
Showing posts from August, 2012

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Test match Umko - Nemo 31.08.2012

Match Umko 1.2 Nemo 1.0b 31.08.2012 P Engin Score Um Ne 1 Umko 1.2 64bit 6,0/10 ### 1½½½½11100 2 Nemo 1.0beta 64bitn 4,0/10 0½½½½00011 ### Temp :  Blitz 3/0  System:  Windows 7 64 bit  book:  Perfect 2012 Games (PGN) download   Table created:   Arena 3.0 All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

Test match Umko 1.2 - Mephisto Gideon

Match Umko1.2 - Mephisto Gideon 30.08.2012 P Engines Score Um Me 1 Umko 1.2 64bit 8,0/10 *** 1010111111 2 Mephisto Gideon 2,0/10 0101000000 *** Temp :  Blitz 3/0  System:  Windows 7 64 bit  book:  Perfect 2012 Games (PGN) download   Table created:   Arena 3.0 All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Test match EXchess 6.50b - Umko 1.2

Mecz Umko 1.2 - EXchess 6.50b 30.08.2012 P Engin Score Um EX 1 Umko 1.2 64bit 9,0/10 *** 1101111111 2 EXchess 6.50b x64 1,0/10 0010000000 *** Temp :  Blitz 3/0  System:  Windows 7 64 bit  book:  Perfect 2012 Games (PGN) download   Table created:   Arena 3.0 All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Test match Umko 1.2 - Dabbaba 6.52

Match Umko 1.2 - Dabbaba 6.52 30.08.2012 P Engin Score Um Da 1 Umko 1.2 64bit 10,0/10 · ·· ·· ·· ·· 1111111111 2 Dabbaba 6.52 0,0/10 0000000000 · ·· ·· ·· ·· Temp : Blitz 3/0 System: Windows 7 64 bit  book: Perfect 2012 Games (PGN) download   Table created: Arena 3.0 All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

Soldat3 0.159c - winboard engines. New version 29.08.2012

Soldat3 0.159c - winboard engines Author - Marco Giusfredi Soldat3 0.159c download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Match Houdini 1.03a - DeepRybka 4 (500 games)

Match: Houdini 1.03a - Deep Rybka 4, Windows 7 64 bit, Temp 1' +1" P Engines Score ********** 1: Houdini 1.03a x64 259.0 / 500 ½10½½1½010½0½1½1110½1000011½½0½½1110½10½0½000½111½ ½½½½0½½½½½½½½1½½00½½½½½½½½1½10½½½11½½½0½00½1½1½½½1 ½1½½11½1½1½1101½½0½½0½1½0½½01½½10111½½½½½0½½½1½0½1 ½½½1½½1½1½½1½½1½0½0½½½½½½10111½½1½0½½½1111½½½½½00 ½½½100010½11½0½½½½10½1½00½0½½1½½0½½½100½½101½½1½½½1 ½½½½01000100½½0½101½½½11½½1½½½½½½0½½10½0½1½½10½½00½ 01½½½1½1½½½½0½½½0½½½1½1½1½½½½½111½½½1½111½0½111½½11 ½½0110½½½½½½0½0½½½½½½0½0½1½1½00010½½10½½½01½0½½001½0 ½0½½½0½01½½1½½½½101½½0½1½½½½011½01½½½½½½½1000½011½½ 0½½1½½0½1½½10½½½½½½0100½1½½1010½½1110½½01½0½0 2: Deep Rybka 4 x64 241.0 / 500 ½01½½0½101½1½0½0001½0111100½½1½½0001½01½1½111½000½ ½½½½1½½½½½½½½0½½11½½½½½½½½0½01½½½00½½½1½11½0½0½½½0 ½0½½00½0½0½0010½½1½½1½0½1½½10½½01000½½½½½1½½½0½1½0 ½½½0½½0½0½½0½½0½1½1½½½½½½01000½½0½1½½½0000½½½½½11 ½½½011101½00½1½½½½01½0½11½1½½0½½1½½½011½½010½½0½½½0 ½½½½10111011½½1½010½...

