
Showing posts from May, 2019

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Chess engine: Sapeli 1.16

Sapeli -  XB, UCI chess engine Author -  Toni Helminen Sapeli  1.16 download from the site

Chess engine: KnightX 1.94 (Windows and Linux)

KnightX  - chess engine for Winboard Author- Christophe Jolly  Rating JCER=2083 KnightX 1.94 - download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

SugaR 1.6.1 wins JCER Teat Tournament New chess engines, 2019.05.27 - 2019.05.29

Temp 3' + 3" : Intel Core i5-8250U 7,9 GB Mem , 264  Tournament games ,  GUI-Fritz 15,   145.201 JCER games (01-05-2019) Book: Perfect 2017 , Table created - Scid vs PC All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Stockfish 19052509 wins Test New Chess Engines JCER, 2019.05.27 - 2019.05.29

Temp 3' + 3" : Intel Core i7-4710MQ 7,9 GB Mem , 264  Tournament games ,  GUI- Arena 3.5.1 ,   145.201 JCER games (01-05-2019) Book: Perfect 2017 , Table created - Scid vs PC

AsmFish 2019-05-21 wins JCER Test Tournament, 2019.05.23 - 2019.05.25

Temp 3' + 3" : Intel Core i5-8250U 7,9 GB Mem , 264  Tournament games ,  GUI-Fritz 15,   145.201 JCER games (01-05-2019) Book: Perfect 2017 , Table created - Scid vs PC All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

JCER Chess Engines League Edition XXIV - final standing

Edition XXIV, final standing - PDF file     Games and Tables

Asymptote 0.6 wins Swiss Tournament 05, chess engines JCER. Edition XXIV, 2019.05.26

Temp 3' + 3" : Intel Core i7-4710MQ 7,9 GB Mem , 96  Tournament games ,  GUI- Arena 3.5.1 ,   145.201 JCER games (01-05-2019) Book: Perfect 2017 , Table created - Scid vs PC

Sting sf 15 - chess engine UCI

Sting sf - UCI chess engine, Rating JCER=2924 Sting sf 15 download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Chess engine: Igel 1.6.0

Igel - UCI chess engine, Rating JCER=2475 Author : Volodymyr Shcherbyna (Fork of GreKo 2018.01) Igel 1.6.0 -  26-May-2019 - Re-write killer moves functionality and drop mate killers - Re-write move ordering and introduce counter move heuristics - Re-write LMR functionality: take into account 'improving' factor and prune more aggressively - Increase MAX_PLY to 128 from 64 - Use tt moves in qsearch as a first move Igel 1.6.0 - download

CyberPagno 3.0 wins Swiss Tournament 04 - chess engines JCER, edition XXIV, 2019.05.25 - 2019.05.26

Temp 3' + 3" : Intel Core i5-8250U 7,9 GB Mem , 96  Tournament games ,  GUI- Arena 3.5.1 ,   145.201 JCER games (01-05-2019) Book: Perfect 2017 , Table created - Scid vs PC

Chess engines update: Stp-Sug, M-Mb, Mc-Mz, Sb-Si, F-Fi, Fj-Fz, Ra-Roc, Wa-Wi, Wj-Wz, Ch, Z.

We are constantly adding new chess engines to our collection. This time we have completed a really large amount of packages with chess engines. These are: 117 chess engines the letter Stp-Sug - download 84 chess engines the letter Ma-Mb - download 99 chess engines the letter Mc-Mz - download 110 chess engines the letter Sb-Si - download 76 chess engines the letter F-Fi - download 86 chess engines the letter Fj-Fz - download 199 chess engines the letter Ra-Roc - download 53 chess engines the letter Wa-Wi - download 16 chess engines the letter Wj-Wz - download 98 chess engines the letter Ch - download 64 chess engines the letter Z - download Links to these engines can be found on the " download " page. We try to keep the links up to date, but if any link has expired, please let us know!

