------------------------------ ---------------------------- IECC Championship 2014/2015 ****************************** ******* Have you signed up for the IECC Championship? Starting in January 2014, this four round tournament will decide the first IECC Champion! The round format will be: Round 1 - Class style event Round 2 - Knockout round Round 3 - Knockout round Round 4 - Trio event This event is open to all IECC Members, except those who have forfeited a game this calendar year. For more information, see the tournament web page: http://www.chess-iecc.com/ tournament.html ------------------------------ ---------------------------- ============================== ============================== ==== Game requests or reports, notices of address change, vacations and absences and time violations should be sent to the club via the appropriate web forms. All communications forms are listed on the Contact Us page. The link can be found at the top of the left-h...