
Showing posts from September, 2012

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JCR Ranking - 01.10.2012

JCR Ranking Windows 32 bit (3' + 1ā€ and 5') ā€“ Bayes ELO 01.10.2012 Best version, min 20 games Rank Name Elo + - games score oppo. draws 1 Houdini 2.0c Standard x32 3207 126 126 20 70% 583 30% 2 Critter 1.6a 3128 25 25 456 55% 612 48% 3 Komodo 5 x32 3123 86 86 38 57% 589 45% 4 Strelka 5.5 3111 26 26 428 54% 583 49% 5 IvanHoe 47c+ GH w32 3086 119 119 20 45% 607 40% 6 Tankist 3.1 x32 3071 33 33 270 50% 566 49% 7 Tactico 3350b ProLG x32 3066 17 17 1032 58% 507 46% 8 Stockfish 2.2.1 3062 54 54 96 43% 608 52% 9 Fire 1.5xTreme_n0_SSE2_NS 3054 72 72 48 53% 538 69% 10 Sting SF 1.0 3051 71 71 77 62% 407 30% All list (top 120 engines) 

Best engines JCR Tournament 29-30.09.2012

Best engines JCR Tournament 29-30.09.2012 R Engine Score % Ho Cr Ko Iv Co De S-B 1 Houdini 2.0c Standard x32 14.0/20 70.0 Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā· =0=1 1010 =1=1 11=1 1=11  124,25  2 Critter 1.6a x32 11.0/20 55.0 =1=0 Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā· =101 011= =0== ==1=  107,00  3 Komodo 5 x32 10.5/20 52.5 0101 =010 Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā· =11= 1==1 0=0=  104,00  4 IvanHoe 47c+ GH w32 9.0/20 45.0 =0=0 100= =00= Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā· 01=1 1=1=  83,25  5 ComStock 1.0.2a 8.5/20 42.5 00=0 =1== 0==0 10=0 Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā· =1=1  79,50  6 DeepSaros 3.2 x32 7.0/20 35.0 0=00 ==0= 1=1= 0=0= =0=0 Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā·  72,50  Level: Blitz 5/0 Hardware: Intel Celeron 3.46GHz system: Windows XP 32 bit Games pgn file download :   Table created with: Arena 3.0

Testposition for engines - 30.09.2012

Create:  Chessx 0.9 Best move 1.Rxf7 !!  Tests: Stockfish 2.3.1  - 1. Rxf7 after 4 seconds, Houdini 2.0c  - 1. Rxf7 after 5 second, Strelka 5.5  - 1. Rxf7 after 6 seconds, Robbolito 0.09  - 1. Rxf7 after 12 seconds, Komodo 4  - 1. Rxf7 after 134 seconds, DeepRybka 4.1  - 1. Rxf7 after 27 seconds, IvanHoe 46b  - 1. Rxf7 after 27 seconds, Fire 2.2 xTreme GH  - 1. Rxf7 after 40 seconds, Hiarcs 2011 WSCC  - 1. Rxf7 after 44 seconds. After 5 minute analysis not found : Critter 1.6a ,  DeepFritz 13   i  Naum 4.1

ChessX is an Open Source chess database - new version 0.9

  ChessX  ChessX is an Open Source chess database. With ChessX you can operate on your collection of chess games in many ways: browse, edit, add, organize, analyze, etc. ChessX is  cross-platform . It works on  Windows ,  Linux  and  Mac OS X . Chessx 0.9 download

Test New Engines JCR 28.09.2012

Test New Engines JCR 28.09.2012 R Engine Score % Ha Ro De Ca 1 Hannibal 1.2 x32 23.0/24 95.8 *** 11111111 11111110 11111111 2 Rodin 5.1 13.5/24 56.2 00000000 *** 1110111= 10111111 3 Delphil 2.9g 8.5/24 35.4 00000001 0001000= *** =11=1101 4 Capivara LK 0.08b04 x32 3.0/24 12.5 00000000 01000000 =00=0010 *** Level: Blitz 3/0 Hardware: Intel Celeron 3.46GHz system: Windows XP 32 bit Games pgn file download , Table created with: Arena 3.0

