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Chess engine: Stockfish 20092822 and NNUE

Stockfish 270920 NNUE wins 1 League JCER edition 38, 2020.09.28 - 2020.09.30

Chess engines update: letter X ( 39 engines)

Chess engines update: letter Mc-Mz ( 146 engines)

Chess engines update: letter Ma-Mb ( 93 engines)

Only for donors added: 17 chess engines and 3 book

Chess engine: Cfish 2020-09-28 and NNUE

New chess opening book: New-A28 (ctg)

Chess engine: Stockfish 20092816 and NNUE

Chess engine: Cfish 200928 for Android

Chess engine: Lc0 0.26.3-rc1 (Windows and Android)

Chess engine: Nemorino 6.00 and NNUE

Chess engine: Beef 0.3.6

Chess engine: Stockfish 20092708 and NNUE

Today start: JCER League - TOP 64 chess engines edition 01/2020

Chess engine: OliThink 5.8.1 (Windows, Linux and Mac)

JCER 2020 Cup - Group No.3 after 53 game

Chess engine: Stockfish 20092517 and NNUE

Chess engine: Stockfish 20092222 and NNUE

New chess opening book: Solista BIG (ctg)

Chess engine: Minic 2.50 (Windows, Android and Linux)

JCER 2020 Cup - Group No.3 after 39 game

JCER 2020 Cup - Group No.3 after 24 game

Chess engine: Cfish 2020-09-23 and NNUE (Windows, Linux and Android)

Chess engine: Supernova 1.4.0

Chess engine: Halogen 7.0 and NNUE

Raubfisch X43c NNUE wins JCER 2020 Cup - Group No.2

Fisherov 0.92 NNUE wins JCER - Fritz Tournament (Test new chess engines), 2020.09.19 - 2020.09.22

Chess engine: Stockfish 20092108 and NNUE

Cfish 150920 NNUE wins JCER - Fritz Tournament (Test new engines) 2020.09.18 - 2020.09.19

Chess engine: Stockfish 20091707 and NNUE

New chess opening book: Eman (bin)

Chess engine: Cfish NNUE 2020-09-20

Chess engine: OliThink 5.8.0 (Windows, Linux and Mac)

Chess engine: CorChess 1.3 NNUE

Chess engines update: letter Fj-Fz ( 128 engines)

Chess engines update: letter Fa-Fi ( 91 engines)

Only for donors added: 29 chess engines and 1 book

New chess engine: Fisherov 0.92 NNUE (modifications to the Stockfish)

Stockfish 12 wins JCER Fritz Tournament (Test new engines) 2020.09.13 - 2020.09.15

Chess engine: Supernova 1.3.5

Chess engine: Stockfish 20091717 and NNUE

Chess engine: Cfish NNUE 2020-09-15