
Showing posts from April, 2014

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Gaviota 1.0 wins 3 League Season 5/2014 - Jurek Chess Engines Rating

2014.04.27-05.01 JCER Season5/2014 3League R Engine JCER Score Ga Mi Ar EX Fr Va Az Bo Br Oc Be Na Ni Bo S-B 01 Gaviota 1.0 x64 2752 18.5/26 Ā· Ā· 01 11 0= =1 =0 =1 11 11 == 11 10 =1 11  224,50  02 MinkoChess 1.3 2739 18.5/26 10 Ā· Ā· == == 1= 10 01 11 =1 10 11 =1 11 11  219,25  03 Arasan 17 x64 2679 16.5/26 00 == Ā· Ā· 1= =1 0= =1 =1 1= 1= =1 11 10 =1  198,75  04 EXchess v7.18b 2731 16.5/26 1= == 0= Ā· Ā· =1 0= 01 01 =0 =1 11 11 1= 11  197,50  05 Fruit reloaded 2400 14.5/26 =0 0= =0 =0 Ā· Ā· =1 0= 01 11 11 == =1 =1 1=  166,00  06 Vajolet2 1.28 x64 2576 14.0/26 =1 01 1= 1= =0 Ā· Ā· =0 00 11 10 == 1= 00 11  182,00  07 Azaad 1.0 2711 14.0/26 =0 10 =0 10 1= =1 Ā· Ā· 0= =1 == 1= 00 11 =1  169,25  08 Booot 5.2.0 x64 2695 13.5/26 00 00 =0 10 10 11 1= Ā· Ā· 10 1= =1 =0 11 ==  156,75  09 Bright 0.5c 2689 11.0/26 00 =0 0= =1 00 00 =0 01 Ā· Ā· 1= == 11 =1 10  126,50  10 Octochess 5.1...

Rodent 1.4 - UCI engines (Windows 32 and 64 bit). New version 30.04.2014

Rodent - UCI engine Author = Pawel Koziol (Poland) Rating JCER: Rodent 1.3=2626  Rodent 1.1=2591  Rodent 1.0=2532 Rodent 1.4 download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Strelka 6 - new version very strong chess engine UCI. 30.04.2014

Strelka - UCI chess engines Rating JCER-2873 Author: Jury Osipov Strelka 6.0 download

CapivaraLK009b02c - UCI engines. New version 28.04.2014

Capivara - UCI chess engines All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page Capivara LK 0.09b02c downloadable on the site

Hannibal 1.4b wins 2 League Season 5/2014 - Jurek Chess Engines Rating

2014.04.25-27 JCER Season5/2014 2League R Engine Score Ha Pr Se De Sp Ch Ne Za To Cr Qu Th S-B 01 Hannibal 1.4b x64 18.5/22 Ā· Ā· 10 == 11 11 1= 11 11 11 1= 11 =1  187,50  02 Protector 1.6.0 x64 15.5/22 01 Ā· Ā· =1 == 1= 1= 01 1= 1= =1 1= 11  155,75  03 Senpai 1.0 x64 12.5/22 == =0 Ā· Ā· =0 0= =1 11 =0 =1 11 0= 11  121,50  04 Deep Junior Yokohama 12.5/22 00 == =1 Ā· Ā· == 0= 00 11 11 =0 11 11  118,00  05 Spike 1.4 12.5/22 00 0= 1= == Ā· Ā· 01 == =1 =1 01 1= 11  116,00  06 Cheng4 0.36c x64 11.5/22 0= 0= =0 1= 10 Ā· Ā· 01 == 1= =1 == =1  114,00  07 Nemo 1.01 beta x64 9.5/22 00 10 00 11 == 10 Ā· Ā· 00 01 0= == 11  92,50  08 Zappa Mexico II x64 9.5/22 00 0= =1 00 =0 == 11 Ā· Ā· 0= == =0 11  86,50  09 Toga II 280513 x64 9.5/22 00 0= =0 00 =0 0= 10 1= Ā· Ā· 11 01 11  81,75  10 Crafty 23.8 b2 x64 9.0/22 0= =0 00 =1 10 =0 1= == 00 Ā· Ā· == =1  90,50  11 Quazar 0.4 x64 ...

