
Showing posts from November, 2018

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SugaR XPrO 231118 wins JCER Test Tournament, 2018.11.26 - 2018.11.29

Temp 3' + 3" Hardware: Intel Core i5-8250U 7,9 GB Mem , 380  Tournament games ,  GUI- Arena 3.5.1 ,   107.644 JCER games (01.07.2018) Book: Perfect 2017 , Table created - Scid vs PC All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

SugaR XPrO 291118 - very strong chess engine!

Sugar - UCI chess engine, Author - Marco Zerbinati  Rating JCER=3371 SugaR XPrO 291118 - download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Chess engine: Stockfish 10 official release

Stockfish - UCI chess engine Compiled by Stéphane Nicolet  Official release version of Stockfish 10.  This is also the 10th anniversary version of the Stockfish project, which  started exactly ten years ago! I wish to extend a huge thank you to  all contributors and authors in our amazing community :-)  Rating JCER=3374 Stockfish 10 official release - download

Stockfish 10 beta wins JCER Test Tournament, 2018.11.23 - 2018.11.28

Temp 3' + 3" Intel Core i3-3217U CPU 3,9 GB Memory , Windows 10 x64 420 Tournament games , GUI- Arena 3.5.1 , 107.644 JCER games (from 01.01.2017) Book: Perfect 2017 ,  Table created: Scid vs PC

Sting sf 11.2 - chess engine UCI

Sting sf - UCI chess engine, Rating JCER=2958 Sting sf 11.2 download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Xiphos 0.4.6 wins 2 League JCER Edition XIX, 2018.11.25 - 2018.11.28

Temp 3' + 3" Hardware: Intel Core i7-4710MQ 7,9 GB Mem , 380  Tournament games ,  GUI- Arena 3.5.1 ,   107.644 JCER games (01.11.2018) Book: Perfect 2017 , Table created - Scid vs PC All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Stockfish 191118 wins JCER Swiss Tournament, 2018.11.25 - 2018.11.26

Temp 3' + 3" Hardware: Intel Core i5-8250U 7,9 GB Mem , 63  Tournament games ,  GUI-Fritz,  107.644 JCER games (01.07.2018) Book: Perfect 2017 , Table created - Scid vs PC

Chess engine: Kingfisher 1.1

Kingfisher   is a UCI-compliant chess engine written in C++ Author: Eric Yip Kingfisher 1.1 - download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Chess engine: TomitankChess 2.1

TomitankChess  - JavaScript Chess Engine (UCI) Author - Tamás Kuzmics Rating JCER=2245 TomitankChess (with node.js) run in Arena, in WinBoard and in Cutechess as well. - Example for Arena GUI with node.js   + Comand line: direct acces to node.exe (C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe)   + Command line parameters: direct acces to tomitankChess.js (C:\Program Files\nodejs\tomitankChessUCI.js) TomitankChess 2.1 - download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

SugaR XPrO 231118 - very strong chess engine!

Sugar - UCI chess engine, Author - Marco Zerbinati  Rating JCER=3371 SugaR XPrO 231118 - download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Chess engine: Minic 0.19 (Windows and Linux)

Minic -  UCI chess engine ( C++ source) Author: Vivien Clauzon Minic  0.19 - download All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

Chess engine: Frank-Walter 2.2.1

Frank-Walter winboard chess engine ( java) -  that requires java 8 or higher to work.  Author:  Laurens Winkelhagen Frank-Walter 2.2.1 - download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Chess engine: Dirty Cucomber (Windows and Linux)

Dirty  - winboard engine Rating JCER=2636 Authors: Pradu Kannan, Fonzy Bluemers & Andres Valverde  Website Dirty  Dirty Cucomber download All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

Ethereal 11.11 wins 1 League JCER Edition XIX, 2018.11.21 - 2018.11.25

Temp 3' + 3" Hardware: Intel Core i7-4710MQ 7,9 GB Mem , 380  Tournament games ,  GUI- Arena 3.5.1 ,   107.644 JCER games (01.11.2018) Book: Perfect 2017 , Table created - Scid vs PC All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Chess engine: CorChess 24.11.2018 and Mate Finder 24.11.2018

CorChess is a clone of Stockfish maintained for better performance on long time controls, trying at least partially to fill the gap between regular tests and demands of correspondence players. CorChess 24.11.2018 - download Mate Finder 24.11.2018 All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

