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Chess Engines Pack 30.06.2016 - 57 new engines

Rating JCER, Stockfish best version - 01-07-2015

Stockfish 16062610 - new version best chess engine

Stockfish 16062511 - new version best chess engine

Rating chess engines JCER - 01-07-2015

Chess engine: Bumblebee 1.0.36898e1 (for Windows and Linux)

Stockfish 16062408 (ElbertoOne) - new version best chess engine

Lucas Chess 9.08 new official version best chess software

Stockfish 16062408 - new version best chess engine

Ultron 5.0 - UCI chess engine. New version!

Stockfish 16062109 - new version best chess engine

Andscacs 0.87.1 - UCI chess engine

First Test Wasp 1.01, 2016.06.23 - 2016.06.24

SmarThink 1.96 - UCi chess engine. New version

Maxima 2 - UCI chess engine (successor of QueenMaxima and BugChess NL)

Chess engine: Nayeem 7.0

First Test Bagatur 1.4c, 2016.06.22 - 2016.06.23

Ethereal rev 760 - UCI chess engine. New version!

First Test Cyber Pagno 3.0, 2016.06.21 - 2016.06.22

Chess engine: Wasp 1.01

Stockfish 16061109 wins Test Chess Engines, 2016.06.13 - 2016.06.19

Sayuri 2016.06.19 - new version chess engine UCI

Andscacs 0.87 - UCI chess engine

Ethereal rev 752 - UCI chess engine. New version!