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SugaR XPrO 111017 wins Super League JCER, edition 06.2017 (2017.10.23 - 2017.11.01)

Chess engine: Cfish 28017

Only for donors added: 22 chess engines

Chess engine: Raubfisch ME262 GTZ15d

Stockfish 17102812_cooffe - new version!

Chess engine: Wuttang r.2 (for Linux and Windows)

Chess engine: Shallow 1.0.4

Stockfish 17102812 - new version!

Chess engine: Raubfisch X36d

Shark 170917bf wins JCER Test Tournament, 2017.10.20 - 2017.10.26

Chess engine: McBrain 3.0 TCEC

SugaR XPrO 241017 - very strong chess engine!

Download page - update 25.10.2017

Rodent III 0.228 - UCI chess engine. New version!

Stockfish 17102207_Ilvec - new version!

Nemorino 3.14 - UCI chess engine. New version!

FireFly 2.72 - UCI chess engine. New version!

Chess engine: Cfish 221017

Stockfish 17102207_Pascutto - new version!

Baron 3.41 - UCI chess engine. New version

Stockfish 111017 wins JCER Test Tournament, 2017.10.20 - 2017.10.23

Stockfish 17102207 - new version!

JCER League edition 05/2017 end, edition 06/2017 start 23 X 2017