
Showing posts from March, 2014

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Rebel TNG - Uci chess engine. New version 30.03.2014

Rebel  - UCI engines Author :  Ed Schroeder Website   Rebel TNG download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Tucano 4.0 - winboard chess engine. New version 30.03.2014

Tucano  - winboard chess engines Author -  Alcides Schulz JCER progres Tucano 2.0=2474, Tucano 3.0=2528 Tucano 4.0 download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Jurek Chess Engines Rating Live - 31.03.2014

Program                          Elo    +   -   Games   Score   Av.Op.  Draws   1 Stockfish 14032607 x64         : 3146   86  64    30    70.0 %   2999   60.0 %   2 Houdini 4 x64                  : 3136   43  42   148    66.9 %   3013   43.2 %   3 Komodo TCEC x64                : 3073   29  29   310    60.5 %   2999   44.8 %   4 Critter 1.4 x64                : 3053   23  23   417    55.0 %   3018   53.5 %   5 Gull R600 x64                  : 3051   27  27   322    61.0 %   2973   49.4 %  ...

Stockfish 14032607 wins 1 League Season 4/2014 - Jurek Chess Engines Rating

JCER Season4 - 1League, 2014.03.26 - 2014.03.30, JCER mid: 3010 Player JCER Score St Ho Ko Eq Bo Co Gu Ro Pa Cr St Fi De De Pr Ha Chg 1: Stockfish 14032607 x64 3121 21.0 / 30 X == == =1 =1 11 == =1 == =1 =1 == 1= =1 11 =1 +9 2: Houdini 4 x64 3135 19.5 / 30 == X 1= 1= 00 == =1 == 1= 1= =0 == 11 =1 11 11 -9 3: Komodo TCEC x64 3069 19.0 / 30 == 0= X 0= == == 11 =0 =1 =1 == 11 01 1= 11 11 +12 4: Equinox 2.02 x64 2987 18.0 / 30 =0 0= 1= X == 0= == 1= 10 == 1= =1 == 11 1= 11 +42 5: Bouquet 1.7 x64 3004 16.5 / 30 =0 11 == == X =0 == == == 01 == == =1 11 == == +18 6: ComStock 3 x64 2978 16.5 / 30 00 == == 1= =1 X 1= 1= == =0 == =1 =0 10 1= 1= +30 7: Gull R600 x64 3047 16.5 / 30 == =0 00 == == 0= X =0 == == 11 1= 11 11 10 =1 -3 8: RobboLito 0.21Q x...

Andscacs 0.62v - UCI chess engine. New version 30.03.2014

Andscacs - UCI chess engine Author -  Daniel Jose Queralto     JCER - 2470 All engines downloadable on the site We have stopped posting files on Shortest. Currently, you can find the current links on the DOWNLOAD page. Most of them are placed on Katfile servers. If you do not want to wait long with the download, you can support our work and become a donor. As a thank you, we provide you with a link to the MEGA drive, where you can download the engines and other files without waiting. More information can be found on the DONORS page.

TCEC Season 6 - Stage 2 live 30.03.2014 09:45

N Engine Elo Pts Gm SB St Ko Fi Ry Cr Ha Ho Ju Te Gu Eq Sh Na Ch Sp Pr 1 Stockfish 060314 3133 6.5 9 30.25 = = 1 1 = = 1 = 1 2 Komodo 1188 3131 6.5 9 25.00 = = = 1 = 1 1 = 1 3 Fire 3.1 2984 6.5 9 23.75 = = = 1 = 1 = 1 1 4 Rybka 4.1 3076 6.5 9 21.00 0 = = 1 = 1 1 1 1 5 Critter 1.6a 3034 5.0 9 18.75 0 = = = = = = 1 1 6 Hannibal 1.4b 2892 4.5 9 17.75 = = = 0 = = = = 1 7 Houdini 4 3135 4.0 8 17.75 0 = = 1 = = = = 8 Junior 13.3 2931 4.0 9 16.00 = = = = 0 = = = = 9 Texel 1.04a16 2878 4.0 9 14.00 0 0 = = 1 = 0 = 1 10 Gull A206 3031 4.0 9 14.00 = = = 0 0 = = 1 = 11 Equinox 2.04 2956 3.5 8 17.00 = = 0 = ...