Best engines JCR Tournament 27-28.09.2012

Best engines JCR Tournament 27-28.09.2012 R Engine Score % St Cr Ho Ta Ta Fi St Ko Iv S-B 1 Strelka 5.5 21.5/32 67.1 Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā· 101= 1=== =1== ===1 ==1= ==1= =011 1111  310,75  2 Critter 1.6a x32 20.0/32 62.5 010= Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā· ==01 1==1 =0== ==1= =1=1 1011 =111  286,75  3 Houdini 1.5a x32 20.0/32 62.5 0=== ==10 Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā· =01= 0==1 =11= 11=1 ==01 1111  283,00  4 Tankist 3.1 x32 18.0/32 56.2 =0== 0==0 =10= Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā· ==11 ==== ==== 01=1 1111  250,75  5 Tactico 3350b ProLG x32 17.5/32 54.6 ===0 =1== 1==0 ==00 Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā· ==1= =0== 11== 111=  251,25  6 Fire2.2 trap x32 16.5/32 51.5 ==0= ==0= =00= ==== ==0= Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā· =110 1111 1=01  238,75  7 Stockfish 2.3.1 x32 15.5/32 48.4 ==0= =0=0 00=0 ==== =1== =001 Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā· 1110 =111  213,25  8 Komodo4 x32 12.0/32 37.5 =100 0100 ==10 10=0 00== 0000 0001 Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā· 1111  164,25  9 IvanHoe 46h 3.0/32 9.3 0000 =000 0000 0000 000= 0=10 =000 0000 Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā·  51,25...

Robbolito 0.9 Qi - strong UCI engines 64 bit (new compilation)

 Robbolito 0.9 Qi - UCI engines JCR ranking- 2902 Robbolito 0.9 Qi x64 download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Delphil 2.9g - UCI engines. New version 27.09.2012

Delphil 2.9g  - UCI engines Author :  Philippe Fabiani   Delphil 2.9g download Delphil website   JCR  ranking = 2298 All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

Capivara LK 0.08b04 - UCI engines. New version 28.09.2012

Capivara LK 0.08b01 - UCI engines All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page Capivara home page ,    Capivara LK 0.08b04 downloadable on the site

Houdini 3 - first tests

Fire 2.2 xTreme trap - new version

  Fire 2.2 xTreme trap download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Fire 2.2 xTreme GH - strong UCI engines

  Fire 2.2 xTreme GH download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Lucas Chess 7.0 (dev version) - best chess software

New: -Personal Openings Guide : new option in menu Tools-Openings, and when playing or viewing a PGN file (utilities option) --permit creating a guide of openings --with possibility to create multiple guides --the moves are added directly from board --it is possible to add graphics elements, with Director option (key D), that are saved or using F keys. --it permit add games and its statistics, also it is possible to work with multiple blocks of games --it can be created a training based on lines of guide. -Now Right-button in board shows configuration-menu. Umbrella in corner removed. -Added Voyager button when setting an start position, this button shows a reduced board to facilitate to copy a board-position from a document like a pdf or a page web. -Option in Configuration to set that all PGN notation in english -Stockfish update to 2.3 -Main toolbar reduced, now one option to play that shows a menu with older tools. (Michele Tumbarello idea) -Training tactics by repetition...

Rodnin 5.1 - winboard engines. New version 23.09.2012

Rodin 5.1 - winboard engines Rodin 5.1 download Author - Fermin Serrano (Spain) Version 5.1 -  : Bug fix, altought can continue crashing as it looks like a compiler bug. All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Stockfish 2.3.1 - strong UCI engines. New version 23.09.2012

Stockfish 2.3.1 - download   All files (games, tables and engines)  -  download from page

Stockfish 2.3 (clones, clones, clones)

Stockfish 2.3Q - download Stockfish 2.3Qi download Stockfish Barracuda download

Match Bouquet - DeepRybka

Match Bouquet - DeepRybka 19-20.09.2012 P Engines Score Bo De 1 Bouquet 1.5 x64 5,5/10 *** =0=====11= 2 Deep Rybka 4.1 x64 4,5/10 =1=====00= *** Time : Blitz 5/0 Comp: Pentium Dual-Core CPU T4300 @ 2.10GHz z 4,0 GB System: Windows 7 64 bit  All games download Table created: Arena 3.0 All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