Deep Saros "eXp" rev.5 - UCI engines. New version 27.04.2014

DeepSaros  - UCI chess engines Website : Ratings :  JCER = 2931 , Deep_Saros "eXp" - rev.5 - is a fork of an old version of the engine Ivanhoe, to be precise it's ver. 999952a. DeepSaros "eXp" rev.5 download   All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

PanChess 00.537 wins 1 League Season 5/2014 - Jurek Chess Engines Rating

2014.04.23-25 JCER Season5/2014 1League R Engine Score Pa Cr De Fi St De Ch Te Ar Sp S-B 1 PanChess 00.537 x64 26.0/36 Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā· ===1 ==11 ==== 1=== ===1 111= =111 1101 1=11  429,75  2 Critter 1.6a x64 23.5/36 ===0 Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā· ==00 11=0 ===1 1=11 1=1= 11=1 1=1= 11==  380,25  3 Deep Rybka 4.1 x64 22.0/36 ==00 ==11 Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā· 1=== 0=10 =10= ==11 1==1 1=1= 1=1=  363,50  4 Fire 3.0 x64 21.5/36 ==== 00=1 0=== Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā· ===0 10== 101= 11=1 11=1 1=11  341,25  5 Strelka 5.7 x64 20.5/36 0=== ===0 1=01 ===1 Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā· ==== 0=== ==01 1=11 11=1  337,50  6 DeepSaros 4.16 x64 17.0/36 ===0 0=00 =01= 01== ==== Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā· =0== 110= 11== 1=0=  285,50  7 Chiron 2 x64 17.0/36 000= 0=0= ==00 010= 1=== =1== Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā· =101 ==01 1=11  270,75  8 Texel 1.03 x64 12.5/36 =000 00=0 0==0 00=0 ==10 001= =010 Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā· ==01 1==1  199,50  9 Arrester 0x1a 10.0/36 0010 0=0= 0=0= 00=0 0=00 00== ==10 ==10 Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā· 00==  178,50  0 Spar...

Stockfish 14042512 - new development version strong chess engine UCI

Stockfish  - chess engines UCI Author compilation - Marco Costalba Stockfish 14042512 download

Test Jurek Chess Engines Rating - Ivanhoe

JCER 2014.04.01-25 Test Ivanhoe P Engines Score ***** 1 IvanHoe 46h 27,5/50 =0=01===1===0========1===11====1===11============= 2 IvanHoe T0.4.1 22,5/50 =1=10===0===1========0===00====0===00============= 50 games download / book:  12 moves classic ,  Table created and GUI:  Arena 3.5 Temp : Blitz 3/3 Hardware: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2450M CPU @ 2.50GHz  7,9 GB System: Windows 7 Home Premium Home Edition Service Pack 1 (Build 7601) 64 bit

Houdini 4 wins 3 Super League Season 5/2014 - Jurek Chess Engines Rating

2014.04.21_JCER_Season5_SuperLeague R Engine Score Ho Ko St Gu Co Ro Eq Bl Iv Bo S-B 01 Houdini 4 x64 23.5/36 Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā· ==0= 11=1 =1=0 01=1 1011 1=== 01== 11=1 =1=1  401,25  02 Komodo TCEC x64 23.5/36 ==1= Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā· 10=0 ==11 ==0= 1=== ==1= 1==1 111= =111  392,00  03 Stockfish 14042114 x64 23.5/36 00=0 01=1 Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā· 1=== ==11 1=10 1==1 111= 11== =11=  387,25  04 Gull 3 x64 21.0/36 =0=1 ==00 0=== Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā· ==0= =11= 111= ==01 1=11 ==11  344,00  05 ComStock 3 x64 18.5/36 10=0 ==1= ==00 ==1= Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā· =1=1 0==1 1=0= ==01 =0=1  326,00  06 RobboLito 0.21Q x64 16.0/36 0100 0=== 0=01 =00= =0=0 Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā· ==1= 1=== ==1= ===1  268,50  07 Equinox 2.02 x64 15.0/36 0=== ==0= 0==0 000= 1==0 ==0= Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā· 1=== ==== 1===  256,50  08 BlackMamba 2.0 x64 13.5/36 10== 0==0 000= ==10 0=1= 0=== 0=== Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā· 0=0= ====  245,75  09 IvanHoe T0.4.1 x64 13.0/36 00=0 000= 00== 0=00 ==10 ==0= ==== 1=1= Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā· ====  214,00...

