
Showing posts from January, 2020

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Chess engines update: letter Pr-Pz 54 engines

54 chess engines letter Pr-Pz download

Chess engines update: letter Ea-Es 66 engines

66 chess engines letter Ea-Es download

Chess engines update: letter Sj-Sto 169 engines

169 chess engines letter Sj-Sto download

PeperX 1.2 wins Test New Chess Engines, 2020.01.29 - 2020.01.30

All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page 132 games download Temp : 3' + 3", I ntel Core i5-8250U CPU @ 1.60GHz z 7,9 GB System: Windows 10 64 bit,  Table created: Scid vs PC  GUI - Arena 3.5.1

MagnumChess 4.00 wins League E, JCER edition 30, 2020.01.27 - 2020.01.30

MagnumChess 4.00, Philou 3.71  and Olithink 5.3.3  promotion to League D. Jonte 0.25 , Moron 1.0  and Amaterasu r22  relegation to League F. 380 games download Temp 3' + 3",  Hardware: Intel Core i7-4710MQ CPU @ 2.50GHz  7,9 GB   Table created with: Scid vs PC, GUI - Arena 3.5.1 All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Jonny 4.00 wins League D JCER edition 30, 2020.01.26 - 2020.01.29

Jonny 4.00, N2  and Chronos 1.9.9  promotion to League C. Cassandre 0.26 , Calculon r258  and Chessputer r7  relegation to League E. All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page Temp Comp GUI Book 3' + 3" Intel Core i5 7,9 GB Mem Arena 3.5.1 Perfect 2019 Table created Tournament games JCER games (01-01-2020) Other Scid vs PC 380 games 59.903 games

CorChess 5.1 2020-01-25 wins JCER - tournament organized by Oscar Franco Quintanilla (Peru), 2020.01.26 - 27

JCER organized by:  Oscar Franco Quintanilla . RoundRobin System - 120 Games download . Temp: 3min + 2sec Increment. Opening Book: Without opening book. Book of Finals: Without Book of Finals. GUI: Arena 3.5.1 Table generated: Scid vs PC . Comp: i7 6700 at 3.8ghz. 8GB RAM - GTX 1060 - Asus board. Operating System: Windows 10 professional 64 Bits. If you want the results of your chess engine tournament to be on our website - write to us, we will give you the conditions

Chess engine: Stockfish 20012816

Stockfish - UCI chess engine,  compiled by  Guenther Demetz Timestamp: 1580225336 More bonus for bestMoves on past PV nodes It looks like it is important to keep past PV (ttPv) nodes as close as possible to current PV nodes. Credits to Mark Tenzer (31m059) & Stefan Geschwentner who first tried ideas on ttPv nodes. LLR: 2.95 (-2.94,2.94) {-1.00,3.00} Total: 13302 W: 2647 L: 2507 D: 8148 Elo +3.66 Ptnml(0-2): 237, 1540, 2956, 1632, 260 LLR: 2.95 (-2.94,2.94) {0.00,2.00} Total: 15797 W: 2137 L: 1960 D: 11700 Elo +3.89 Ptnml(0-2): 96, 1443, 4628, 1547, 130 bench: 5545845 Rating JCER=3344 Stockfish 20012816   - download

Chess engine: Hopeless

Hopeless - w inboard chess engine Author: Pawel Koziol Hopeless download All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

Chess engine: Durandal 0.0.5 (only x32)

Durandal - UCI chess engine,  Rating JCER=2226 Author: Roland Chastain Durandal 0.0.5 download All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

Chess engine: Foxsee 1.0.1

FoxSEE - UCI chess engine Author: Zixiao Han New: Added support for Fischer TC Enabled PV search Reduce depth on obvious bad branches FoxSEE 1.0.1 download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Chess engine: Stockfish 20012810

Stockfish - UCI chess engine,  compiled by  31m059 Timestamp: 1580203885 Less NMP if the position was previously in PV. The intention of the patch is to avoid aggressive null move pruning (NMP)  in positions that have previously been found to be important (PV nodes). If we already do not apply NMP for current PV nodes, it makes sense to apply  it less often for positions that have previously been PV nodes too. STC: LLR: 2.96 (-2.94,2.94) {-1.00,3.00} Total: 14959 W: 2921 L: 2782 D: 9256 Elo +3.23 Ptnml(0-2): 254, 1679, 3493, 1762, 282 LTC: LLR: 2.95 (-2.94,2.94) {0.00,2.00} Total: 6442 W: 899 L: 753 D: 4790 Elo +7.88 Ptnml(0-2): 42, 549, 1885, 659, 61 Bench: 4725546 Rating JCER=3344 Stockfish 20012810   - download

Ethereal 11.86 - strong UCI chess engine!