Crafty 23.5 - winboard engines. New version 20.09.2012

Crafty 23.5 - winboard engines Author - Robert Hyatt (USA) Crafty 23.5 download from page

Rodnin 5.0 - winboard engines. New version 10.09.2012

Rodin 5.0 - winboard engines Rodin 5.0 download Author - Fermin Serrano (Spain) All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Arasan 15 UCI engines and GUI. New version 19.09.2012

Arasan  - UCI engines (and GUI) Author :  Jon Dart   All chess engines downloadable on the site Ratings :  CEDR = 2556 ,  CCRL = 2635 ,  WBEC = 2600 ,  CEGT = 2437

Bouquet tests

Tests Bouquet 1.5 19.09.2012 P Engines Score Bo Um 1 Bouquet 1.5 x64 10,0/10 Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā·Ā· 1111111111 2 Umko 1.2 64bit 0,0/10 0000000000 Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā·Ā· P Engines Score St Bo 1 Stockfish 2.3 x64 5,5/10 Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā·Ā· 0=11====== 2 Bouquet 1.5 x64 4,5/10 1=00====== Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā·Ā· Time : Blitz 5/0 Comp: Pentium Dual  Core CPU T4300 @ 2.10GHz z 4,0 GB System: Windows 7 64 bit All games download   Table created: Arena 3.0 All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

Bouquet 1.5 - UCI engines. New version 18.09.2012

Bouquet 1.5  - UCI engines Download Bouquet 1.5 Download Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x64 (required for the engine) All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page Currently, you can find the current links on the DOWNLOAD page. Most of them are placed on Katfile servers. If you do not want to wait long with the download, you can support our work and become a donor. As a thank you, we provide you with a link to the MEGA drive, where you can download the engines and other files without waiting. More information can be found on the DONORS page.

Collaborators blog - play correspondence chess. Barbara Skonieczna

Tucano 1.04 - winboard engines(Windows and Linux). New version 17.09.2012

Author: Alcides Schulz 1.04 version   * Compatibility fixes: review of some variable declaration in order to make possible to compile for linux and hopefuly other systems (ARM, MAC). Changes made mainly at bitboard.c and globals.h.    * Added a preprocessor test to not use BBIX structure when system has different size for unsigned int and unsigned short data types at bitboard.c.   * Implemented hash table size parameter -hash. Also changed the default to be 64MB instead of 128MB which was the initial idea.   * Made a small optimization to keep king square as integer in the board.state structure. Only recalculate when king moves.   * Fixed the perft time calculation, was using clock() method. Changed to use the same functions as the search.   * Added the parameter "-nobook" to turn off the small internal opening book.   * Included Linux executable for Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.   * Added a .jpg image for program icon. Tucano 1.04 downlo...

First test Stockfish 2.3

Match Stockfish2.3 - Stockfish 2.2.2 16.09.2012 P Engines Score St St 1 Stockfish 2.3 x64 10,5/20 Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā·Ā· ===0===0=01=11==1=== 2 Stockfish 2.2.2 x64 9,5/20 ===1===1=10=00==0=== Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā·Ā· Temp:  Blitz 5/0 Comp: Pentium Dual-Core CPU T4300 @ 2.10GHz z 4,0 GB System: Windows 7 64 bit Plik PGN download   Table created: Arena 3.0

Stockfish 2.3 - strong UCI engines (for Windows, Mac, Linux and Android). New version 15.09.2012

 Stockfish 2.3- download

Neurone XIX - winboard engine. New version 15.09.2012

Neurone XIX  - winboard engines Author :  Lissandrello Luca   Neurone download Neurone website  All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

Firebird 1.2 tests

Tests Firebird 1.2 09.2012 P Engines Score Fi Fi Fi 1 FireBird 1.2_newSMP_KLO 15,5/28 *** Ā½Ā½10Ā½0Ā½0Ā½Ā½0Ā½Ā½Ā½ Ā½110Ā½1Ā½Ā½111Ā½Ā½1 2 FireBird 1.2_newSMP 15,0/28 Ā½Ā½01Ā½1Ā½1Ā½Ā½1Ā½Ā½Ā½ *** Ā½0Ā½Ā½Ā½1Ā½Ā½0Ā½Ā½Ā½Ā½Ā½ 3 FireBird 1.2 11,5/28 Ā½001Ā½0Ā½Ā½000Ā½Ā½0 Ā½1Ā½Ā½Ā½0Ā½Ā½1Ā½Ā½Ā½Ā½Ā½ *** Time: Blitz 3/0 Com: Pentium Dual-Core CPU T4300 @ 2.10GHz z 4,0 GB System: Windows 7 64 bit  Plik PGN download    Table created: Arena 3.0 All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Chess4j 1.0.1 - winboard engines. New version 15.09.2012