Rhetoric 1.4.3 wins Swiss Tournament 03 JCER, edition XXIV, 2019.05.24 - 2019.05.25

Temp 3' + 3" : Intel Core i7-4710MQ 7,9 GB Mem , 96  Tournament games ,  GUI-Fritz 15,   145.201 JCER games (01-05-2019) Book: Perfect 2017 , Table created - Scid vs PC All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Chess engines update: Da-Di, Ba-Bo, Ca-Cg, Rod-Rz, J, I, S-Sat, Ar-Az, Ga-Gh, Pa-Po, Pr-Pz.

142 chess engines the letter Da-Di - download 113 chess engines the letter Ba-Bo - download 66 chess engines the letter Ca-Cg - download 79 chess engines the letter Rod-Rz - download 56 chess engines the letter J - download 172 chess engines the letter I - download 50 chess engines the letter Sa-Sat - download 68 chess engines the letter Ar-Az - download 57 chess engines the letter Ga-Gh - download 93 chess engines the letter Pa-Po - download 53 chess engines the letter Pr-Pz - download

Stockfish wins the Computer Chess Championship

100x round-robin, Time control: 10+5 source 300 games download

Raubfisch X40b1 wins JCER Test new chess engines, 2019.05.20 - 2019.05.21

Temp 3' + 3" : Intel Core i5-8250U 7,9 GB Mem , 112  Tournament games ,  GUI-Fritz 15,   145.201 JCER games (01-05-2019) Book: Perfect 2017 , Table created - Scid vs PC All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Chess engine: Stockfish 19052509

Stockfish - UCI chess engine Interesting compiled by Joost VandeVondele  Remove one division. (#2158)  Can be included in the earlier calculation, with a small rounding difference.  passed STC:  LLR: 2.95 (-2.94,2.94) [-3.00,1.00]  Total: 17912 W: 4044 L: 3915 D: 9953 Elo +2.50 passed LTC:  LLR: 2.95 (-2.94,2.94) [-3.00,1.00]  Total: 56061 W: 9579 L: 9516 D: 36966 Elo +0.39 Rating JCER=3414 Stockfish 19052509 - download from the site

Pawny 1.2 wins Swiss Tournament 02 JCER, edition XXIV, 2019.05.23 - 2019.05.24

Temp 3' + 3" : Intel Core i7-4710MQ 7,9 GB Mem , 96  Tournament games ,  GUI-Fritz 15,   145.201 JCER games (01-05-2019) Book: Perfect 2017 , Table created - Scid vs PC All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Chess engine: CorChess 2019-05-17

CorChess is a clone of Stockfish maintained for better performance on long time controls, trying at least partially to fill the gap between regular tests and demands of correspondence players. Rating JCER=3342 CorChess 2019-05-17 - download from the site

Chess engine: Asymptote 0.6 (Windows, Mac and Linux)

Asymptote - UCI chess engine. Author M.Lupke Rating JCER=2324 Asymptote 0.6 - download from the site

Francesca 0.23 wins JCER Swiss 01 edition XXIV, 2019.05.21 - 2019.05.22

Temp 3' + 3" : Intel Core i7-4710MQ 7,9 GB Mem , 104  Tournament games ,  GUI- Arena 3.5.1 ,   145.201 JCER games (01-05-2019) Book: Perfect 2017 , Table created - Scid vs PC All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Chess engine: Raubfisch X40b2 and GTZ19b2

Raubfisch is an engine derived from Stockfish and Torpedo 1.1 XJR (private engine by Frank Karl Werner and Max Fehler) Rating JCER - 3376 Raubfisch X40b1 and GTZ19b1 - download from the site

Chess engine: asmFish 2019-05-20

asmFish - UCI chess engine  JCER Rating=3352 This project now uses the new assembler engine fasmg from Tomasz Grysztar. The includes in arm/includes/ or x86/include/ contain instruction and formatting macros for the four popular targets in the Building section. The hello world examples in these directories should provide enough to grasp the syntax. ⏭ asmFish 2019-05-20 - download from the site

Chess engine: Embla 2.0.6

Embla - UCI chess engine Author - Folkert van Heusden Rating JCER=1949   Embla 2.0.6 - download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Nemeton 1.81 - winboard chess engine. New version!

