
Showing posts from August, 2013

Since you’re here...

We hope you will consider supporting us today. We need your support to continue to exist, because good entries are more and more work time. Every reader contribution, however big or small, is so valuable. Support "Chess Engines Diary" even a small amount– and it only takes a minute. Thank you.
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Neurone XX - winboard chess engine. New version 31.08.2013

Neurone  - winboard engines Neurone website   Author :  Lissandrello Luca Neurone XX download   All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

Powder 1.5.1EE chess engine UCI from Russia. New version 31.08.2103

Powder - UCI chess engines Author - Denis Gruzdev (Russia) Powder 1.5.1EE download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

MangoPaola 4.1 winboard chess engine. New version 31.08.2013

MangoPaola - winboard chess engines Author - José Andrés Morales      MangoPaola 4.1 download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Mars 1.1 - (strong) chess engines UCI (based on Ippolit) . New version 31.08.2013

Mars - UCI chess engines Mars 1.1 download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Firenzina 2.3.1 wins Chess Engines Diary Test 27-30.08.2013

Chess Engines Diary Test 27-30.08.2013 P Engines CEDR Score Firenzina Gull ComStock Chiron Chg 1: Firenzina 2.3.1 xTreme 2967 18.5 / 30 XXXXX 0=1======1 0==0=11011 111=1=101= +6 2: Gull 2.2 2957 17.0 / 30 1=0======0 XXXX =11110==== =1==1011=0 -6 3: ComStock1.0.2a 2921 15.0 / 30 1==1=00100 =00001==== XXXXX =1=1110110 -6 4: Chiron 1.5 2810 9.5 / 30 000=0=010= =0==0100=1 =0=0001001 XXXXX +3 Level: 10' + 10"  Hardware:  Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2450M CPU @ 2.50GHz z 7,9 GB Ram Operating system:  Windows 7 Home 64 bit  Games (pgn) download   GUI Arena All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

International E-mail Chess Club

------------------------------ ---------------------------- IECC Championship 2014/2015 ****************************** ******* Have you signed up for the IECC Championship? Starting in January 2014, this four round tournament will decide the first IECC Champion! The round format will be: Round 1 - Class style event Round 2 - Knockout round Round 3 - Knockout round Round 4 - Trio event This event is open to all IECC Members, except those who have forfeited a game this calendar year. For more information, see the tournament web page: tournament.html ------------------------------ ---------------------------- ============================== ============================== ==== Game requests or reports, notices of address change, vacations and absences and time violations should be sent to the club via the appropriate web forms. All communications forms are listed on the Contact Us page. The link can be found at the top of the left-h...