JFresh 0.1a - new chess UCI engine

JFresh - UCI chess engine Author - Christian Daley JFresh 0.1a download  All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

2014.03.26-28 JCER Test Tournament - wins Texel 1.3

JCER 2014.03.26-28 Test Tournament P Engines Score Te Bo Ga De Be Ch An De 1 Texel 1.03 x64 20,0/28 · ·· · 1==1 1001 101= 11=0 1==1 111= 11=1 2 Booot 5.2.0 x64 19,5/28 0==0 · ·· · 011= 11== 11=1 001= 1111 1111 3 Gaviota 1.0 x64 18,0/28 0110 100= · ·· · 1=00 11=1 ==11 =111 1101 4 DeepJuniorYokohama x64 17,5/28 010= 00== 0=11 · ·· · 0=01 11== 1111 1111 5 Belka 2.0.0 15,5/28 00=1 00=0 00=0 1=10 · ·· · =101 1111 1111 6 Cheng4 0.36c x64 14,5/28 0==0 110= ==00 00== =010 · ·· · =111 1111 7 AnMon 5.75 5,5/28 000= 0000 =000 0000 0000 =000 · ·· · 1111 8 Delphil 3.1 x64 1,5/28 00=0 0000 0010 0000 0000 0000 0000 · ·· · 112 games download, book: 12 moves classic,  Table and GUI: Arena 3.5 Temp: 3' + 3" C omp: Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU T4300 @ 2.10GHz with 4,0 GB Memory System: Windows 7 Home Premium Home Edition Service Pack 1 (Build 7601) 64 bit All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Jurek Chess Engines Rating - end season 3/2014

League Jurek Chess Engines Rating - end season 3/2014 1 League season 4/2014 start 26.03.2014. Engines: Equinox 2.02, Stockfish 14032607, Gull R600, ComStock 3, Critter 1.6a, Deep Rybka 4.1, Houdini 4, Fire 3.0, Strelka 5.7, PanChess 00.537, DeepSaros 4.16, Bouquet 1.7, Protector 1.6.0, Komodo TCEC, RobboLito 0.21Q, Hannibal1.4b.

Arasan 17 UCI chess engines (Windows, Mac and Linux) and GUI. New version 28.03.2014

Arasan  - UCI engines (and GUI) Author :  Jon Dart   All chess engines downloadable on the site Ratings :  JCER = 2671 ,  CCRL = 2811 ,  WBEC = 2600 ,  CEGT = 2559 Progress: Version Arasan 14.1 Arasan 15.1 Arasan 15.2 Arasan 16.3 JCER 2390 2512 2593 2671

Jurek Chess Engines Rating 2014.03.24-28 Test Ivanhoe

JCER 2014.03.24-28 Test Ivanhoe P Engines Score ***** 1 IvanHoe T0.4.1 16,5/30 1====1=1000=0=1=1======1=1==== 2 IvanHoe 46f 13,5/30 0====0=0111=1=0=0======0=0==== 30 games download , book:  12 moves classic ,  Table and GUI:  Arena 3.5   Temp : 3' + 3", comp : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2450M CPU @ 2.50GHz  7,9 GB RAM, System: Windows 7 64 bit

Alfil 13.1 portable - for Winboard

Alfil 13.1 portable - for Winboard Alfil 13.1 - Alfil chess engines for Winboard Author - Enrique Sanchez All engines downloadable on the site

JCER 2014.03.24-25 Test tournament

JCER 2014.03.24-25 Test tournament P Engines Score Va Fo Pe Fr In Nu S-B 1 Vajolet 2.48 20,0/20 · ·· · 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111  160,00  2 Fortress 1.62 16,0/20 0000 · ·· · 1111 1111 1111 1111  96,00  3 Pentagon 1.2 11,5/20 0000 0000 · ·· · 111= 1111 1111  45,75  4 Frank 0.58 8,5/20 0000 0000 000= · ·· · 1111 1111  21,75  5 Inuyasha v1.00 4,0/20 0000 0000 0000 0000 · ·· · 1111  0,00  6 Numbit Chess 0,0/20 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 · ·· ·  0,00  60 games download , book:  12 moves classic ,  Table and GUI:  Arena 3.5 Temp: 3' + 3" C omp: Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU T4300 @ 2.10GHz with 4,0 GB Memory System: Windows 7 Home Premium Home Edition Service Pack 1 (Build 7601) 64 bit

New version chess engines: Napoleon 1.5, Pulse 1.3.0 and Scorpio 2.77

Napoleon - UCI chess engine Napoleon 1.5 download Pulse - winboard chess engine Pulse 1.3.0 download Scorpio  - Winboard chess engines Scorpio website   JCER  ranking = 2568 Author :  Daniel Shawul   Scorpio 2.77 download All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