Ethereal - UCI chess engine, Author - Andy Grant Rating JCER=3090 Ethereal 11.86 - download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Naum 4.6 wins 8 League JCER edition 30, 2020.01.24 - 2020.01.27

Naum 4.6, Raven 0.70  and Mochachess rev25  promotion to 7 League.  Monik 2.2.7, Zetadva 0310  and Sophy rev7  relegation to League A. All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page Temp Comp GUI Book 3' + 3" Intel Core i5 7,9 GB Mem Arena 3.5.1 Perfect 2019 Table created Tournament games JCER games (01-01-2020) Other Scid vs PC 380 games 59.903 games

Chess engines update: letter Ba-Bg 27 engines

27 Chess engines letter Ba-Bg download

Chess engines update: letter Na-Ne 106 engines

106 Chess engines Na-Ne download

Chess engines update: letter Ca-Cg 95 engines

95 Chess engines letter Ca-Cg download

Chess engines update: letter Arb-Az 60 engines

60 Chess engines letter Arb-Az download

Chess engines update: letter Ar-Ara 20 engines

20 Chess engines letter Ar-Ara download

Chess engines update: letter V 67 engines

67 Chess engines letter V

Chess engines update: letter Ga - Gh 59 engines

59 Chess engines letter Ga - Gh download  

Chess engines update: letter Wa - Wi 57 engines

57 engines  letter Wa - Wi download

Stockfish 230120 wins JCER Swiss Tournament, 2020.01.26 - 2020.01.27

Temp Comp GUI Book 3' + 3" Intel Core i5 7,9 GB Mem Fritz 17 Perfect 2019 Table created Tournament games JCER games (01-01-2020) Other Scid vs PC 81 games 59.903 games

Chess engine: Gray Matter Revision 15.21

Gray Matter - windows chess engine Gray Matter Revision 15.21 download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

SugaR NN 2020-01-26 - very strong chess engine!

Sugar - UCI chess engine, Author - Marco Zerbinati  Rating JCER=3261 SugaR NN 2020-01-26  - download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Chess engine: Stockfish Polyglot 11

Stockfish - UCI chess engine INTRODUCTION: Stockfish Polyglot is the same Stockfish with the ability to read Polyglot books (.bin format). This chess engine can read up to four Polyglot books. Rating JCER=3344 Stockfish Polyglot 11 - download

Chess engine: PeperX 1.2

Peper  - UCI chess engine (Stockfish derivative) PeperX 1.2 download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Honey XR7 more JCER Swiss Tournament, 2020.01.25 - 2020.01.26

All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page Temp Comp GUI Book 3' + 3" Intel Core i5 7,9 GB Mem Fritz 17 Perfect 2019 Table created Tournament games JCER games (01-01-2020) Other Scid vs PC 81 games 59.903 games

Chess engine: CorChess 2020-01-25

CorChess is a clone of Stockfish maintained for better performance on long time controls, trying at least partially to fill the gap between regular tests and demands of correspondence players. Rating JCER= 3242 CorChess 2020-01-25 - download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Chess engine: BrainFish 20200124 and Cerebellum Light 190804

Brainfish - UCI chess engine, CEDR Rating=3262 From the author: Brainfish is a standard Stockfish chess engine extended by a general book format that is capable of handling a reduced part of Cerebellum, which is an innovative chess opening and playing book. In Brainfish, the book moves are only used in engine games, not in analysis mode. All moves in the published book Cerebellum_light.bin generated by Cerebellum were calculated by using Stockfish as analysis engine, without using statistics. Then those moves where recalulated by the Cerebellum Library using a graph algorithm that makes all scores in the library consistant. Consistant scores means for example, in case the starting position has a score of 0.2 and a best move is 1.e4, the position after 1.e4 must have the score -0.2. Additionally, some others properties are found, like the best main line of a position and possible Transitions. Hence, when Brainfish is playing moves that are in the Cerebellum book, it plays lik...