Chess4j 1.0.1 - winboard engines Author James Swafford, homepage Chess4j 1.0.1 downloadable on the site

Deep Saros 3.2 tests

All games tests download All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page Match Critter 1.6a - DeepSaros 3.2 14.09.2012 R Engine Score Cr De 1 Critter 1.6a x64 5.0/10 Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā·Ā· =0=1=0=1== 1 DeepSaros 3.2 x64 5.0/10 =1=0=1=0== Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā·Ā· Level: Blitz 5/0 Hardware: Pentium Dual-Core CPU T4300 @ 2.10GHz z 4,0 GB Operating system: Windows 7  64 bit     Table created with: Arena 3.0 Match Stockfish 2.2.2 - DeepSaros 3.2 14.09.2012 R Engine Score De St 1 DeepSaros 3.2 x64 5.5/10 Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā·Ā· 111011000= 2 Stockfish 2.2.2 x64 4.5/10 000100111= Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā·Ā· Level: Blitz 5/0 Hardware: Pentium Dual-Core CPU T4300 @ 2.10GHz z 4,0 GB Operating system: Windows 7 64 bit     Table created with: Arena 3.0 Match Houdini 1.5 - DeepSaros 3.2 15.09.2012 R Engine Score De Ho 1 DeepSaros 3.2 x64 6.0/10 Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā·Ā· 011010=1=1 2 Houdini 1.5a 64bit 4.0/10 100101=0=0 Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā·Ā· Level: Blitz 5/0 Hardware: Penti...

Houdini 3.0 -:)

All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

Stockfish 120909 test

Test Stockfish 120909 13.09.2012 R Engine Score St St 1 Stockfish 120909 x64 6.0/10 *** ====0111== 2 Stockfish 2.2.2 x64 4.0/10 ====1000== *** Level: Blitz 5/0   Hardware: Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU T4300 @ 2.10GHz z 4,0 GB pamiĆŖci Operating system: Windows 7 Home Premium Home Edition (Build 7600) 64 bit PGN File download    Table created with: Arena 3.0

Roque 2.1 - winboard engines. New version 13.09.2012

Roque 2.1 - winboard engines Author - Javier Salido,   Homepage Roque 2.1 download (Win, Mac, linux and book) All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Dirty 05sep2012 - tests

Dirty - Stockfish 12.09.2012 R Engine Score St Di 1 Stockfish 2.2.2 x64 9.0/10 *** 111111=1=1 2 Dirty 05sep2012 x64 1.0/10 000000=0=0 *** Level: Blitz 5/0, Hardware: Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU T4300 @ 2.10GHz z 4,0 GB pamiĆŖci Operating system: Windows 7 Home Premium Home Edition (Build 7600) 64 bit Games PGN File download  Table created with: Arena 3.0 All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page Dirty - Umko 12.09.2012 R Engine Score Um Di 1 Umko 1.2 64bit 6.5/10 *** 11011=1=0= 2 Dirty 05sep2012 x64 3.5/10 00100=0=1= *** Level: Blitz 5/0 Hardware: Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU T4300 @ 2.10GHz z 4,0 GB pamiĆŖci Operating system: Windows 7 Home Premium Home Edition (Build 7600) 64 bit Games PGN File download   Table created with: Arena 3.0

PanChess - new strong engines - 30th of November 2012

It will be based on the IvanHoe 46h It will be free.  It will never become commercial. All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

Jurek Chess Ranking 11.09.2012 (64 bit)