Djinn wins test tournament JCER. 2014.03.23-24

JCER 2014.03.23-24 Test tournament P Engines Score Dj An Ci Fa Br Ch 1 Djinn1.010 x64 19,0/20 · ·· · 11== 1111 1111 1111 1111 2 Andscacs 0.62u x64 17,0/20 00== · ·· · 1111 1111 1111 1111 3 Cinnamon 1.2b x64 9,5/20 0000 0000 · ·· · =1== 1==1 1111 4 Fauce 0.41c x32 8,0/20 0000 0000 =0== · ·· · 1=10 1111 5 Bremboce 0.62 6,5/20 0000 0000 0==0 0=01 · ·· · 1111 6 Chaturanga 2.43 0,0/20 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 · ·· · 60 games download, book: 12 moves classic,  Table and GUI: Arena 3.5 Temp: 3' + 3", Comp : Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU T4300 @ 2.10GHz with 4,0 GB Memory System: Windows 7 Home Premium Home Edition Service Pack 1 (Build 7601) 64 bit All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

Jurek Chess Engines Rating - test Ivanhoe. 24.03.2014

30 games download , book:  12 moves classic ,  Table and GUI:  Arena 3.5   Temp : 3' + 3", comp : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2450M CPU @ 2.50GHz  7,9 GB RAM, System: Windows 7 64 bit JCER 2014.03.24 Test Ivanhoe P Engines Score ***** 1 IvanHoe 46a 16,0/30 0=======1=1=========1===0===1= 2 IvanHoe T0.4.1 x64 14,0/30 1=======0=0=========0===1===0=

Senpai wins 4 League Season 3/2014 - Jurek Chess Engines Rating (2014.03.21-23)

JCER 2014.03.21-23 Season3 - 4 League P Engines Score Se Fr Ar Rh Gn At Go Re Gr An BB Br Pe S-B 01 Senpai 1.0 JV x64 20,5/24 · · 0= 01 11 11 11 10 11 11 11 11 11 11  211,50  02 Fruit reloaded 20,0/24 1= · · 1= 1= =1 10 11 11 =1 =1 11 11 11  216,75  03 Arasan 16.3 x64 17,5/24 10 0= · · 1= 01 1= 1= 1= 11 =1 11 =1 11  180,25  04 Rhetoric 1.2 x64 14,0/24 00 0= 0= · · 10 =1 0= 1= 11 11 1= 11 01  136,75  05 Gnuchess 5.50 x64 14,0/24 00 =0 10 01 · · 1= =0 1= 1= =1 10 11 11  134,50  06 Atlas 3.60 x64 13,0/24 00 01 0= =0 0= · · =1 == 11 == 10 11 11  123,25  07 Godel 3.4.9 x32 12,0/24 01 00 0= 1= =1 =0 · · =0 0= 11 == =1 1=  124,25  08 Redqueen 1.1.97 x64 11,5/24 00 00 0= 0= 0= == =1 · · =0 11 11 01 11  100,25  09 GreKo 10.3.1 JV x64 10,0/24 00 =0 00 00 0= 00 1= =1 · · 1= =1 01 11  85,75  10 Andscacs 0.62u x64 8,5/24 00 =0 =0 00 =0 == 00 00 0= · · 11 =1 11  71,00  11 B...

TCEC Season 6 - Stage 2 live 22.03.2014 21:36

N Engine Elo Pts Gm SB St Fi Ko Ha Ry Ho Na Ju Gu Sh Cr Ch Eq Te Pr Sp 1 Stockfish 060314 3133 3.5 4 4.75 = 1 1 1 2 Fire 3.1 2984 3.0 4 5.00 = = 1 1 3 Komodo 1188 3131 3.0 4 4.50 = = 1 1 4 Hannibal 1.4b 2892 2.5 4 4.50 = = 1 = 5 Rybka 4.1 3076 2.5 4 3.75 = = = 1 6 Houdini 4 3135 2.0 4 4.75 = = = = 7 Naum 4.6 3013 2.0 4 3.50 = = 0 1 8 Junior 13.3 2931 2.0 4 3.50 = = = = 9 Gull A206 3031 2.0 4 2.25 = 0 = 1 10 Shredder 12 2910 1.5 4 3.25 0 0 = 1 11 Critter 1.6a 3034 1.5 3 2.75 0 1 ...

