
Showing posts from July, 2012

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Mediocre 0.5 - UCI engines. New version

Mediocre 0.5  - UCI engines,  Author :  Jonatan Pettersson     Ratings :  CEDR = 2364 ,  WBEC = 2104 All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Bouquet 1.4 - UCI engines. New version 27.07.2012

Bouquet 1.4  - UCI engines Download Bouquet page All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page Currently, you can find the current links on the DOWNLOAD page. Most of them are placed on Katfile servers. If you do not want to wait long with the download, you can support our work and become a donor. As a thank you, we provide you with a link to the MEGA drive, where you can download the engines and other files without waiting. More information can be found on the DONORS page.

Atlas 3.25 - UCI engines. New version 30.07.2012

Atlas 3.25  - UCI engines Author : Andreas Manzanares Atlas  Website All chess engines downloadable on the site   Ratings :  JCEDR = 2364 ,  WBEC = 2220

DiscoCheck 3.7 - UCI engines. New version 29.07.2012

DiscoCheck 3.7  - UCI engines Author :  Lucas Braesch   DiscoCheck 3.7 download Website DiscoCheck

ChessKiss 1.7 - UCI engines. New version 29.07.2012

ChessKiss 1.7 - UCI engines Author: Abel Belzunces  ChessKiss 1.7 downloadable on the site  ChessKiss 1.8 download

Chess Engines Diary Tournament 25-28.07.2012. Strelka the best !

CEDR Ranking tournament Swiss 2012.07.25 - 2012.07.28 P Engine Score (Tie) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1: Strelka 5.5 5.5 / 7 25.0 8b+ 3b= 7w+ 10b+ 2w+ 5b= 4b= 2: Houdini 1.5a w32 5.0 / 7 25.5 9w+ 7b= 10b= 3w+ 1b- 4w+ 5b+ 3: Critter 1.6a 32-bit 4.5 / 7 26.0 4b= 1w= 8w+ 2b- 9w+ 6w= 11b+ 4: RobboLito 0.10 SMP w32 3.5 / 7 27.0 3w= 8b= 5b= 7w= 10b+ 2b- 1w= 5: DeepSaros ver.3.2 3.5 / 7 25.5 6b+ 10w- 4w= 12b+ 7b= 1w= 2w- 6: Rybka 4.1 w32 3.5 / 7 22.0 5w- 12b= 11w+ 9w- 8b= 3b= 7b+ 7: IvanHoe 9.46b w32 3.0 / 7 26.0 12b+ 2w= 1b- 4b= 5w= 11w= 6w- 8: Gull II beta2 3.0 / 7 25.0 1w- 4w= 3b- 11b= 6w= 12b= 9w+ 9: Komodo 5 32-bit 3.0 / 7 23.5 2b- 11w= 12w= 6b+ 3b- 10w+ 8b- 10 HIARCS WCSC 2011 2.5 / 7 25.5 11b+ 5b+ 2w= 1w- 4w- 9b- 12w- 11 Vitruvius 1.12c.HEM_x32 2.5 / 7 22.0 10w- 9b= 6b- 8w= 12w+ 7b= 3w- 12 Fritz 13 2.5 / 7 21.0 7w- 6w= 9b= 5w- 11b- 8w= 10b+ 42 games download (+11 =18 -13), Time 10' + 5", Windows XP 32bit,  Table created  Scid vs PC All files (games, tables and engi...

Match Komodo 5 -Robbolito 0.10

Match Komodo 5 - Robbolito 0.10  Time 10' + 5" P Player Score @@@ 1 RobboLito 0.10 SMP w32 6.0 / 10 01Ā½01Ā½11Ā½Ā½ 2 Komodo 5 32-bit 4.0 / 10 10Ā½10Ā½00Ā½Ā½ 10 games: +3 Ā½4 -3, Windows XP 32 bit, SP,   All games download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Rotor 0.7 - UCI engines. New version 23.07.2012

Rotor 0.7  - UCI engines Author :  Jan Brouwer   Rotor 0.7 download   JCR  ranking = 2493 All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

