
Showing posts from October, 2012

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Tactico - controversial chess engine

Miscellaneous version: Deep Tactico 2011 Pro x64  Deep Tactico Power 2011 Tactico 2011 x64 Blitz  Tactico 3350b ProLG x86    Tactico Olmos 3350b x64 All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Supra 13.1 - UCI engines. New version 28.10.2012

Supra  - UCI engines Author : Pedro Mourao Correia Supra 13.1 download    Website   Ratings :  JCR = 1834 ,  All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Houdini 3 – the world's strongest chess engine in the Fritz interface

Image  More All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

JCR Long Tournament 21-28.10.2012 (15 games of 30)

JCR Long Tournament 21-28.10.2012 R Engine Score % Fi De Ko Hi St Ta S-B 1 Fire 2.2 xTreme x32 3.5/5 70.0 · = 1 1 = =  8,25  2 DeepSaros 3.2 x32 3.0/5 60.0 = · = = = 1  6,75  3 Komodo 5 x32 2.5/5 50.0 0 = · = 1 =  5,50  4 Hiarcs 2011 WCSC 2.5/5 50.0 0 = = · = 1  5,25  5 Strelka 5.5 2.0/5 40.0 = = 0 = · =  5,25  6 Tactico 3350b ProLG x32 1.5/5 30.0 = 0 = 0 = ·  4,00  15 of 30 games played Level: Blitz 90/15 Hardware: Intel Celeron 3.46GHz system: Windows XP 32 bit book: Perfect 2012 Table created with: Arena 3.0

iscDrone 0.28 - new version 27.10.2012

icsDrone acts as an interface between an ICS (Internet Chess Server) and a chess engine supporting the XBoard/WinBoard protocol. Unlike XBoard/WinBoard it does not use a graphical interface so it is suitable for use on embedded systems. icsdrone was originally developed for FICS (the Free Internet Chess Server) by Henrik Gram but currently ICC (the Internet Chess Club) works as well. Some features - "Daemon mode" (run in background). iscDrone 0.28 download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Vajolet 1.62 - UCI engines. New version 26.10.2012

Vajolet - UCI engine. Author - Marco Belli . Website Vajolet Vajolet 1.62 download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

FinalGen generates tablebases - new version 1.3

FinalGen is a chess endgame tablebase generator for Windows. FinalGen is absolutely free. You can distribute the freeware version of this software providing that no additional fee is charged. Features - FinalGen generates tablebases for chess endgames with up to one piece per side, and any number of pawns. - The Search for draw option allows speeding up the process. When enabled, this option will search only for drawn results, but can run up to 10 times faster. - The analysis area allows displaying variations. - You can pause and resume the process at any time. - FinalGen displays statistic information such as the estimated time remaining, the required hard disk space and the number of positions calculated. - Available interface languages: English, French, Spanish, Russian, German. FinalGen tablebases 1.3 download

Prochess 1.02AD - UCI engines. New version 26.10.2012

Prochess 1.01  - UCI engines Author :  Edoardo Manino   Prochess 1.02AD download Website Prochess All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

MadChess 1.0 - UCI engines. New version 24.10.2012

MadChess - UCI engines Author - Erik Madsen MadChess 1.0 download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Rebel Century UCI compilation

Rebel 6  - UCI engines Author :  Ed Schroeder   Rebel Century download Website All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page   

Darky 0.5d - winboard engines. New version 24.10.2012

Darky - winboard engines Author - Alex Guerrero All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page Darky 0.5d download

Crafty Chess interface version 7.0a

Crafty Chess interface changes from version 6.13 to 7.0a · finally added winboard and uci engine support + updated to Crafty v23.5 · tested as fully compatible with Windows 8 · added new tournament mode, for engines and users as well, with four tournament modes, modified Buchholz tie breaking algorithm and ability to suspend tournament for later resuming (when not in machine vs human mode) etc. Crafty Chess interface version 7.0a download All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

JCR Best Engines Long Turnament 18-21.10.2012 - final standing

JCR Best Engines Long Turnament 18-21.10.2012 R Engine Score % Ho Ry Cr St S-B 1 Houdini 2.0c Standard x32 3.0/6 50.0 · · =1 0= ==  9,00  1 Rybka 4.1 x32 3.0/6 50.0 =0 · · 1= 01  9,00  1 Critter 1.6a x32 3.0/6 50.0 1= 0= · · 01  9,00  1 Stockfish 2.3.1 x32 3.0/6 50.0 == 10 10 · ·  9,00  Level: Blitz 90' + 15" Hardware: Intel Celeron 3.46GHz system: Windows XP 32 bit PGN File download   Book: Perfect 2012   Table created with: Arena 3.0

JCR Best Engines Long Turnament 10.2012, rounds 4-6

JCR Best Engines Long Turnament 10.2012 Rank Engine Score % St Ry Ho Cr S-B 1 Stockfish 2.3.1 x32 2.5/3 83.3 · 1 = 1  3,00  2 Rybka 4.1 x32 1.5/3 50.0 0 · = 1  1,50  3 Houdini 2.0c Standard x32 1.0/3 33.3 = = · 0  2,00  4 Critter 1.6a x32 1.0/3 33.3 0 0 1 ·  1,00  Start tournament: 2012.10.18, 08:19:33 Temp : 90' 15" Hardware: Intel Celeron 3.46GHz system: Windows XP 32 bit Book: Perfect 2012 Table created: Arena 3.0 Round 4-6: Rybka 4.1 x32 - Stockfish 2.3.1 x32 Result "0-1" Houdini 2.0c Standard x32 - Rybka 4.1 x32 Result "1/2-1/2" Stockfish 2.3.1 x32 - Critter 1.6a x32 Result "1-0"