Rotor 0.7a - UCI engines. New version 28.08.2012

Rotor 0.7a  - UCI engines Author :  Jan Brouwer   Rotor 0.7a download   JCR  ranking = 2493 All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Dabbaba 6.52 - winboard engines. New version 28.08.2012

  Dabbaba 6.52  - winboard engines. Author -  Jensa B'K Nielsen Dabbaba 6.52 download All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

Mephisto Gideon Professional (1993) now available (as Winboard and UCI engine)

Mephisto Gideon Professional (1993) now available as Winboard and UCI engine. Specifics: Identical Search and Evaluation. Hash table support as it was in the old days, the default setting is 2Mb. Installation as you are used to with ProDeo. Mephisto Gideon Professional  download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

EXChess 6.50 beta - winboard engines. New version 19.08.2012

EXChess 6.50 beta  - Winboard engines Author :  Daniel Homan    EXChess 6.50 beta download EXChess website   JCR  ranking = 2289

Chess Explorer PC Hiarcs - new chess GUI

Information from the author : HIARCS Chess Explorer is an exciting new chess database, analysis and playing program for PC Windows computers. It offers an innovative and intuitive new graphical user interface with powerful features together with the reigning World Chess Software Champion HIARCS 14 chess engine .  This unique combination is refreshingly easy to use and includes many new features for chess preparation, analysis and training for players of all abilities from beginner to Grandmaster . It has specialised features to help weaker chess players improve their chess including special realistic weakened opponents, a chess coach which can demonstrate mistakes, show improvements and help you improve your chess. More:  Chess Explorer Hiarcs All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page  

KVETKA 3.15 - new version chess GUI

Kvetka's main features Friendly user interface. Uses comparably small area on the screen. Works with all UCI engines for analysing the game. The strongest (as we believe) engine Rybka supports this format. One of the fastest free engines – Stockfish 2.2.2 – is distributed together with Kvetka. It intends for analysing games only. You can't play chess with Kvetka, but we are thinking about it. PGN and FEN support. You can easily add the games via the clipboard. Supports different fonts and encodings that are used by chess sites. It is free! Kvetka download ,    

Tornado Website is down

Engin Üstün wrote: yesterday i deleted my website of Tornado, because i losed my interest in computerchess now again, general in chess too, they are other important things in my life to do. good bye. Last version Tornado 4.88 download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Octochess 4741 - UCI engines. New version 21.08.2012

Octochess 4741  - UCI engines Author :  Tim Kosse   Octochess 4741 download All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page Requirements :  64bit x86 CPU, Visual Studio 2008 or higher to compile under Windows

Mini-match Houdini-Critter (Win7 64bit)

Match Houdini1.5 - Critter 1.6a 20.08.2012, Temp 5' +2", Win7 64bit Player Score 1234567890 1 Houdini 1.5a x64 5.5 / 10 11½½½½½0½½ 2 Critter 1.6a 64-bit 4.5 / 10 00½½½½½1½½ All games download ,   book Perfect 2012 , GUI-Fritz 12, Table created Scid vs PC All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

Pupsi2 0.9 - UCI engines. New version 20.08.2012

Pupsi2 0.9 - UCI engines. Author - Jesper Nielsen . Is required framework. Pupsi2 0.9 download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Capivara LK 0.08b01 - UCI engines. New version 18.08.2012

All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page Capivara LK 0.08b01 - UCI engines Capivara home page,    Capivara LK 0.08b01 downloadable on the site

Lucas Chess 6.4 - best chess software

New translations : Azeri by Shahin Jafarli (shahinjy). Italian by Maurizio Peroni. Engines : New : Rocinante (by Antonio Torrecilla), to Tarrasch group, reason is its different play from other engines. Updated : Criter 1.4 -> 1.6a New option in Tools : Tournements between engines. (+++) New option: Director (key D), which allows to add boxes, arrows and images to the live board. (suggested by Indy, and previously by Mohammed Abdalazez and Felicia). More options in configuration : Label font size of main labels (Michele Tumbarello) With of PGN grid (Michele Tumbarello) Activate sounds after our moves (Felipe) Options added editing variations : Plays instead of me in Utilities. (bolokay) Enable engine in Config. (bolokay) LC can be associated to extension PGN. F12 : minimize LC to system tray. (bolokay) New field in External engines, to add information. (Michele Tumbarello) Arrow alternative used in tactics training, now also editable (Felicia) New game : ran...

