Since you’re here...

We hope you will consider supporting us today. We need your support to continue to exist, because good entries are more and more work time. Every reader contribution, however big or small, is so valuable. Support "Chess Engines Diary" even a small amount– and it only takes a minute. Thank you.
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New MEGA Dysk for donors - 13.02.2025 ( 28 files added)

Today we launched a new MEGA drive for our sponsors.
We would like to thank you for your invaluable support, thanks to which our project "Chess Engines Diary" can develop and provide you with new content.

MEGA Dysk - update 13.02.2025 (28 files added)

Engines for Windows: (26 files): Aramis 1.4.0 JA.7z Artemis 8TR.7z Beef 0.3.6 JA.7z Colossus 2025a.7z DarkSeid 5.4.7z DeepBlunder 1.2.0 JA.7z Demolito 28.01.2025.7z DON 3.2, Fatalii GnuChess 6.2.9 JA.7z Goob 1.8.9 JA.7z Midnight v9 JA.7z Mufasa 0.2.1 JA.7z Obsidian-dev 15.03SE.7z Odonata 1.0 JA.7z Peacekeeper 3.01 JA.7z Pioneer 0.3.2 JA.7z Reggz Renegade dev 1.1.9 JA.7z Roc2 Rustic-alpha 3.05 JA.7z Sloth 2.0 JA.7z Stro4k 3.0 JA.7z Thrawn 2.1 JA.7z Topple 0.8.1 JA.7z Trinket 3.5.0 JA.7z Yakka 1.2.7z

MacOS (0 files):---  

Engines for Android (0 files):---  

Book and NNUE (0 files):--- 

Games (1 file): LeagueSeason.01.2025.7z

GUI (0 files): ---

How to become a sponsor: - here