JCRRanking (bayeselo) 64bit Temp 3' +1ā€ and 5' (min 20 games) Rank Name Elo + - games score oppo. Draws 1 Critter 1.6a 64-bit 3022 116 116 22 66% 327 41% 2 Houdini 1.5a x64 2956 44 44 146 59% 303 48% 3 Houdini 2.0b Pro x64 2910 110 110 28 54% 282 14% 4 Critter 1.4a 2908 52 52 100 51% 305 53% 5 Deep Rybka 4.1 64bit 2907 71 71 57 50% 308 44% 8 Komodo 4 64bit 2905 51 51 107 50% 301 52% 9 Tactico Olmos x64 3350b 2896 104 104 24 50% 295 58% 10 Fire 2.2 xTreme 64bit 2867 47 47 120 58% 212 60% 11 Ivanhoe 47e 64bit 2860 72 72 47 51% 254 64% 12 Deep Fritz 13 2839 109 109 28 36% 333 21% 13 DeepTactico 2011 Pro 64bit 2836 81 81 44 57% 160 55% 14 Fire 2...

Stockfish 120909 - new compilation

 Stockfish 120909 - download

Mini-match Houdini 1.5a - Critter 1.6a (Temp 15')

Mini Match (Jurek Chess Ranking) Houdini 1.5a - Critter 1.6a 10.09.2012 R Engine Score Cr Ho 1 Critter 1.6a x64 2.5/4 *** 1=10 2 Houdini 1.5a x64 1.5/4 0=01 *** Level: Blitz 15/0,  Hardware: Pentium Dual-Core CPU T4300 @ 2.10GHz 4,0 GB System: Windows 7 64 bit PGN File download,  Table created with: Arena 3.0 All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

More than 100.000 games played chess engines

AMD Testing (832 games) download RevolutionEngines (94.742 games) download IvanHoeTurn (8.040 games) download

Tucano 1.0 - new chess engines

Author: Alcides Schulz Tucano 1.0 download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Ivanhoe - strong versions

IvanHoe B46fD download IvanHoe VE.f download

Tournament Chess engines temp 15' + 10" Houdini wins!

 Tempo 15' + 10", System Windows XP 32 bit Wszystkie partie do pobrania tutaj All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

4.809 games played chess engines (2004 year)

Base 2004 (4.809 games played in 2004) download

44.480 games played chess engines

Time 1' +1" Base (44.480 games) in pgn format - download

Stockfish 07.09.2012 - new compilation

 Stockfish 120907 32bit - download

Dirty 05SEP2012 - winboard engines. New version 05.09.2012

Dirty 05SEP2012 - winboard engines Authors:  Pradu Kannan, Fonzy Bluemers & Andres Valverde Website Dirty All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page Dirty download

Mini-tournament JCR. 03.09.2012

2012.09.03, Temp 3' +1", GUI-Fritz 11, Win 7 64 bit Player Score 1 2 3 4 1: Critter 1.6a 64-bit 10.0 / 12 XXXX 111Ā½ 1111 10Ā½1 2: Houdini 2.0b Pro x64 5.5 / 12 000Ā½ XXXX Ā½010 111Ā½ 3: Houdini 1.5a x64 5.0 / 12 0000 Ā½101 XXXX Ā½Ā½Ā½1 4: Deep Fritz 13 3.5 / 12 01Ā½0 000Ā½ Ā½Ā½Ā½0 XXXX All games download All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

ArabianKnight v1.5.3 - winboard engines. New version 03.09.2012

ArabianKnight v1.5.3 - winboard engines Author - Marcin Gardyjan All engines downloadable on the site We have stopped posting files on Shortest. Currently, you can find the current links on the DOWNLOAD page. Most of them are placed on Katfile servers. If you do not want to wait long with the download, you can support our work and become a donor. As a thank you, we provide you with a link to the MEGA drive, where you can download the engines and other files without waiting. More information can be found on the DONORS page.

Roque 2.0 - winboard engines. New version 02.09.2012

Roque 2.0 - winboard engines Author - Javier Salido Roque 2.0 download (Win, Mac, linux and book) All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Ethereal Chess 0.11 - chess GUI

Download Ethereal Chess All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Stockfish 02.09.2012 - new compilation

 Stockfish 02.09.2012 64bit - download

Greko 9.7 - UCI engines. New version 31.08.2012

Greko 9.7  - UCI engines Author :  Vladimir Medvedev Greko 9.7 download      Ratings :  JCR = 2379 ,  CCRL = 2490 ,  CEGT = 2394 ,  WBEC = 2496 All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page