SugaR XPrO 191118 wins JCER Swiss Tournament, 2018.11.23 - 2018.11.24

Temp 3' + 3" Hardware: Intel Core i5-8250U 7,9 GB Mem , 63  Tournament games ,  GUI-Fritz,   107.644 JCER games (01.07.2018) Book: Perfect 2017 , Table created - Scid vs PC All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Chess engine: Stockfish 18112402

Stockfish - UCI chess engine Interesting compiled by Vizvezdenec Rating JCER=3374 Stockfish 18112402 - download

Strong free chess engine: Andscacs 0.94114

Andscacs - UCI chess engine CEDR rating = 3099   Author - Daniel Jose Queralto Andscacs 0.94114 download All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page We have stopped posting files on Shortest. Currently, you can find the current links on the DOWNLOAD page. Most of them are placed on Katfile servers. If you do not want to wait long with the download, you can support our work and become a donor. As a thank you, we provide you with a link to the MEGA drive, where you can download the engines and other files without waiting. More information can be found on the DONORS page.

AsmFish 2018-11-04 wins Stockfish and Clones Test (JCER), 2018.11.17 - 2018.11.22

Temp 3' + 3" Intel Core i3-3217U CPU 3,9 GB Memory , Windows 10 x64 544 Tournament games , GUI- Arena 3.5.1 , 107.644 JCER games (from 01.01.2017) Book: Perfect 2017 ,  Table created: Scid vs PC All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

SugaR XPrO 191118 - very strong chess engine!

Sugar - UCI chess engine, Author - Marco Zerbinati  Rating JCER=3371 SugaR XPrO 191118 - download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Chess engine: RuyDos 1.1.9

RuyDos - UCI chess engine Rating JCER=2596  Author - Álvaro Begué Ruydos rating progress: Ruydos 1.1.6 - 2596, Ruydos 1.0.27 - 2547, Ruydos 10082017 - 2544, RuyDos 1.1.9 - download from page

Stockfish 10 beta wins JCER Test Tournament (new chess engines), 2018.11.20 - 2018.11.22

Temp 3' + 3" Hardware: Intel Core i5-8250U 7,9 GB Mem , 306  Tournament games ,  GUI- Arena 3.5.1 ,   107.644 JCER games (01.07.2018) Book: Perfect 2017 , Table created - Scid vs PC

Chess engine: Frank-Walter 2.2.0

Frank-Walter winboard chess engine ( java) -  that requires java 8 or higher to work.  Author:  Laurens Winkelhagen Frank-Walter 2.2.0 - download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Strong free chess engine: Andscacs 0.94.107

Andscacs - UCI chess engine CEDR rating = 3099   Author - Daniel Jose Queralto Andscacs 0.94.107 download All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page We have stopped posting files on Shortest. Currently, you can find the current links on the DOWNLOAD page. Most of them are placed on Katfile servers. If you do not want to wait long with the download, you can support our work and become a donor. As a thank you, we provide you with a link to the MEGA drive, where you can download the engines and other files without waiting. More information can be found on the DONORS page.

Chess engines: Axolotl 1.2

Though she be but little, she is fierce  UCI compliant chess engine written in Java. Can be played on the command line through the UCI protocol, but best connected to a GUI, such as Arena.  Author: Louis James Mackenzie-Smith Axolotl 1.2 - download

Chess engine: Pirarucu 2.7.4

Pirarucu - UCI chess engine (java) Author : Raoni Campos,  Rating JCER=2411 Pirarucu JCER rating progress: Pirarucu 2.2.2 - 2411, Pirarucu 2.1.1 - 2303, Pirarucu 2.0.5 - 2181, Pirarucu 1.9.1 - 2013, Pirarucu 1.2 - 1732, Pirarucu 2.7.4 - download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Schooner 2.0.34, winboard chess engine. New version

Schooner - winboard chess engine,  Rating JCER=2342 Homepage,   Author -   Dennis Sceviour Schooner 2.0.34 - download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Today start: 1 League JCER, Edition XIX


SugaR XPrO 221018 wins Super League JCER Edition XIX, 2018.11.17 - 2018.11.21

Temp 3' + 3" Hardware: Intel Core i5-8250U 7,9 GB Mem , 380  Tournament games ,  GUI- Arena 3.5.1 ,   107.644 JCER games (01.07.2018) Book: Perfect 2017 , Table created - Scid vs PC All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Chess engine: Raubfisch X39e1b and GTZ18e1b

