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Multi-match Komodo 9.1 vs. Sugar 5.4. After match no.3

Multi-match Komodo 9.1 vs. Sugar 5.4. After match no.2

Multi-match Komodo 9.1 vs. Sugar 5.4. After match no.1

Today Starts Multi-match Komodo 9.1 vs. Sugar 5.4

Stockfish 15062810 - new development version very strong chess engine UCI

Orka 150627 (Stockfish clone) - new version

Shark 150627 (Stockfish clone) - new version

Sugar 250615 - strong chess engine. New version!

Gibbon 2.69a wins JCER, Fritz Test Tournament, 2015.06.29

Stockfish 15062710 - new development version very strong chess engine UCI

Stockfish 15021602 wins JCER Test TournamentStockfish, 2015.06.19 - 2015.06.29

Stockfish 15062505 - new development version very strong chess engine UCI

The Tarrasch Chess GUI - new version 2.03b

JCER Fritz Tournament (new engines), 2015.06.21

Sayuri - new version chess engine UCI: 2015.06.25

Hakkapeliitta 3.0 - UCI chess engine. New version

Fizbo 1.4 wins JCER Fritz Test Tournament, 2015.06.20 - 2015.06.21

Sugar 5.4 - strong chess engine. New version 20.06.2015

Lucas Chess 9.05 new official version best chess software

Andscacs 0.81 - UCI chess engine. New version 20-06-2015

Sugar 080615 wins JCER Stockfish Test Tournament, 2015.06.17 - 2015.06.19

Stockfish 15061716 - new development version very strong chess engine UCI

Chenard 14-06-2015 new version winboard chess engine

Nemeton 1.2 - winboard chess engine. New version 17.06.2015