanticade Fenrir.

I will keep it quick. Aggressive SE, 13 king buckets Horizontally Mirrored and more Lc0 data net. Bunch of search patches (Check changelog) and to top it off. Correction History finally.

Elo   | 62.16 +- 4.99 (95%)
Conf  | 8.0+0.08s Threads=1 Hash=16MB
Games | N: 6496 W: 2280 L: 1130 D: 3086
Penta | [29, 429, 1323, 1297, 170]
Elo   | 90.78 +- 6.54 (95%)
Conf  | 40.0+0.40s Threads=1 Hash=128MB
Games | N: 2916 W: 1086 L: 341 D: 1489
Penta | [4, 97, 555, 754, 48]
As you can see it scales rather well.

Oh right. Expected elo range... Should be top20 or slightly better. Enjoy :)

Quanticade Chimera 1.2 vs other engines:
Titan 1.1.05/10+010 Games
Motor 0.8.0 JA4.5/10-110 Games
Caissa 1.214/10-210 Games
Obsidian 14.23 SE4/10-210 Games
Lizard 11.2.04/10-210 Games
Integral v63.5/10-310 Games
Berserk 202411193/10-410 Games
PlentyChess Games
Alexandria Games
Lizard 11.24/8+08 Games
Clarity 7.2.0 JA4/8+08 Games
Turbulence v4 0.0.44/4+44 Games
Eubos 3.8.14/4+44 Games
Aurora 202410074/4+44 Games
Fatalii 0.8.04/4+44 Games
Pingu 5.0.04/4+44 Games
Dog 2.6c4/4+44 Games
Critter 1.6a4/4+44 Games
Lynx 1.8.04/4+44 Games
Toad 3.0.0 JA4/4+44 Games
Bread 1.2.04/4+44 Games

Jim Ablett compiles:


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