Protector 1. 6 final version - UCI chess engines

Protector - UCI chess engines Author - Raymund Heid JCER=2868 Protector 1.6 download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

TCEC Season 6 - Stage 3 Live 22.04.2014

N Engine Rtng Pts Gm SB St Ko Ho Cr Ry Gu Fi Sh 1 Stockfish 080414 3135 12.0 17 91.25 Ā·Ā·Ā· 01= 111 =0 11 =1 === 11 2 Komodo 1217 3133 11.0 16 80.00 10= Ā·Ā·Ā· == =1 =1 == 1=1 11 3 Houdini 4 3132 9.5 16 64.00 000 == Ā·Ā·Ā· =1 == 110 11 11 4 Critter 1.6a 3031 8.0 16 62.75 =1 =0 =0 Ā·Ā·Ā· === == 1== == 5 Rybka 4.1 3087 8.0 16 49.50 00 =0 == === Ā·Ā·Ā· == == 111 6 Gull A228 3021 7.5 16 54.50 =0 == 001 == == Ā·Ā·Ā· 10 =1= 7 Fire 3.1 3096 6.0 17 50.00 === 0=0 00 0== == 01 Ā·Ā·Ā· == 8 Shredder 12 2921 3.0 16 21.50 00 00 00 == 000 =0= == Ā·Ā·Ā· TCEC Live Temp: 120' + 30" (16 cores)      

Gambit 1.0 - a cross-platform chess game

Gambit is a cross-platform chess game.  There are binaries for Windows users. Users of Unix-like operating systems can check the web site for build instructions (it should be easy to follow). Homepage Gambit 1.0 download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

JCER: First test Nirvana 1.6

2014.04.19-20 JCER Test Nirvana R Engine Score Ni 1 Nirvanachess 1.6 17.0/30 ====1===0=0==1==10===011==111= 2 Nirvanachess 1.5 13.0/30 ====0===1=1==0==01===100==000= 30 games download, book: 12 moves classic,   Table created Scid vs PC GUI: Arena 3.5 Temp:   10' + 10",  Hardware: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3210M CPU @ 2.50GHz with 7,9 GB Memory Operating system: Windows 8.1 Home Edition (Build 9200) 64 bit All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

TCEC Season 6 - Stage 3 Live 20.04.2014

N Engine Rtng Pts Gm SB St Ho Ko Cr Gu Ry Fi Sh 1 Stockfish 080414 3135 9.0 13 34.25 Ā·Ā· 11 01 =0 = 11 == 11 2 Houdini 4 3132 9.0 13 26.75 00 Ā·Ā· == =1 11 = 11 11 3 Komodo 1217 3133 8.5 13 32.50 10 == Ā·Ā· = == =1 1= 11 4 Critter 1.6a 3031 7.0 13 29.25 =1 =0 = Ā·Ā· == == 1= == 5 Gull A228 3021 6.0 13 21.75 = 00 == == Ā·Ā· == 10 =1 6 Rybka 4.1 3087 6.0 13 19.50 00 = =0 == == Ā·Ā· == 11 7 Fire 3.1 3096 4.5 13 22.25 == 00 0= 0= 01 == Ā·Ā· = 8 Shredder 12 2921 2.0 13 8.75 00 00 00 == =0 00 = Ā·Ā· TCEC Live Temp: 120' + 30" (16 cores)      

NirvanaChess 1.6 UCI chess engine - new version 19.04.2014

  NirvanaChess  - UCI chess engines Nirvana - home page  Author -  Thomas Kolarik   JCER =ranking change Engines = Nirvana 1.5 Nirvana 1.4 Nirvana 1.3 Nirwana 1.1 Nirvana 1.0 JCER = 2659 2618 2561 2414 2155 NirvanaChess 1.6 download All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

Jurek Chess Engines Rating - first test Gull 3.0 (Temp 10' + 10")

2014.04.18 JCER Test Gull, P Engines Score 1234567890 +/-/= 1: Gull 3 x64 6.0 / 10 0====1==11 (+3 -1 =6) 2: Gull R600 x64 4.0 / 10 1====0==00 (+1 -3 =6) 10 games download, book: 12 moves classic,   Table created Scid vs PC GUI: Arena 3.5 Temp:   10' + 10",  Hardware: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3210M CPU @ 2.50GHz with 7,9 GB Memory Operating system: Windows 8.1 Home Edition (Build 9200) 64 bit All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Gull 3.0 - very strong chess engine UCI. New version 17.04.2014

