
Showing posts from August, 2019

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Chess engine: CorChess 2019-08-30

CorChess is a clone of Stockfish maintained for better performance on long time controls, trying at least partially to fill the gap between regular tests and demands of correspondence players. Rating JCER=3343 CorChess 2019-08-30 - download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Asymptote 0.6.3 wins JCER Swiss 03 edition 26,2019.08.30 - 2019.08.31

Temp 3' + 3" : Intel Core i7-4710MQ 7,9 GB Mem ,  96  Tournament games ,  GUI-Fritz 15,    156.909 JCER games (01-05-2019)   Book:  Perfect 2018 ,  Table created -  Scid vs PC

Stockfish 19082110 wins Test new chess engines, 2019.08.22 - 2019.08.24

Temp 3' + 3" : Intel Core i7-4710MQ 7,9 GB Mem ,  480  Tournament games ,  GUI- Arena 3.5.1 ,    156.909 JCER games (01-05-2019)   Book:  Perfect 2018 ,  Table created -  Scid vs PC

Chess engine: BrainFish X 1.2 and Cerebellum Light 190804

Brainfish - UCI chess engine, CEDR Rating=3408 From the author: Brainfish is a standard Stockfish chess engine extended by a general book format that is capable of handling a reduced part of Cerebellum, which is an innovative chess opening and playing book. In Brainfish, the book moves are only used in engine games, not in analysis mode. All moves in the published book Cerebellum_light.bin generated by Cerebellum were calculated by using Stockfish as analysis engine, without using statistics. Then those moves where recalulated by the Cerebellum Library using a graph algorithm that makes all scores in the library consistant. Consistant scores means for example, in case the starting position has a score of 0.2 and a best move is 1.e4, the position after 1.e4 must have the score -0.2. Additionally, some others properties are found, like the best main line of a position and possible Transitions. Hence, when Brainfish is playing moves that are in the Cerebellum book, it plays lik...

Chess engine: Cfish 2019-08-28

CFish - UCI chess engine, Rating JCER=3421 "CFish ,  a port of Stockfish written in plain C by Ronald de Man, first published on GitHub in July 2016. Possibly inspired by the asmFish project to speed up Stockfish using a programming language closer to the machine, the purpose of CFish is to explore possible optimization issues of C versus C++ compilers" [Chess Programming Wiki]. All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page CFish 2019-08-28 - download Edit on: 25.01.2025. Since the old links have long expired, all versions of the  Cfish  engine that we have (111 files) have been packed into one file today and are available for download.  Cfish - all versions download . If the link has expired, write to us at the email address:

Chess engine: Defenchess 2.2

Defenchess - UCI chess engine Author: Can Cetin & Dogac Eldenk Defenchess 2.2 download All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

Chess engine: Mora 1.0.0 (Windows and Linux)

Mora - UCI chess engine Author - Gonzalo Arró  (Argentina) Mora 1.0.0 - download All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

K2 0.95 wins JCER Swiss 02 edition 26,2019.08.29 - 2019.08.30

Temp 3' + 3" : Intel Core i7-4710MQ 7,9 GB Mem , 96   Tournament games ,  GUI-Fritz 15,    156.909 JCER games (01-05-2019)   Book:  Perfect 2018 ,  Table created -  Scid vs PC

Chess engine: Raubfisch X41c_sl and GTZ20c_sl

Raubfisch is an engine derived from Stockfish and Torpedo 1.1 XJR (private engine by Frank Karl Werner and Max Fehler) Rating JCER - 3390 Raubfisch X41c_sl and GTZ20c_sl - download from the site

Chess engines: Axolotl 1.9

Though she be but little, she is fierce  UCI compliant chess engine written in Java. Can be played on the command line through the UCI protocol, but best connected to a GUI, such as Arena.  You will need the latest JRE 11 to run axolotl. Author: Louis James Mackenzie-Smith Axolotl 1.9 - download

Chess engine: Fabchess 1.10

Fabchess - UCI chess engine Author : Fabian von der Warth Fabchess 1.10 - download  All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Galjoen 0.40 - UCI chess engine

Galjoen - chess engines UCI, Author: Werner Taelemans Rating JCER = 2160 Galjoen JCER Rating progress: Galjoen 0.39.2 - 2160, Galjoen 0.38 - 2071, Galjoen 0.37.2 - 1982, Galjoen 0.36 - 1903, Galjoen 0.35.6 - 1855. Galjoen 0.40 - download from the site All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Ethereal 11.58 - strong UCI chess engine!

