
Showing posts from September, 2019

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Today start League A (Professional Leagues edition 28)

League A 1 Arminius 2018-12-23 2 Monolith 1.02 3 Donna 4.1 4 Ruydos 1.1.10 5 Octochess r7533 DC 6 Rhetoric 1.4.3 7 Glass 2 8 Wyldchess 1.51 9 K2 0.95 10 Rodin 8.0 11 Asymptote 0.6.3 12 Scorpio 2.89 mcts 13 Pawny 1.2 14 Phalanx XXV x32 15 Fridolin 3.1 16 Maxima2 2.0.0 r395 17 EXchess 7.97b 18 Tucano 7.07 TCEC 19 Bagatur 1.8a 20 Delocto 0.6 New rules - from the 28 edition (01-10-2019) 1. League: Champions leagues : 1 League, 2 League, 3 League, 4 League. Professional Leagues : League A, League B, League C, League D. Amateur Leagues : League A1, League A2, League A3, League A4. 2. GUI: Fritz 15 or Arena 3.5.1 3. Temp - 3' + 3" 

Today start 1 League JCER edition 28

1 League Komodo 10 (free) Raubfisch GTZ20c2_sl SugaR NN 18092019 Stockfish 19092712 Xiphos 0.5.6 Fizbo 2 Andscacs 0.95092 Strelka 6 x32 Fire 7.1 Booot 6.3.1 Gull 3.1 JV Ethereal 11.58 Rofchade 2.202 Houdini 1.5a Schooner 2.1 Laser 1.7 New rules - from the 28 edition ( 01-10-2019 ) 1.  League: Champions leagues : 1 League, 2 League, 3 League, 4 League. Professional Leagues : League A, League B, League C, League D. Amateur Leagues : League A1,  League A2,  League A3,  League A4. 2. GUI: Fritz 15 or Arena 3.5.1 3.  Temp - 3' + 3"

New rating JCER 01-10-2019

164.044 games download       PDF file

SugaR NN 2019-09-18 wins JCER Test New Chess Engines, 2019.09.27 - 2019.09.30

Temp 3' + 3" : Intel Core i7-4710MQ 7,9 GB Mem , 306  Tournament games ,  GUI- Arena 3.5.1 ,    160.009 JCER games (01-09-2019)   Book:  Perfect 2018 ,  Table created -  Scid vs PC All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Jurek Chess Engines Rating Cup 2019 Match Xiphos-Roc 4,5:3,5

Temp 60' + 10", 2019.09.08, GUI-Fritz 15, book: Perfect 2018 All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page P Engine Score 12345678 +/-/= 1: Xiphos 0.5.6 4.5 / 8 =======1 (+1 -0 =7) 2: Roc 1 3.5 / 8 =======0 (+0 -1 =7) Games (only effective): Partia mi si� podoba�a (Fritz 15) [Event "2019.09.29.JCERCup.m22, Klasyczne 60m+1"] [Site "?"] [Date "2019.09.30"] [Round "1.9"] [White "Xiphos 0.5.6 SSE"] [Black "Roc 2019Jan 1"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "D27"] [Annotator "0.21;0.24"] [PlyCount "191"] [EventDate "2019.09.29"] [SourceTitle "Fritz Engine Tournament"] [Source "Doe"] [TimeControl "3600+10"] {Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8250U CPU @ 1.60GHz 1800 MHz W=30.7 plies; 2 054kN/s; Perfect2018.ctg B=21.4 plies; 5 600kN/s; Perfect2018.ctg} 1. d4 {[%eval 0,0] [%emt 0:00:00]} Nf6 {[%eval 0,0]...

Chess engine: Stockfish 19092712

Stockfish - UCI chess engine Interesting compiled by 31m059 Extend castling independently of singular extension  A curious feature of Stockfish's current extension code is its repeated  use of "else if." In most cases, this makes no functional difference,  because no more than one extension is applied; once one extension has  been applied, the remaining ones can be safely ignored.  However, if most singular extension search conditions are true, except  "value < singularBeta", no non-singular extensions (e.g., castling) can  be performed!  Three tests were submitted, for three of Stockfish's four non-singular  extensions. I excluded the shuffle extension, because historically there  have been concerns about the fragility of its conditions, and I did not  want to risk causing any serious search problems.  - Modifying the passed pawn extension appeared roughly neutral at STC. At  best, it appeared to be ...

