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Stockfish 16052814b - best chess engine

Octochess 7533 DC new version UCI chess engine

Nemeton 1.4.1 - winboard chess engine. New version!

Laser 1.2 x32 - UCI chess engine. New version

Bagatur 1.4a - UCI chess engine. New version!

Stockfish 16052814 - best chess engine

Carballo 1.5 chess engine UCI. New version

Amoeba 1.2 - UCI chess engine. New version!

Absolute Zero - new UCI chess engine

Stockfish 16052612 - best chess engine

SugaR SE - very strong chess engine!

Chess engine: Nayeem 300516

Chess engine: Paladin 0.1 (Windows, Linux and Android)

Vajolet2 v.2.2.15 - UCI chess engine. New version!

Chess engine: Nayeem 6.2

Chess engine: Irina 0.11 (for Windows and Linux)

Andscacs 0.86.134 - UCI chess engine

Chess engines: Matrix C3

Betsabe II 1.66 - Winboard engines. New version!

First Test Chess Engine: Danasah 6.1, 2016.05.26 - 2016.05.27

Matrix C2.5 wins JCER Arena Tournament, 2016.05.25 - 2016.05.27

Computer Chess Opening Book: Noomen (ctg file) May 2016

First Test SmarThink 1.95, 2016.05.25 - 2016.05.26

Stockfish 16052612 - best chess engine

Sanjib 3.6 wins JCER Arena Tournament, 2016.05.22 - 2016.05.25

DanaSah 6.1 - winboard chess engine. New version!

Chess engine: Nayeem 6.1

Chess engine: Randomizer

Nayeem 5.2.2 wins Test New Chess Engines JCER, 19-23.05.2016