Gull - UCI engines    Author : Vadim Demichev   JCER  ranking = 3051 ! Gull 3.0 download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

TCEC Season 6 - Stage 3 Live 16.04.2014

N Engine Rtng Pts Gm SB St Ho Ko Cr Ry Gu Fi Sh 1 Stockfish 080414 3135 5.5 8 21.50 Ā·Ā· 1 01 = 1 = = 1 2 Houdini 4 3132 5.5 8 14.00 0 Ā·Ā· = = = 11 1 1 3 Komodo 1217 3133 5.0 8 18.00 10 = Ā·Ā· = = = 1 1 4 Critter 1.6a 3031 4.5 8 14.75 = = = Ā·Ā· = = 1= = 5 Rybka 4.1 3087 4.5 8 11.75 0 = = = Ā·Ā· = = 11 6 Gull A228 3021 3.5 8 12.50 = 00 = = = Ā·Ā· 1 = 7 Fire 3.1 3096 2.0 8 8.00 = 0 0 0= = 0 Ā·Ā· = 8 Shredder 12 2921 1.5 8 5.00 0 0 0 = 00 = = Ā·Ā· TCEC Live Temp: 120' + 30" (16 cores)    

Jurek Chess Engines Rating - first test Djinn 1.021

JCER 2014.04.13-14 Test Djinn R Engine Score Dj 1 Djinn1.010 x64 17.0/30 1==011=100=1==0==011011==1==== 2 Djinn1.021 x64 13.0/30 0==100=011=0==1==100100==0==== 30 games download, book: 12 moves classic,  Table created and GUI: Arena 3.5 Temp : Blitz 3' + 3" Hardware: Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU T4300 @ 2.10GHz with 4,0 GB Memory Operating system: Windows 7 Home Premium Home Edition 64 bit Djinn  - winboard chess engines Author - Thom Linkes Webpage    JCER - 2614 Djinn 1.021 download All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

Jurek Chess Engines Rating - test Fire 3.0

JCER 2014.04.06-10 Fire 3.0 Test R Engine Score Fi 1 Fire 3.0 x64 50.5/100 =11===01=======00===11===1=10==1==00==0=0========= ======01==========11==0=========011=0=1==1==0====0 2 Fire 2.2 xTreme Tr2 x64 49.5/100 =00===10=======11===00===0=01==0==11==1=1========= ======10==========00==1=========100=1=0==0==1====1 100 games download, book: 12 moves classic,  Table created and GUI: Arena 3.5 Temp : Blitz 3' + 3" Hardware: Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU T4300 @ 2.10GHz with 4,0 GB Memory Operating system: Windows 7 Home Premium Home Edition 64 bit All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Djinn 1.021 - winboard engines (32 and 64 bit). New version 13.04.2014

Djinn - winboard chess engines  Author - Thom Linkes  Rating CEDR=2614   Djinn 1.021 download from page

MadChess 1.4 - UCI chess engine. New version 13.04.2014

MadChess - UCI engines Author -  Erik Madsen     JCER=2397 MadChess 1.4 download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

TCEC Season 6 - Stage 3 Live 13.04.2014

N Engine Rtng Pts Gm SB Ko Cr Ry St Ho Gu Fi Sh 1 Komodo 1217 3133 3.0 4 5.50 Ā·Ā· = 1 = 1 2 Critter 1.6a 3031 2.5 4 4.25 Ā·Ā· = = = 1 3 Rybka 4.1 3087 2.5 4 3.75 = = Ā·Ā· = 1 4 Stockfish 080414 3135 2.5 4 3.50 0 Ā·Ā· 1 = 1 5 Houdini 4 3132 2.5 4 3.25 = 0 Ā·Ā· 1 1 6 Gull A228 3021 1.5 4 3.00 = = 0 Ā·Ā· = 7 Fire 3.1 3096 1.0 4 2.50 0 0 = = Ā·Ā· 8 Shredder 12 2921 0.5 4 0.75 0 0 0 = Ā·Ā· TCEC Live Temp: 120' + 30" (16 cores)    

Andscacs 0.62w - UCI chess engine. New version 13.04.2014

Andscacs - UCI chess engine Author -  Daniel Jose Queralto    CEDR - 2470 We have stopped posting files on Shortest. Currently, you can find the current links on the DOWNLOAD page. Most of them are placed on Katfile servers. If you do not want to wait long with the download, you can support our work and become a donor. As a thank you, we provide you with a link to the MEGA drive, where you can download the engines and other files without waiting. More information can be found on the DONORS page.

