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4 League Chess Engine CEDR, season 01/2025 started!

Engines play at a tempo of 3'+3", in the Banksia GUI, round-robin system of 4 games each.

4 League Season 01/2025 Rating
1. Nemorino 6.00 3465
2. Midnight v9 3457
3. Pedone 3.1 3460
4. Reckless 0.7.0 3158
5. Toga IV 1.1 JA 3378
6. Weiss 2.1 JA 3350
7. Lifish 1.0 NNUE 3257
8. Avalanche 2.1.0 3381
9. Xiphos 0.6.1 JA 3365
10. Sirius 8.0 3113
11. Smallbrain 7.0 JA 3446
12. Counter 5.5 3385
13. Black Core 6.0 3426
14. Particia 4.0 JA 3419
15. StockDory Starfish 0.1 3369
16. RukChess 3.0.19 3331

More More about the Chess Engine League, including current standings, on a special page: LEAGUE.