Ethereal - UCI chess engine, Author - Andy Grant Rating JCER=3134 Ethereal 11.58 - download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Rhetoric 1.4.3 x64 wins JCER Swiss01 edition 26, 2019.08.24 - 2019.08.25

Temp 3' + 3" : Intel Core i7-4710MQ 7,9 GB Mem ,  104  Tournament games ,  GUI-Fritz 15,    156.909 JCER games (01-05-2019)   Book:  Perfect 2018 ,  Table created -  Scid vs PC All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Chess engine: Raubfisch X41b4_sl and GTZ20b4_sl

Raubfisch is an engine derived from Stockfish and Torpedo 1.1 XJR (private engine by Frank Karl Werner and Max Fehler) Rating JCER - 3390 Raubfisch X41b4 and GTZ20b4 - download for the site

Atlas 3.91 wins 3 League JCER edition 26, 2019.08.22 - 2019.08.24

Temp 3' + 3" : Intel Core i5-8250U 7,9 GB Mem , 240  Tournament games ,  GUI-Fritz 15,   156.909 JCER games (01-05-2019) Book: Perfect 2018 , Table created - Scid vs PC All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Xiphos - Analysis of JCER rating progress

Progress Graph Version JCER Xiphos 0.5.4 3133 Xiphos 0.5.3 3067 Xiphos 0.5.2 3085 Xiphos 0.4.27 3120 Xiphos 0.4.24 3084 Xiphos 0.4.22 3033 Xiphos 0.4.20 3083 Xiphos 0.4.18 3073 Xiphos 0.4.14 3074 Xiphos 0.4.4 3047 Xiphos 0.4.2 3098 Xiphos 0.4 3074 Xiphos 0.3.18 2998 Xiphos 0.3.6 2992 Xiphos 0.3 2905 Xiphos 0.2.6 2876 Xiphos 0.2.5 2855 Xiphos 0.5.5 download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Chess engine: Reks ( Stockfish code)

Reks - BMI2  Stockfish code. Tuning by Eugeniusz (Poland)   Reks - download from the site

Chess engine: Eman 3.93

Eman - UCI Chess Engine (Stockfish variety) Eman 3.93 - download The link was removed due to an allegation by the Stockfish team of violating the GPL.

Bagatur 1.8 wins JCER Test new chess engines, 2019.08.14

Temp 3' + 3" : Intel Core i7-4710MQ 7,9 GB Mem , 120  Tournament games ,  GUI- Arena 3.5.1 ,   156.909 JCER games (01-05-2019) Book: Perfect 2018 , Table created - Scid vs PC All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

Chess engine: AcquaD 3.9.1

AcquaD  - UCI chess engine Author - Giovanni Di Maria Rating CEDR=1358 AcquaD 3.9.1 - download All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page We have stopped posting files on Shortest. Currently, you can find the current links on the DOWNLOAD page. Most of them are placed on Katfile servers. If you do not want to wait long with the download, you can support our work and become a donor. As a thank you, we provide you with a link to the MEGA drive, where you can download the engines and other files without waiting. More information can be found on the DONORS page.

Chess engine: Jacksprat 1.0

Jacksprat - winboard chess engine Rating JCER=1298 Author : Joshua Scholar Winboard chess engine written in C++ in a single file. Jacksprat 1.0  - download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Only for donors added: 24 chess engines and 1 book

24 chess engines: AcquaD 3.8.5, AdaChess 3.6, Bagatur 1.8, BrainFish 190804, Cfish 040819, Chess22k 1.13, Dimitri 5.10, Durandal 0.0.2, Durandal 0.0.3, FabChess 1.9.1, Francesca 0.25, Googleplex Starthinker 1.6, Igel 1.8.3, Jumbo 0.7.0, Koedem 1.1.1, Micah 0.10, Raubfisch X41b_(sl)_and_GTZ20b_(sl), Raubfisch X41b1_(sl)_and_GTZ20b1_(sl), Raubfisch X41b2_(sl)_and_GTZ20b2_(sl), Raven 0.50, Stockfish 19073109, Stockfish 19082110, SugaR NN 31.07.2019, Xiphos 0.5.5. Book: Cerebellum_light 190804.

Chess engine: Stockfish 19082110

Stockfish - UCI chess engine Interesting compiled by Vizvezdenec Late move reduction, captures and CUT nodes  Expand of Stefan Geschwentner's original idea: we always do LMR for captures at cutnodes.  Passed STC  LLR: 2.96 (-2.94,2.94) [0.50,4.50]  Total: 36026 W: 8122 L: 7779 D: 20125 Elo +3.31 Passed LTC  LLR: 3.22 (-2.94,2.94) [0.00,3.50]  Total: 133502 W: 22508 L: 21943 D: 89051 Elo +1.47 Rating JCER=3398 Stockfish 19082110 - download from the site

Chess engine: Raubfisch X41b2_sl and GTZ20b2_sl

Raubfisch is an engine derived from Stockfish and Torpedo 1.1 XJR (private engine by Frank Karl Werner and Max Fehler) Rating JCER - 3390 Raubfisch X41b2_sl and GTZ20b2_sl - download from the site