LiliaChess - simple graphical interface. New version 08.04.2014

source: LiliaChess is a simple graphical interface for playing chess and viewing chess games. LiliaChess is designed for personal use and includes several chess engines (freely available from the web) for playing human-engine and engine-engine. More engines can be added. LiliaChess is not a chess engine itself. Author - Carlo Bellentani  (Italy) More and download

Vajolet2 v1.28 wins 4 League Season 4/2014 - Jurek Chess Engines Rating

2014.04.05-06 Jurek Chess Engines Rating Season4 4League R Engine Score Va Na Go De Tw At Gn Tu Re BB Gr An Es Na JF S-B 01 Vajolet2 1.28 x64 24.5/28 Ā· Ā· 01 =1 11 1= 11 == 11 11 1= 11 11 11 11 11  307,00  02 Naraku 1.4 22.5/28 10 Ā· Ā· 1= 10 10 11 11 11 10 10 11 11 11 11 11  279,00  03 Godel 3.4.9 x64 18.0/28 =0 0= Ā· Ā· 1= 01 0= == 01 11 11 =1 == 1= 11 11  208,75  04 Deuterium x64 18.0/28 00 01 0= Ā· Ā· =1 =1 == 0= 1= 11 1= =1 =1 11 11  207,75  05 Twisted Logic 20100131 x64 17.5/28 0= 01 10 =0 Ā· Ā· =0 10 1= == 1= 01 11 11 11 11  197,00  06 Atlas 3.60 x64 17.5/28 00 00 1= =0 =1 Ā· Ā· 1= 01 == 1= 1= 1= 11 11 11  190,75  07 Gnuchess 5.50 x64 17.0/28 == 00 == == 01 0= Ā· Ā· 1= 01 01 1= 1= 11 11 11  190,25  08 Tucano 4.0 x64 14.5/28 00 00 10 1= 0= 10 0= Ā· Ā· =0 1= == == 11 11 11  149,25  09 Redqueen 1.1.97 x64 13.5/28 00 01 00 0= == == 10 =1 Ā· Ā· 0= =1 01 10 1=...

Exacto 0.e - UCI chess engine. New version 06.04.2014

Exacto - UCI chess engine Author - Daniel Sparks          Exacto 0.e download

Vajolet2 v.1.28 - UCI chess engine. New version 06.04.2014

Vajolet  - UCI chess engine Author -  Marco Belli .  Website Vajolet Vajolet2 1.28 download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Chess outdoors


TCEC Season 6 - Stage 2 live 06.04.2014 09:05

N Engine Elo Pts Gm SB St Ko Fi Ry Ho Cr Ha Gu Ch Sh Eq Te Na Ju Sp Pr 1 Stockfish 060314 3133 10.5 14 63.75 = = 1 0 1 = = 1 1 1 1 = 1 1 2 Komodo 1188 3131 10.0 13 58.75 = = 1 1 = = 1 = = 1 1 1 1 3 Fire 3.1 2984 9.5 13 57.25 = = = = 1 = 1 1 = 1 = 1 1 4 Rybka 4.1 3076 9.5 13 53.25 0 = = = = 1 = 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 Houdini 4 3135 8.0 13 50.25 1 0 = = 1 = = = = 1 = = 1 6 Critter 1.6a 3034 7.0 13 38.00 0 0 = = = = = = = 1 = 1 1 7 Hannibal 1.4b 2892 6.5 14 37.50 = = 0 0 = = 0 = 1 = = = = 1 8 Gull A206 3031 6.0 13 36.25 = = = = = = 0 0 = = = 1 = 9 Chiron 2 2965 6.0 13 36.00 0 = 0 0 = 1 = = = = 1 = = 10 Shredder 12 2910 6.0 13 35.75 0 0 0 = = = = 1 = 1 = = = 11 Equinox 2.04 2956 5.5 1...