Chess engine: Stockfish 20012319 Stefan Geschwentner

Stockfish - UCI chess engine,  compiled by  Stefan Geschwentner Timestamp: 1579803168 History update for pruned captures Use a SEE pruned capture move for history updates: this patch collects  pruned capture moves also in the failed captures list, so that they get  an update in capture history. STC: LLR: 2.95 (-2.94,2.94) {-1.00,3.00} Total: 11124 W: 2222 L: 2089 D: 6813 Elo +4.15 Ptnml(0-2): 186, 1280, 2506, 1381, 200 LTC: LLR: 2.94 (-2.94,2.94) {0.00,2.00} Total: 25552 W: 3418 L: 3211 D: 18923 Elo +2.81 Ptnml(0-2): 168, 2354, 7538, 2490, 200 Bench: 4810202 Rating JCER=3344 Stockfish 20012319   Stefan Geschwentner  - download

Arasan 22 wins Cutechess Tournament.23.01.2020

All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page Temp Comp GUI Book 3' + 3" Intel Core i5 7,9 GB Mem Cutechess Perfect 2019 Table created Tournament games JCER games (01-01-2020) Other Scid vs PC 12 games 59.903 games

Chess engine: Stockfish 20012319

Stockfish - UCI chess engine,  compiled by  Vizvezdenec Timestamp: 1579802605 Tweak trapped rook penalty This patch greatly increases the endgame penalty for having a trapped rook.  Idea was a result of witnessing Stockfish losing some games at CCCC exchanging  pieces in the position with a trapped rook which directly lead to a lost endgame.  This patch should partially fix such behavior making this penalty high even in  deep endgames. Passed STC LLR: 2.94 (-2.94,2.94) {-1.00,3.00} Total: 8528 W: 1706 L: 1588 D: 5234 Elo +4.81 Ptnml(0-2): 133, 957, 1985, 1024, 159 Passed LTC LLR: 2.95 (-2.94,2.94) {0.00,2.00} Total: 88713 W: 11520 L: 11130 D: 66063 Elo +1.53 Ptnml(0-2): 646, 8170, 26342, 8492, 676 Bench: 4964462 Rating JCER=3344 Stockfish 20012319   - download

Alfil 15.8 wins 7 League JCER edition 30, 2020.01.21 - 2020.01.24

Alfil 15.8, Invictus.r305  and Danasah 8.30  promotion to 6 League.  TinyChess 1.46, NGplay 9.87b  and Mora 1.1.0  relegation to 8 League. All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page Temp Comp GUI Book 3' + 3" Intel Core i7 7,9 GB Mem Arena 3.5.1 Perfect 2019 Table created Tournament games JCER games (01-01-2020) Other Scid vs PC 380 games 59.903 games

Chess engine: Stockfish 20012318 Stefan Geschwentner

Stockfish - UCI chess engine,  compiled by  Stefan Geschwentner Timestamp: 1579802030 Less reduction for escape moves at ttPv nodes At expected PV nodes or nodes which marked as PV node in the hash table,  reduce escape moves even one ply less. STC: LLR: 2.94 (-2.94,2.94) {-1.00,3.00} Total: 31795 W: 6140 L: 5953 D: 19702 Elo +2.04 Ptnml(0-2): 525, 3625, 7455, 3695, 583 LTC: LLR: 2.94 (-2.94,2.94) {0.00,2.00} Total: 43975 W: 5708 L: 5454 D: 32813 Elo +2.01 Ptnml(0-2): 314, 4012, 13070, 4242, 325 Bench: 4475583 Rating JCER=3344 Stockfish 20012318   Stefan Geschwentner  - download

Chess engine: TomitankChess 4.0

TomitankChess  - JavaScript Chess Engine (UCI) Author - Tamás Kuzmics Rating JCER=2809 TomitankChess (with node.js) run in Arena, in WinBoard and in Cutechess as well. - Example for Arena GUI with node.js   + Comand line: direct acces to node.exe (C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe)   + Command line parameters: direct acces to tomitankChess.js (C:\Program Files\nodejs\tomitankChessUCI.js) TomitankChess 4.0 - download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Chess engine: Stockfish 20012318

Stockfish - UCI chess engine,  compiled by  Guenther Demetz Timestamp: 1579801427 Use (strict) greater-than-operator for 'improving' Currently on a normal bench run in ~0,7% of cases 'improving' is set to  true although the static eval isn't improving at all, just keeping  equal. It looks like the strict gt-operator is more appropriate here,  since it returns to 'improving' its literal meaning without sideffects. STC {-1.00,3.00} failed yellow: LLR: -2.93 (-2.94,2.94) {-1.00,3.00} Total: 53155 W: 10170 L: 10109 D: 32876 Elo +0.40 Ptnml(0-2): 863, 6282, 12251, 6283, 892 LLR: 2.98 (-2.94,2.94) {-1.50,0.50} Total: 23961 W: 3114 L: 3018 D: 17829 Elo +1.39 Ptnml(0-2): 163, 2220, 7114, 2298, 170 bench: 4561386 Rating JCER=3344 Stockfish 20012318   - download