Jurek Chess Engines Rating Cup 2019 Match Sugar-Equinox 5,5:0,5

Temp 60' + 10", 2019.09.08, GUI-Fritz 15,  book: Perfect 2018 All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page P Engine Score 123456 +/-/= 1: SugaR NN 010919 5.5 / 6 11111= (+5 -0 =1) 2: Equinox 3.30 0.5 / 6 00000= (+0 -5 =1) Games (only effective): Partia mi si� podoba�a (Fritz 15) [Event "2019.09.28.JCERCup.m21, Klasyczne 60m+1"] [Site "?"] [Date "2019.09.28"] [Round "1.1"] [White "SugaR-NN 010919 64 POPCNT"] [Black "Equinox 3.30 x64mp"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "D58"] [Annotator "0.13;0.05"] [PlyCount "103"] [EventDate "2019.09.28"] [EventType "k.o."] [SourceTitle "Fritz Engine Tournament"] [Source "Doe"] [TimeControl "3600+10"] {Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8250U CPU @ 1.60GHz 1800 MHz W=32.9 plies; 5 797kN/s; Perfect2018.ctg B=24.9 plies; 5 755kN/s; Perfect2018.ctg...

Chess engine: BrainLearn 5.2 X.

BrainLearn - UCI chess engine BrainLearn 5.2 - download Te i inne silniki, jak również partie, tabele oraz książki debiutowe są do pobrania ze strony download na blogu Chess Engines Diary. Pliki są posortowane według alfabetu i spakowane w paczki.

Just Chess News: WIM Terbe Julianna wins I Master Woman Chess Tournament (Fuerteventura 2019)

Julianna Terbe ,  Woman Intl. Master Federation - H ungary Born -  1997  (Age 22) PDF file

Jurek Chess Engines Rating Cup 2019 Match Fire-Gull 3,5:2,5

Temp 60' + 10", 2019.09.08, GUI-Fritz 15 book: Perfect 2018 All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page P Engine Score 123456 +/-/= 1: Fire 7.1 x64 popcnt 3.5 / 6 ===1== (+1 -0 =5) 2: Gull 3 x64 2.5 / 6 ===0== (+0 -1 =5) Games (only effective): Partia mi si� podoba�a (Fritz 15) [Event "2019.09.27.JCERCup.m20, Klasyczne 60m+1"] [Site "?"] [Date "2019.09.27"] [Round "1.4"] [White "Gull 3 x64"] [Black "Fire 7.1 x64 popcnt"] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "B66"] [Annotator "0.46;0.33"] [PlyCount "120"] [EventDate "2019.09.27"] [EventType "k.o."] [SourceTitle "Fritz Engine Tournament"] [Source "Doe"] [TimeControl "3600+10"] {Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8250U CPU @ 1.60GHz 1800 MHz W=19.5 plies; 4 557kN/s; Perfect2018.ctg B=19.8 plies; 996kN/s; Perfect2018.ctg} 1. e4 {[%...

Chess engine: BrainLearn 5.1 X.

BrainLearn - UCI chess engine BrainLearn 5.1 - download from the site

StockfishTS 26-09-2019

StockfishTS 26-09-2019 download

Chess engine: Mint 1.1

Rating CEDR=3628 Mint, Stockfish derivatives Mint 1.1 download

Raubfisch ME262 GTZ20c2_sl. wins JCER Test New Chess Engines, 2019.09.21 - 2019.09.27

Temp 3' + 3" : Intel Core i7-4710MQ 7,9 GB Mem ,  760  Tournament games ,  GUI- Arena 3.5.1 ,    160.009 JCER games (01-09-2019)   Book:  Perfect 2018 ,  Table created -  Scid vs PC All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Chess engine: BrainLearn 4.3.3 X.

BrainLearn - UCI chess engine BrainLearn 4.3.3 - download from the site Te i inne silniki, jak również partie, tabele oraz książki debiutowe są do pobrania ze strony download na blogu Chess Engines Diary. Pliki są posortowane według alfabetu i spakowane w paczki.

Chess engine: asmFish 2019-09-27

asmFish - UCI chess engine  JCER Rating=3346 This project now uses the new assembler engine fasmg from Tomasz Grysztar. The includes in arm/includes/ or x86/include/ contain instruction and formatting macros for the four popular targets in the Building section. The hello world examples in these directories should provide enough to grasp the syntax. ⏭ asmFish 2019-09-27 - download from the site