Quazar wins 3 League Season 3/2014 - Jurek Chess Engines Rating (2014.03.18-22)

2014.03.18-22 JCER Season3 - 3League R Engine Score Qu Ne Cr Mi Be Br EX Ni Bo Oc Ro De Na Tw S-B 01 Quazar 0.4 x64 18.5/26 · · 01 10 1= 01 10 =1 == 1= 1= 11 =1 11 11  222,75  02 Nemo 1.01 beta x64 17.0/26 10 · · == 11 == == 1= 10 == =1 == =1 =1 11  211,00  03 Crafty 23.8 b2 x64 16.0/26 01 == · · 00 =1 11 01 01 1= =1 =1 11 =0 1=  198,75  04 MinkoChess 1.3 x64 15.0/26 0= 00 11 · · == 1= == 1= 1= =0 10 11 1= 10  184,50  05 Belka 2.0.0 14.0/26 10 == =0 == · · 0= == 11 0= 1= 01 == 1= 1=  174,50  06 Bright 0.5c 13.5/26 01 == 00 0= 1= · · 0= 01 =0 =1 == 10 11 11  163,25  07 EXchess v7.18b x64 13.0/26 =0 0= 10 == == 1= · · =0 01 00 =1 01 1= 11  158,25  08 Nirvanachess 1.5 12.5/26 == 01 10 0= 00 10 =1 · · 1= == =1 10 10 =0  161,25  09 BorodinoChess 1.0 x32 12.5/26 0= == 0= 0= 1= =1 10 0= · · 00 11 =1 =0 1=  155,25  10 Octochess 5.190 12.0/26 0=...

Pedone 0.3 - winboard chess engine. New version 22.03.2014

Pedone - winboard chess engine. Author - Fabio Gobbato Pedone 0.3 download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Added and verified links to chess engines - 22.03.2014

Added and verified links to chess engines More...

DeepSaros wins 2 League Season 3/2014 - Jurek Chess Engines Rating (2014.03.18-20)

JCER 2014.03.18-20 Season3 2League P Engines Punkty De Pr Ha Te Sp Sp Bo To Th Ar Za De Ga Ch Az S-B 01 DeepSaros 4.1.6 x64 20,5/28 · · =1 =1 =1 01 11 01 11 =1 =1 =1 1= 11 == ==  279,75  02 Protector 1.6.0 x64 18,0/28 =0 · · 11 == 01 1= 1= 0= =1 01 =1 =1 11 1= ==  241,00  03 Hannibal 1.4b x64 17,0/28 =0 00 · · 01 11 0= =1 1= 00 == 11 01 11 11 11  216,00  04 Texel 1.03 x64 16,5/28 =0 == 10 · · =1 == 0= 10 1= 1= == =1 == 1= 11  216,00  05 Spark 1.0 x64 16,0/28 10 10 00 =0 · · == 01 11 01 == 11 =1 01 11 ==  209,75  06 Spike 1.4 15,5/28 00 0= 1= == == · · 10 1= 10 01 01 10 =1 11 =1  199,75  07 Booot 5.2.0 x64 14,5/28 10 0= =0 1= 10 01 · · =0 0= 11 =1 =1 0= 01 =1  196,25  08 Toga II 280513 x64 13,5/28 00 1= 0= 01 00 0= =1 · · =1 10 01 01 =1 01 1=  176,50  09 Thinker 5.4D x64 13,0/28 =0 =0 11 0= 10 01 1= =0 · · 10 00 1= 00 11 ==  178,50  10 Arrester 0x1a 12,5/28 =0 ...

TCEC Season 6 - Stage 2 live 21.03.2014 14:23

N Engine Elo Pts Gm SB St Ha Fi Ko Ry Ho Sh Cr Ju Na Gu Ch Eq Pr Te Sp 1 Stockfish 060314 3133 2.5 3 3.75 = 1 1 2 Hannibal 1.4b 2892 2.5 4 3.50 = = 1 = 3 Fire 3.1 2984 2.5 3 3.25 = 1 1 4 Komodo 1188 3131 2.0 3 2.75 = = 1 5 Rybka 4.1 3076 2.0 3 2.25 = = 1 6 Houdini 4 3135 1.5 3 2.75 = = = 7 Shredder 12 2910 1.5 3 2.50 0 = 1 8 Critter 1.6a 3034 1.5 3 2.00 0 1 = 9 Junior 13.3 2931 1.5 3 2.00 = = = 10 Naum 4.6 3013 1.5 3 1.75 0 = 1 11 Gull A206 3031 1.5 3 1.25 = 0 ...