Dabbaba 6.50 - winboard engines. New version 14.08.2012

  Dabbaba 6.50*  - winboard engines. Tamerlane Chess Author -  Jensa B'K Nielsen Dabbaba 6.50 download All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page *  The dabbaba, also known as the dabaaba or dabbabah, is a fairy chess piece that jumps two squares orthogonally (the directions a rook can move), leaping over any intermediate piece. In algebraic notation, it is given the symbol D. (Chess Programming Wiki) History and nomenclature The dabbaba is a very old piece, appearing in some very early chess variants, such as Tamerlane chess.  The name dabbaba (Arabic: دَبَّابَة) means "tank" in Modern Arabic. In older Arabic, it referred to a type of medieval siege engine designed to shelter men who are digging a hole in enemy fortifications (Latin: vinea). The name has sometimes been translated as "war engine". The name dabbaba was also used for other pieces in old chess variants, such as one that moved like the modern bishop. (Chess Programming Wiki)...

SUPRA 12.0 - UCI engines. New version 10.08.2012

Supra 12.0  - UCI engines Author : Pedro Mourao Correia Supra download       Ratings :  JCR = 1834 ,  All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Match DeepRybka 4 - IvanHoe 57cSSE4.2

Player Score 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890 1 Deep Rybka 4 SSE42 x64 20.0 / 40 10=======0==11=01=1==0=11===00=0=100===1 2 Ivan57cSSE4.2 20.0 / 40 01=======1==00=10=0==1=00===11=1=011===0 all 40 games download : (+12 =22 -6), Windows XP 64 bit. Table created Scid vs PC  GUI - Arena All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

Houdini 3

For your info, at the same 2'+2" TC the current Houdini 3 DEV version scores 57.2% against Houdini 2.0 (+50 +/- 4 Elo), and 60.2% against Houdini 1.5 (+72 +/- 4 Elo). Again using 9,000 game test matches. All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page edit.23.09.2024: The old entry praises Houdini 3. But you should know that this engine later aroused a lot of controversy and the author was accused of breaking the license. In March 2020, an anonymous poster who came into possession of Houdini 6's source code, apparently due to access to a subversion server owned by Robert Houdart, claimed Houdini 5 and 6 were Stockfish derivatives. In summer 2021, the Stockfish team filed a lawsuit against ChessBase to enforce the consequences of the license termination concerning Fat Fritz 2 and the allegedly Stockfish derivative Houdini 6 sold by ChessBase.

JCR Engine Tournament, 2012.08.10 - 2012.08.11

JCR Engine Tournament, 2012.08.10 - 2012.08.11 Player Score (Tie) 1 2 3 4 5 6 1: Gull II beta2 9.0 / 10 34.00 XX == 11 11 11 11 2: Hiarcs14WCSC 8.0 / 10 28.00 == XX 01 11 11 11 3: Zappa Mexico II 7.0 / 10 20.00 00 10 XX 11 11 11 4: Delphil 2.9e 3.5 / 10 4.75 00 00 00 XX 11 1= 5: Cmcchess 2.5 2.0 / 10 1.00 00 00 00 00 XX 11 6: Glass_1.9 0.5 / 10 1.75 00 00 00 0= 00 XX all 30 games download (+15 =3 -12),  Windows XP, 32 bit, GUI-Aquarium, Temp 3' +1",

Haskak 0.1 - new UCI engines

Haskak 0.1  - UCI engines Author : Karol Stasiak   Haskak 0.1 download All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