JCR Tournament 20-23.07.2012

All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page JCR Tournament Fritz GUI, Temp: 10' + 5"  2012.07.20 - 2012.07.23 P Player Score (Tie) 1 2 3 4 1: Houdini 1.5a w32 9.0 / 12 45.00 XXXX =1=1 1100 1111 2: Critter 1.6a 32-bit 7.0 / 12 33.00 =0=0 XXXX =111 1=== 3: Hiarcs WCSC 2011 4.0 / 12 27.50 0011 =000 XXXX 100= 4: Fritz 13 4.0 / 12 20.50 0000 0=== 011= XXXX 24 games: +9 =7 -8, Windows XP 32 bit   Table created  Scid vs PC 

DroidFish - chess GUI

DroidFish is a port of the very strong stockfish chess engine to the Android platform, combined with a feature-rich GUI.  DroidFish should work on all Android versions. On Android 2.2 and later it is also possible to install the program on an external SD card. All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page DroidFish 1.44 download

Houdini Baracuda - tests

More: Rybka forum All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

Komodo 5 - UCI engines. New version 19.07.2012

Komodo 5 has many improvements and bug fixes over Komodo 4 and will play a much stronger game. Improvements include: - automatic SSE4.2 detection  - several evaluation improvements  - time control improvements  - search is better  - multipv implemention improved  - Hash table utilization better More or Komodo homepage All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Octochess 4692 - UCI engines. New version 19.07.2012

Octochess 4692  - UCI engines Author :  Tim Kosse   Octochess 4692 download All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

Scorpio 2.75 - winboard engines. New version 18.07.2012

Scorpio 2.75  - Winboard engines Author :  Daniel Shawul   Scorpio 2.75 download Scorpio website   JCR  ranking = 2524 All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Arasan 14.3 UCI engines and GUI. New version 18.07.2012

Arasan  - UCI engines (and GUI) Author :  Jon Dart  All chess engines downloadable on the site Ratings :  CEDR = 2556 ,  CCRL = 2635 ,  WBEC = 2600 ,  CEGT = 2437

Gull II beta 2 - UCI engines. New version 17.07.2012

Gull II beta 2  - UCI engines Author : ???   Gull II beta 2 download JCR  ranking = 2769 All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

JCR Swiss Tournament. Time 10' + 5' (20 games)

 Swiss Tournament JCR Tests GUI Fritz, Windows XP 32 bit, Time 10' +5" Table created  Scid vs PC

Swiss Tournament 16-17.07.2012

  49 games: +15 =17 -17  GUI Fritz, WIndows XP 32 bit, Time 3' +1" Table created Scid vs PC All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

Tournament best engines JCR ranking

450 games played / Tournament finished  Tournament start: 2012.07.05, 19:13:18 Latest update: 2012.07.16, 20:40:09 Level: Blitz 3/1 Hardware: Intel(R) Celeron(R) D CPU 3.46GHz 3467 MHz with 2,0 GB Memory Operating system: Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition Dodatek Service Pack 2 (Build 2600) 32 bit PGN File: BestJCR_05.07.2012.pgn Table created with: Arena 3.0 All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

EXChess 6.30 beta - winboard engines. New version 15.07.2012

EXChess 6.30 beta  - Winboard engines Author :  Daniel Homan    EXChess 6.30 beta download EXChess website    JCR  ranking = 2289

Neurone XVIII - winboard engine. New version 13.07.2012

Neurone XVIII  - UCI engines Author :  Lissandrello Luca   Neurone download Neurone website  All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

Delphil 2.9e - UCI engines. New version 13.07.2012

Delphil 2.9e  - UCI engines Author :  Philippe Fabiani   Delphil 2.9e download Delphil website   JCR  ranking = 2298 All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

Top 10 JCR Tournament (300 games ended)

  Top10 JCR (Jurek Chess Ranking) -  300 of 450 games played   Level:  Blitz 3/1 Hardware:  Intel(R) Celeron(R) D CPU 3.46GHz 3467 MHz with 2,0 GB Memory Operating system:  Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition Dodatek Service Pack 2 (Build 2600) 32 bit

Ice 0.3 - UCI engines and GUI. New version 12.07.2012

Ice 0.3  - UCI engines Author : Thomas Petzke    Ice download JCR  ranking = 2179

Top 10 JCR Tournament (180 games ended)