Chess engine: Xiphos 0.5.5

Xiphos - UCI chess engine Rating JCER=3133, Author: Milos Tatarevic This project is inspired by Garry Kasparov's "Deep Thinking: Where Machine Intelligence Ends and Human Creativity Begins." This fantastic book has evoked my childhood passion, computer chess. I was wondering how hard it could be to develop an engine strong enough to suppress the legendary Deep Blue, so I gave it a try. Xiphos 0.5.5 - download from the site

Chess engine: Dimitri 5.10

Dimitri - winboard chess engine Homepage  Author - Luigino Viscione,  JCER rating=2316 Dimitri 5.10 - download  All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

Roc 1.0 wins JCER Test Tournament, 2019.08.12 - 2019.08.14

All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page Temp 3' + 3" : Intel Core i7-4710MQ 7,9 GB Mem , 168  Tournament games ,  GUI- Arena 3.5.1 ,   156.909 JCER games (01-05-2019) Book: Perfect 2018 , Table created - Scid vs PC

Chess engine: Googleplex Starthinker 1.6

Googleplex Starthinker - UCI chess engine, Author - Tsoj Tsoj Googleplex Starthinker 1.6 - download  All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Chess engine: Raven 0.50

Raven is a chess engine written in C that uses the UCI protocol. New features: - Various minor speed ups, -  Faster move sorting by using selection sort instead of bubble sort, -  More eval terms, -  History pruning, -  Probcut, -  Static null move (reverse futility) pruning, -  Separate movegen for qsearch for faster movegen, -  Null move pruning, -  Internal iterative deepening, -  Transposition table in qsearch, -  Time extensions/reductions. Raven 0.50 download from the site

Nemorino 5.13 wins 2 League JCER edition 26, 2019.08.12 - 2019.08.14

Temp 3' + 3" : Intel Core i5-8250U 7,9 GB Mem , 240  Tournament games ,  GUI- Arena 3.5.1 ,   156.909 JCER games (01-05-2019) Book: Perfect 2018 , Table created - Scid vs PC All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

Ethereal 11.56 wins JCER Test Tournament 2019.08.11 - 2019.08.12

Temp 3' + 3" : Intel Core i7-4710MQ 7,9 GB Mem , 60  Tournament games ,  GUI- Arena 3.5.1 ,   156.909 JCER games (01-05-2019) Book: Perfect 2018 , Table created - Scid vs PC

Adachess 3.6 - winboard chess engine

Adachess  - winboard chess engine Author -  Alessandro Iavicoli Rating CEDR=1633 ⏩  Adachess 3.6 download from the site We have stopped posting files on Shortest. Currently, you can find the current links on the DOWNLOAD page. Most of them are placed on Katfile servers. If you do not want to wait long with the download, you can support our work and become a donor. As a thank you, we provide you with a link to the MEGA drive, where you can download the engines and other files without waiting. More information can be found on the DONORS page.

RofChade 2.1 wins 1 League JCER edition 26, 2019.08.08 - 2019.08.10

Temp 3' + 3" : Intel Core i5-8250U 7,9 GB Mem , 240  Tournament games ,  GUI- Arena 3.5.1 ,   156.909 JCER games (01-05-2019) Book: Perfect 2018 , Table created - Scid vs PC All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Chess engine: Durandal 0.0.3 (only x32)

Durandal - UCI chess engine Author: Roland Chastain Durandal 0.0.3 download All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

Raubfisch X41b1_sl wins Super League JCER edition 26, 2019.08.07 - 2019.08.09

Temp 3' + 3" : Intel Core i7-4710MQ 7,9 GB Mem , 240  Tournament games ,  GUI-Fritz 15,   156.909 JCER games (01-05-2019) Book: Perfect 2018 , Table created - Scid vs PC All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Today start Super League Chess Engines JCER - edition 26

Good News! Today start:   Super League Chess Engines JCER - edition 26 . GUI - Fritz 15, Temp 3' + 3" Engines: Komodo 10 (free) Raubfisch X41b1 SugaR NN 310719 Stockfish 2019073109 Xiphos 0.5.4 Fizbo 2 Andscacs 0.95092 Roc 1.0 Fire 7.1 Booot 6.3.1 Gull 3.1 JV Ethereal 11.56 Strelka 6 x32 Equinox 3.30 Schooner 2.1 Laser 1.7 More

Chess engine: Fabchess 1.9.1

Fabchess - UCI chess engine Author : Fabian von der Warth Fabchess 1.9.1 - download  All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Stockfish 19073109 wins Top Tournament, 2019.08.05 - 2019.08.07

Temp 3' + 3" : Intel Core i7-4710MQ 7,9 GB Mem , 120  Tournament games ,  GUI- Arena 3.5.1 ,   156.909 JCER games (01-05-2019) Book: Perfect 2018 , Table created - Scid vs PC