JCR Tournament 9-10.09.2012. Critter 1.6a win

JCR Engine Tournament  2012.08.09 - 2012.08.10 Player Score (Tie) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1: Critter 1.6a 11.0 / 18 95.50 XX == 1= == == 1= 1= 0= =1 1= 2: Houdini 1.5a 11.0 / 18 95.00 == XX == =1 == == 01 1= =1 =1 3: Houdini 2.0 Standard 11.0 / 18 93.75 0= == XX =1 == 11 1= 1= 10 10 4: Komodo 5 11.0 / 18 90.75 == =0 =0 XX =1 == =1 =1 =1 11 5: Strelka 5.5 10.0 / 18 85.50 == == == =0 XX == 11 =0 1= =1 6: DeepSaros 3.2 7.5 / 18 65.75 0= == 00 == == XX =0 11 0= == 7: IvanHoe 46a 7.5 / 18 63.25 0= 10 0= =0 00 =1 XX 11 0= == 8: Stockfish 2.2.2 7.0 / 18 65.50 1= 0= 0= =0 =1 00 00 XX 1= == 9: Rybka 4.1 7.0 / 18 62.00 =0 =0 01 =0 0= 1= 1= 0= XX =0 10 Tactico 3350b ProLG x86 7.0 / 18 59.50 0= =0 01 00 =0 == == == =1 XX 90 games download  (: +26 =49 -15), Windows XP, 32 bit, GUI-Aquar...

JCR Tournament 4-8.08.2012

JCR Tournament 2012.08.04 - 2012.08.08 P Player Score (Tie) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 +/-/= 1: Houdini 1.5a w32 39.0 291.50 XX 1= =0 == 11 11 =1 11 11 1= (+11 -1 =6) 2: Komodo 5 32-bit 37.0 267.50 0= XX 11 == =1 01 11 10 11 11 (+11 -3 =4) 3: Critter 1.6a 32-bit 34.0 255.50 =1 00 XX =1 =1 == 1= 11 =1 11 (+9 -2 =7) 4: RobboLito 0.10 SMP 31.0 250.50 == == =0 XX =1 1= =1 11 1= 1= (+7 -1 =10) 5: Tactico 3350b w32 ProLG 26.0 168.00 00 =0 =0 =0 XX =1 =1 11 10 11 (+7 -6 =5) 6: Stockfish 2.2.2 JA 23.0 174.50 00 10 == 0= =0 XX =1 == 11 1= (+5 -5 =8) 7: Fritz 13 15.0 117.00 =0 00 0= =0 =0 =0 XX 01 10 1= (+3 -9 =6) 8: Houdini 2.0b Pro 15.0 100.50 00 01 00 00 00 == 10 XX 01 1= (+4 -11 =3) 9: Deep Junior 13 12.0 93.00 00 00 =0 0= 01 00 01 10 XX =0 (+3 -12 =3) 10 Fritz 12 9.0 79.50 0= 00 00 0= 00 0= 0= 0= =1 ...

ProDeo 1.81 engines and soft. New version 07.08.2012

ProDeo 1.81  - UCI engines Author :  Ed Schroeder   ProDeo 1.81 download Website ProDeo   JCR  ranking = 2450 All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Naum - The End

Naum 4.6 download All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

Greko 9.6 - UCI engines. New version 6.08.2012

Greko 9.6  - UCI engines Author :  Vladimir Medvedev Greko 9.6 download   Website   Ratings :  JCR = 2379 ,  CCRL = 2490 ,  CEGT = 2394 ,  WBEC = 2496 All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Cmcchess 2.5 - UCI engines. New version 01.08.2012

Cmcchess 2.5  - UCI engines All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page Author : Ma Chao Cmcchess 2.5 downloadable on the site

PGN Viewer Oslo - open-source chess game viewer for Windows

  PGN Viewer Oslo -  is an open-source chess game viewer for Windows. It is based on code from PGN Viewer ( )  - a project for which there have been no updates for several years. This is the beta release of PGN Viewer Oslo. The following prerequisites are required:   Windows Installer 3.1 NET Framework 3.5 PGN Viewer Oslo download

Eia 0.24 UCI engines. New version 27.07.2012

Eia 0.24  - UCI engines Author: Nikita Kurgin (Russia) Eia 0.24 download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Deuterium - winboard engines. New version 31.07.2012

Deuterium  - winboard engines Website Deuterium download   Ratings :  JCR = 2422 All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

Delphil 2.9f - UCI engines. New version 31.07.2012

Delphil 2.9f  - UCI engines Author :  Philippe Fabiani   Delphil 2.9f download Delphil website   JCR  ranking = 2298 All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page