The game was played in the New Engines Tournament (by Chess Engines Diary 26-07-2024).
White "forgot" about defense in the attack and the SF-Pro engine playing black prepared a winning counter-attack.
Game 3'+3" GUI-Banksia
A game that I liked (ChessBase 16)
[Event "2024.07.26.NewEnginesTest"]
[Site "Chess Engines Diary"]
[Date "2024.07.28"]
[Round "1.100"]
[White "Deep SOLIDOR AI"]
[Black "SF-PRO 22.07.2024"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "C67"]
[PlyCount "75"]
[EventDate "2024.??.??"]
[TimeControl "180+3"]
1. e4 {+0.3/20 8514 2176033} e5 {+0.3/29 18933 5808775} 2. Nf3 {+0.3/16
4026 801631} Nc6 {+0.2/30 5184 1642079} 3. Bb5 {+0.2/19 29561 6745129}
Nf6 {+0.3/31 6829 2352395} 4. O-O {+0.2/16 4064 880085} Nxe4 {+0.2/33
8590 2858543} 5. Re1 {+0.3/25 3991 1040450; C67: Ruy Lopez, Berlin
defence, open variation} Nd6 {+0.2/28 4522 1510117} 6. Nxe5 {+0.3/20
5528 1226060} Be7 {+0.2/34 29081 9209701} 7. Bf1 {+0.3/19 5879 1577520}
Nxe5 {+0.2/29 3920 1566295} 8. Rxe5 {+0.2/19 6809 1665744} O-O {+0.1/28
5540 1995468} 9. d4 {+0.2/20 10565 2702451} Bf6 {+0.2/26 4756 1543675}
10. Re1 {+0.3/19 4818 1318486} Re8 {+0.1/26 7570 2597614} 11. Nc3
{+0.3/19 6453 1731120} Rxe1 {-0.0/25 5089 1434087} 12. Qxe1 {+0.2/19
7966 1802150} Bxd4 {+0.0/33 4847 1710139} 13. Bf4 {+0.3/18 4721
1358490} Ne8 {+0.0/29 4733 1567232} 14. Nd5 {+0.3/16 4413 939830} d6
{+0.0/30 5727 1788167} 15. Bg5 {+0.2/18 16616 4286894} f6 {+0.0/27 4867
1263837} 16. Bh4 {+0.2/17 8625 2490517} g5 {+0.0/27 9777 3048848} 17.
Qe4 {+0.1/18 7182 2075904} Bxb2 {+0.0/31 4707 1552935} 18. Re1 {+0.0/16
11011 2659602} Be5 {+0.0/34 4818 1716225} 19. f4 {+0.0/18 7788 1914727}
gxh4 {+0.0/33 16006 4726721} 20. fxe5 {+0.0/17 6680 1664820} dxe5
{+0.0/31 4830 1499441} 21. Bd3 {+0.0/17 4669 1127236} Bf5 {+0.0/32 6543
1959833} 22. Qxf5 {+0.3/16 9200 2196802} Qxd5 {+0.0/37 5067 1388222}
23. Re4 {+0.2/16 26107 5144318} Ng7 {-0.0/30 7246 1750343} 24. Qxf6
{+0.1/17 3570 797577} Qc5+ {-0.1/26 5692 1276918} 25. Kh1 {+0.0/16 8940
2017616} Rf8 {-0.6/26 5051 1214707} 26. Qg5 {+0.0/16 5313 1190804} Qxc2
{-5.5/24 5089 2754407} 27. h3 {-5.2/17 28845 9772158} Qxd3 {-5.5/27
8053 3978302} 28. Rg4 {-5.2/13 832 290474} Qf1+ {-5.7/23 5734 2961891}
29. Kh2 {-5.3/11 660 221931} Qf6 {-5.9/25 5089 3175945} 30. Qc1
{-5.2/13 3395 1001940} h5 {-6.2/23 4941 2984569} 31. Rb4 {-5.3/13 2076
663542} Qd6 {-6.4/23 4481 2872840} 32. Rxh4 {-5.8/14 11671 3597322} e4+
{-8.0/25 5805 4575197} 33. Kg1 {-5.6/13 3648 1034999} Qd3 {-8.5/28
12535 11251131} 34. Qc5 {-5.4/12 3989 997485} e3 {-9.2/25 3198 2891668}
35. Qc4+ {-7.0/14 3167 1188251} Qxc4 {[%eval -1003,32] 16218 16003526}
36. Rxc4 {-7.7/14 3030 1375983} e2 {[%eval -1001,31] 3962 4247293} 37.
Rc1 {-8.0/14 1316 684596} Nf5 {[%eval -1004,30] 3247 3618223} 38. Kf2
{adjudication by engines' scores -8.3/13 4393 2445384} 0-1
New Engines Tournament (by Chess Engines Diary 26-07-2024) - result
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