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Today start League A (Professional Leagues edition 28)

Today start 1 League JCER edition 28

New rating JCER 01-10-2019

SugaR NN 2019-09-18 wins JCER Test New Chess Engines, 2019.09.27 - 2019.09.30

Jurek Chess Engines Rating Cup 2019 Match Xiphos-Roc 4,5:3,5

Chess engine: Stockfish 19092712

Jurek Chess Engines Rating Cup 2019 Match Sugar-Equinox 5,5:0,5

Chess engine: BrainLearn 5.2 X.

Just Chess News: WIM Terbe Julianna wins I Master Woman Chess Tournament (Fuerteventura 2019)

Jurek Chess Engines Rating Cup 2019 Match Fire-Gull 3,5:2,5

Chess engine: BrainLearn 5.1 X.

StockfishTS 26-09-2019

Chess engine: Mint 1.1

Raubfisch ME262 GTZ20c2_sl. wins JCER Test New Chess Engines, 2019.09.21 - 2019.09.27

Chess engine: BrainLearn 4.3.3 X.

Chess engine: asmFish 2019-09-27