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RofChade 3.1 wins New Amateur Engines Test, 2024.01.28-30

 πŸ’Ύ 272 games from the tournament download πŸ‘

@chessenginesdiary Country - Poland, City - Malbork
πŸ•“ Time 3'+3" πŸ’»Dell G15 SE, i7-11800H RAM 16,0 GB πŸ–¬ GUI-Arena
All CEDR 286.268 games download (3'+3") 

The Rofchade 3.1 NNUE engine won the tournament with a large points advantage. The Cheng engine is getting better and better, and new versions of it have been released very often lately.

Engine CEDR Score Chg +/-/=
1: RofChade 3.13610 30.5 / 32 +22 (+29 -0 =3)
2: Uralochka 3.41 dev1 3599 29.0 / 32 +14 (+28 -2 =2)
3: Texel 1.113445 27.5 / 32 +3 (+26 -3 =3)
4: Midnight 93321 27.0 / 32 +13 (+24 -2 =6)
5: Cheng 4.44 3167 24.0 / 32 +3 (+23 -7 =2)
6: Pedantic 0.6.2 3108 22.0 / 32 -6 (+21 -9 =2)
7: Jet 1.1 3114 21.0 / 32 -16 (+20 -10 =2)
8: Bagatur 4.1 3195 18.5 / 32 -54 (+18 -13 =1)
9: Eubos 3.00 2514 14.0 / 32 +19 (+13 -17 =2)
10: Sloth 1.6 2362 12.5 / 32 +38 (+11 -18 =3)
11: Shuffle 5.0.0 2400 11.0 / 32 +13 (+9 -19 =4)
12: Tcheran 2.1 2395 11.0 / 32 +16 (+11 -21 =0)
13: Aurora 1.0.0 2400 9.5 / 32 +0 (+8 -21 =3)
14: Dragonrose 0.24 2400 8.5 / 32 -10 (+7 -22 =3)
15: Valiant Mk V 1611 4.0 / 32 +6 (+4 -28 =0)
16: TDFA 1.0 2400 2.0 / 32 -77 (+2 -30 =0)
17: Catto 0.3.0 2400 0.0 / 32 -96 (+0 -32 =0)