Raubfisch is an engine derived from Stockfish and Torpedo 1.1 XJR (private engine by Frank Karl Werner and Max Fehler) Rating JCER - 3410 Raubfisch X39e1b and GTZ18e1b - download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Raubfisch X39e1a wins JCER Swiss Tournament, 2018.11.18 - 2018.11.19

Temp 3' + 3" Hardware: Intel Core i5-8250U 7,9 GB Mem , 63  Tournament games ,  GUI-Fritz,   107.644 JCER games (01.07.2018) Book: Perfect 2017 , Table created - Scid vs PC All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Sting sf 11 - chess engine UCI (Windows and Mac)

Sting sf - UCI chess engine, Rating JCER=2958 Sting sf 11 download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Chess engine: ShashChess Pro 4.0

ShashChes s - UCI chess engine. Rating JCER=3329 ShahChess derived from Stockfish family chess engines.  Engine’s behaviour on the different positions types (requiring the corresponding algorithm) : Tal Capablanca Petrosian the mixed ones Tal-Capablanca Capablanca-Petrosian Tal-Capablanca-Petrosian ShashChess Pro 4.0 - download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Chess engine: Stockfish 10 beta

Stockfish - UCI chess engine Compiled by Stéphane Nicolet  Stockfish 10-beta, Preparation commit for the upcoming Stockfish 10 version, giving a chance to catch last minute feature bugs and evaluation regression during the one-week code freeze period. Also changing the copyright dates to include 2019.  Rating JCER=3374 Stockfish 10 beta - download

Only for donors added: 34 chess engines

34  chess engines: AdaChess 3.1,  asmFishCP 2018-11-04,  Asymptote 0.3,  Axolotl 1.0,  Belofte 0.93, B rainFish 181105,  Demolito 20181029,  Dumb 1.2,  Honeycomb 1.0,  Jumbo 0.6.64,  Jumbo 0.6.66,  Mainsworthy 52, M arvin 3.2.0,  Matefinder 08112018,  Minic 0.16,  Monik 2.27,  Monolith 1.02,  OliThink 5.33,  Pirarucu 2.6.8, P irarucu 2.6.9,  Raubfisch X39d3_and_GTZ18d3,  Raubfisch X39d3c_und_GTZ18d3c,  Raubfisch X39e_und_GTZ18e,  Raubfisch X39e1_and_GTZ18e1,  Raubfisch X39e1a_and_GTZ18e1a_bugfix,  Squaredchess 1.3.0,  Stockfish 18110222,  Stockfish 18110816,  Stockfish 18111122,  Stockfish_10.2018, T exel108a13,  Zevra 2.0 r146 beta,  Zevra 2.0 r172,  Zevra 2.1.1 r216. Full acces to the folder: CHESS ENGINES - about 3000 files! If you do not want to wait a long time for download - donate a minimum of 10$, enter your email - you will ...

Raubfisch X39d3b wins JCER Swiss Tournament, 2018.11.17

Temp 3' + 3" Hardware: Intel Core i5-8250U 7,9 GB Mem , 63  Tournament games ,  GUI-Fritz,   107.644 JCER games (01.07.2018) Book: Perfect 2017 , Table created - Scid vs PC All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Chess engine: Texel 1.08a13

Texel - UCI Chess engines Rating JCER=3001, Author - Peter Osterlund Texel 1.08a13 download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Chess engine: Belofte 0.9.3

Belofte is an open-source WB engine Author - Yves De Billoëz Belofte 0.9.3 - download Homepage We have stopped posting files on Shortest. Currently, you can find the current links on the DOWNLOAD page. Most of them are placed on Katfile servers. If you do not want to wait long with the download, you can support our work and become a donor. As a thank you, we provide you with a link to the MEGA drive, where you can download the engines and other files without waiting. More information can be found on the DONORS page.

Pirarucu 2.6.9 wins JCER Test new chess engines, 2018.11.15 - 2018.11.17

Temp 3' + 3" Hardware: Intel Core i7-4710MQ 7,9 GB Mem , 210  Tournament games ,  GUI- Arena 3.5.1 ,   107.644 JCER games (01.11.2018) Book: Perfect 2017 , Table created - Scid vs PC All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page