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Elixir 3.0 JA wins Group E-18 (Amateur Section) Edition 08/2024, 2024.12.20-21

The E-18 group of the Amateur Chess Engine Section has ended, we are slowly approaching the end of the 08/2024 edition. The Elixir 3.0 JA engine won and the ChandraChess 2.0 engine came in second. These two engines advanced to the E-17 group.
The next tournaments are ongoing, the results will be available on our website soon.
Chess Engines Diary Team

👍Promotion to Group E-17: Elixir 3.0 JA, ChandraChess 2.0
👎Relegation to Group E-19: Motsog 19, Belofte 2.1.8 JA
All CEDR 515.173 games download (01.12.2024) 💾 90 games from the tournament download
👍 @chessenginesdiary Country - Poland, City - Malbork  🕓 Time 3'+3" 
💻Asus Zenbook, AMD Ryzen 9 6900HX, RAM 32,0 GB 🖬 GUI-Arena

01Elixir 3.0 JA 240017.0/18 131,00 
02ChandraChess 2.0 240015.0/18 105,00 
03CalvinChess 5.0.2240015.0/18 101,00 
04Bobcat 8.0 JA 278213.0/18 75,00 
05Ifrit 4.03 JA 26397.5/18 33,00 
06Toad 1.4.0 24007.5/18 27,00 
07LazySMP 5.0 24006.0/18 20,25 
08Dual 0.2.6 24006.0/18 18,75 
09Motsog 19 24003.0/18 7,50 
10Belofte 2.1.8 JA 22210.0/18 0,00 

For more information about the Chess Engines Diary chess league, visit: League. There you will find current tables and games for download. Archive files are also available.
