Victoria 0.1 JA - new chess engine
Victoria - UCI chess engine
Author: Gaetan Serre
ViCTORIA is a UCI chess engine built from scratch using C++ 20. It performs an in-depth analysis and uses a handcrafted evaluation function to evaluate each chess board.
It can perform an analysis in reasonable (10-25 seconds) time between depth 6 and 10+, depending on the number of possible moves. Its elo rating is 1694 in blitz (February 2021).
ViCTORIA is not a complete chess program and requires a UCI-compatible graphical user interface (GUI) (e.g. XBoard with PolyGlot, Scid, Cute Chess, eboard, Arena, Sigma Chess, Shredder, Chess Partner or Fritz) in order to be used comfortably.
Jim Ablett compiles:
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