Top10 JCR (Jurek Chess Ranking) -  180 of 450 games played   Level:  Blitz 3/1 Hardware:  Intel(R) Celeron(R) D CPU 3.46GHz 3467 MHz with 2,0 GB Memory Operating system:  Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition Dodatek Service Pack 2 (Build 2600) 32 bit

Tournament: "Top10 JCR" - round 01

 Top10 JCR (Jurek Chess Ranking) - round 01 45 of 450 games played Level: Blitz 3/1 Hardware: Intel(R) Celeron(R) D CPU 3.46GHz 3467 MHz with 2,0 GB Memory Operating system: Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition Dodatek Service Pack 2 (Build 2600) 32 bit

ProDeo 1.8 engines and soft. New version 07.07.2012

ProDeo 1.8  - UCI engines Author :  Ed Schroeder   ProDeo 1.8 download Website ProDeo   JCR  ranking = 2451 All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Glass 1.9 - UCI engines. New version 06.07.2012

  Glass 1.9 download  - UCI engines Author :  Edmund Moshammer and Pawel Koziol  Glass 1.9 download Website Glass  JCR ranking = 2533 All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Match Houdini 1.02 - MishasMauler 10T

Time:  Blitz 3' + 1"  System:  Windows XP 32 bit   Book:  12 moves classic   Table created with:   Scid vs PC Houdini 1.02 download MishasMauler 10T download All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

Match Comstock - Armageddon

Time:  Blitz 3' + 1"  System:  Windows XP 32 bit   Book:  12 moves classic   Table created with:   Scid vs PC Armageddon 1.0 download Comstock 1.0.2a download All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

Prochess 1/01 - UCI engines. New version 06.07.2012

Prochess 1.01  - UCI engines Author : Edoardo Manino   Prochess 1.01 download Website Prochess All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Bagatur 1.3 - UCI engines. New version 05.07.2012

Bagatur 1.3  - UCI engines Author :  Krasimir I. Topchiyski    Bagatur 1.3 downloadable on the site

Match DamirsPositionalPlayer - Tactico

Time: Blitz 3' + 1" System: Windows XP 32 bit Book: 12 moves classic Hardware: Intel(R) Celeron(R) D CPU 3.46GHz 3467 MHz with 2,0 GB Memory Games and Damirs Positional Player 04 download from page

DiscoCheck 3.61 - UCI engines. New version 04.07.2012

  DiscoCheck 3.61  - UCI engines Author :  Lucas Braesch  DiscoCheck 3.61 download Website DiscoCheck All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

Arasan 14.2a - UCI engines. New version 04.07.2012

  Arasan 14.2 - UCI engines (and GUI) Author :  Jon Dart   All chess engines - downloadable on the site   Ratings :  CEDR = 2556 ,  CCRL = 2635 , WBEC = 2600 , CEGT = 2437 We have stopped posting files on Shortest. Currently, you can find the current links on the DOWNLOAD page. Most of them are placed on Katfile servers. If you do not want to wait long with the download, you can support our work and become a donor. As a thank you, we provide you with a link to the MEGA drive, where you can download the engines and other files without waiting. More information can be found on the DONORS page.

DeepJunior 13.3

Deep Junior has long been established as one of the world's premier chess playing engines and has won many World Computer Chess titles.  Deep Junior 13 is as aggressive and attacking as ever with a wonderful sense for king attacks and dynamic play - an essential partner for any attack minded chess player.  The Deep Junior chess program is unique in its understanding of compensation and therefore chess players of all standards can use Junior to gain a deep insight into their games and prepare new exciting lines involving sacrifices with confidence. More Deep Junior 13.3  on website

Chess Engines Diary Rating 1.07.2012. Critter 1.6 leads!

Best 30 engines: Chess Engines Diary Rating  01.07.2012 - full list All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

Tests: Spark 1-0, Thinker 54D, Tornado 4.87 and Umko 1.2

Time: Blitz 3' + 1" System: Windows XP 32 bit Book: 12 moves classic  Hardware: Intel(R) Celeron(R) D CPU 3.46GHz 3467 MHz with 2,0 GB Memory Table created with: Arena 3.0  P GN File download from page