Nemeton - winboard chess engine,  Author - Stan Arts Rating JCER=2240 Nemeton 1.81 - download All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

Honeycomb 1.0 wins 3 League chess engines JCER, edition XXIV, 2019.05.19 - 2019.05.21

Temp 3' + 3" : Intel Core i5-8250U 7,9 GB Mem , 240  Tournament games ,  GUI-Fritz 15,   145.201 JCER games (01-05-2019) Book: Perfect 2017 , Table created - Scid vs PC All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

Only for donors added: 18 chess engines

18 chess engines added: asmFish 2019-05-18, Axolotl 1.8, BrainFish 190505, BrainFish 190508, BrainFish 190515, Celestial 1.0, CFish 110519, CorChess 040519, Francesca 0.23, Frankwalter 2.4.0, GearHeart 016, Igel 1.5.0, Igel 1.5.1, Minic 0.53, Raubfisch X40b1_and_GTZ19b1, Raven 0.30, Stockfish 19050918, Topple 0.6.0. more....

Chess engine: Frank-Walter 2.4

Frank-Walter winboard chess engine ( java) -  that requires java 8 or higher to work.  The engine can be started with the command: java -jar frankwalter.jar Author:  Laurens Winkelhagen, Rating JCER=2114 Frank-Walter 2.4 - download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Chess engine: asmFish 2019-05-18

asmFish - UCI chess engine  JCER Rating=3352 This project now uses the new assembler engine fasmg from Tomasz Grysztar. The includes in arm/includes/ or x86/include/ contain instruction and formatting macros for the four popular targets in the Building section. The hello world examples in these directories should provide enough to grasp the syntax. ⏭ asmFish 2019-05-18 - download All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

ChessBrainVB 3.72 wins 2 League chess engines JCER. edition XXIV, 2019.05.17 - 2019.05.19

Temp 3' + 3" : Intel Core i7-4710MQ 7,9 GB Mem , 240  Tournament games ,  GUI-Fritz 15,   145.201 JCER games (01-05-2019) Book: Perfect 2017 , Table created - Scid vs PC

Just Chess News: Kamil Dragun and Iweta Rajlich wins Polish Chess Championship 2019

PDF       Just Chess News

Chess engine: BrainFish 190515 and Cerebellum Light 190417

Brainfish - UCI chess engine, CEDR Rating=3382 From the author: Brainfish is a standard Stockfish chess engine extended by a general book format that is capable of handling a reduced part of Cerebellum, which is an innovative chess opening and playing book. In Brainfish, the book moves are only used in engine games, not in analysis mode. All moves in the published book Cerebellum_light.bin generated by Cerebellum were calculated by using Stockfish as analysis engine, without using statistics. Then those moves where recalulated by the Cerebellum Library using a graph algorithm that makes all scores in the library consistant. Consistant scores means for example, in case the starting position has a score of 0.2 and a best move is 1.e4, the position after 1.e4 must have the score -0.2. Additionally, some others properties are found, like the best main line of a position and possible Transitions. Hence, when Brainfish is playing moves that are in the Cerebellum book, it plays lik...

CFish 110519 wins JCER Test Tournament, 2019.05.15 - 2019.05.19

Temp 3' + 3" Intel Core i3-3217U CPU 3,9 GB Memory , Windows 10 x64 364 Tournament games , GUI- Arena 3.5.1 , 145.201 JCER games Book: Perfect 2017 ,  Table created: Scid vs PC All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page Best progress:  TomitankChess 3.0 +104

Chess engine: Cfish 2019-05-11

CFish - UCI chess engine, Rating JCER=3420 "CFish ,  a port of Stockfish written in plain C by Ronald de Man, first published on GitHub in July 2016. Possibly inspired by the asmFish project to speed up Stockfish using a programming language closer to the machine, the purpose of CFish is to explore possible optimization issues of C versus C++ compilers" [Chess Programming Wiki]. CFish 2019-05-11 - download from the site Edit on: 25.01.2025. Since the old links have long expired, all versions of the  Cfish  engine that we have (111 files) have been packed into one file today and are available for download.  Cfish - all versions download . If the link has expired, write to us at the email address:

SugaR 1.6.1 wins Best 6 chess engines JCER - Test Tournament, 2019.05.16 - 2019.05.17

Temp 3' + 3" : Intel Core i5-8250U 7,9 GB Mem , 90  Tournament games ,  GUI-Fritz 15,   145.201 JCER games (01-05-2019) Book: Perfect 2017 , Table created - Scid vs PC All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Chess engine: Topple 0.6.0

Topple - UCI chess engine.  Author- Vincent Tang, Rating JCER=2444 Topple progress Rating JCER: Topple 0.3.6 : 2444 Topple 0.3.5 : 2421 Topple 0.3.4 : 23446 Topple 0.3.3 : 2238 Topple 0.6.0 - download from the site

Chess engines: Axolotl 1.8

Though she be but little, she is fierce  UCI compliant chess engine written in Java. Can be played on the command line through the UCI protocol, but best connected to a GUI, such as Arena.  You will need the latest JRE 11 to run axolotl. Author: Louis James Mackenzie-Smith Axolotl 1.8 - download from the site

Corchess 040519 wins JCER Test new chess engines, 2019.05.06 - 2019.05.08

Temp 3' + 3" : Intel Core i5-8250U 7,9 GB Mem , 264  Tournament games ,  GUI- Arena 3.5.1 ,   145.201 JCER games (01-05-2019) Book: Perfect 2017 , Table created - Scid vs PC All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Critter 1.6a wins 1 League chess engines CEDR, edition XXIV. 2019.05.14 - 2019.05.17

Temp 3' + 3" : Intel Core i7-4710MQ 7,9 GB Mem , 240  Tournament games ,  GUI-Fritz 15,   145.201 JCER games (01-05-2019) Book: Perfect 2017 , Table created - Scid vs PC All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

Chess engine: Raubfisch X40b1 and GTZ19b1

Raubfisch is an engine derived from Stockfish and Torpedo 1.1 XJR (private engine by Frank Karl Werner and Max Fehler) Rating JCER - 3376 Raubfisch X40b1 and GTZ19b1 - download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Match Komodo 9.02 free - Komodo 10 free, 2019.05.13 - 2019.05.15

Komodo 9,02 and Komodo 10 -  are free versions of a commercial chess engine. Authors:  Don Dailey, Larry Kaufman, Mark Lefler Match conditions: Temp 3' + 3" : Intel Core i5-8250U 7,9 GB Mem , 120  Tournament games ,  GUI-Fritz 15,   145.201 JCER games (01-05-2019) Book: Perfect 2017 , Table created - Scid vs PC All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Raubfisch X40a2 wins Super League JCER edition XXIIII, 2019.05.12 - 2019.05.14

Temp 3' + 3" : Intel Core i7-4710MQ 7,9 GB Mem , 240  Tournament games ,  GUI- Arena 3.5.1 ,   145.201 JCER games (01-05-2019) Book: Perfect 2017 , Table created - Scid vs PC All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

BrainFish 190508 wins JCER Test new chess engines, 2019.05.12 - 2019.05.13

Temp 3' + 3" : Intel Core i5-8250U 7,9 GB Mem , 182  Tournament games,  GUI- Arena 3.5.1 ,   145.201 JCER games (01-05-2019) Book: Perfect 2017 , Table created - Scid vs PC All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

1st EU Chess 960 Individual Championship

1st EU Chess 960 Individual Championship ICCF Europa is delughted to announce new tournament at chess 960 - the  first EU Chess 960 Individual Championship. The tournament will be played by server and will be organized in three stages (might be in two stages depending from the number of the entries). The sections of the preliminary round will have 5 to 6 players (8 or 10 games) with 2 qualified for the next round. All sections will be with double round robin (players will have the same position with Black and White but all positions will defer from one opponent to another). Time control will be Triple Block (Duration of Tournament: 302 days, Initial Clock: 50 days, Initial Bank: 51 days, Increment: 1 day). The event will be rated for Chess 960 rating system. Entries Players may enter in the usual way through the ICCF Server Entry System. The closing of the registrations is 5th of June 2019. A player may apply for more than one preliminary section. Allocation of players...