
Showing posts from December, 2013

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Interesting game: Stockfish - Houdini 4

Temp: 5' 40moves etc. your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard

EveAnn 1.72 - winboard chess engine. New version 01.01.2014

EveAnn - winboard chess engines Author - Andres Valverde EveAnn 1.72 download

Freeware-Schach Chess GUI and engine. New version 3.35

Schach GUI Notably points:  Free of charge Simple use Opening database Protocol Setting the level of difficulty Proposals Cancel moves Exchange chessmen Setting chessmen (chess puzzle) Save and load of games in PGN Provide FEN (Forsyth-Edwards Notation) UCI: Automaticly play against another chess program (example: Stockfish) Languages: English, German and French Small and portabel (starting up from a USB-Stick) No installation is necessary (copy one executable file to a folder you like) No adware, no spyware, no commercial Doesn't call home All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page Schach download

Djinn 1.008 - winboard engines (64 bit). New version 30.12.2013

Djinn  - winboard chess engines Author - Thom Linkes Djinn 1.008 download All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

Chess Engines Diary Rating - ELO Stat live 29.12.2013

In addition to updating the links on the download page, we are also cleaning up the old entries and adapting them to our standards. Here is our ranking list from 11 years ago: the Houdini 4 engine was in the lead, followed by Stockfish 13072711, with the Fire 3.0 engine in third place. That looked interesting. Jurek Rating CEDR 29.12.2013 - 18318 games Engines CEDR Games Cheng 1. Houdini 4 3059 20 +15 2. Stockfish 13072711 3030 69 +14 3. Fire 3.0 2979 70 --- 4.  Komodo TCEC 2962 50 +14 5. Gull R600 2959 106 +9 6. Critter 1.4 2941 375 +14 7. Houdini 1.5a 2929 800 +13 8. Pan Chess 00.400 2906 202 +13 9. Bouquet 1.7b 2905 253 +13 10. RobboLito 0.21Q 2898 447 +13 11. Ivanhoe T0.4.1 2898 400 +14 12. DeepFritz 14 2890 30 +14 13. Firenzina 2.3.1 2886 253 +15 14. DeepRybka 4.1 2880 699 +14 15. Strelka 5.7 2872 106 -14 Links to files with batches, engines, databases and results are placed on ...

Pepito 1.592 wins Chess Engines CEDR Tournament (2013.12.28-29)

2013.12.28-29 JCER Test R Engine Score Pe Dj Si Ar Cl Ia Zo To Ro Ch 01 Pepito 1.592 x64 16.0/18 Ā· Ā· 01 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 10 02 Djinn1.006 x64 15.5/18 10 Ā· Ā· =1 11 11 01 11 11 11 11 03 Simplex 0.9.8 x64 13.5/18 00 =0 Ā· Ā· 11 11 11 11 11 11 01 04 Ares 1.004 12.0/18 00 00 00 Ā· Ā· 11 11 11 11 11 11 05 Clarabit 1.00 x64 9.0/18 00 00 00 00 Ā· Ā· 11 11 11 11 01 06 Iach 0.57a 7.0/18 00 10 00 00 00 Ā· Ā· 1= =1 01 11 07 Zoidberg 6.5/18 00 00 00 00 00 0= Ā· Ā· 11 11 11 08 Toledo 4.0/18 00 00 00 00 00 =0 00 Ā· Ā· 1= 11 09 Rocinante 2.0 x64 3.5/18 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 0= Ā· Ā· 11 10 Cheoss 0.649 3.0/18 01 00 10 00 10 00 00 00 00 Ā· Ā· Temp: Blitz 3/3, Pentium Dual-Core CPU T4300 @ 2.10GHz z 4,0 GB GUI - Arena   system: Windows 7 64 bit  games download (PGN File)    All games 2013  download from page

First Test new version Djinn 1.006 (27-28.12.2013)

In addition to updating the links on the download page, we are also cleaning up the old entries and adapting them to our standards. The Djinn1.006 engine tested at the time achieved a good result of 14 points out of 20 games. First Test new version Djinn 1.006 (27-28.12.2013) by CEDR R Engine Score Dj Ca Br 1 Djinn1.006  x64 14.0/20 1=1=11=111 =1110=010= 2 Caligula 0.7b 8.5/20 0=0=00=000 11==101110 3 Bruja 1.91  x64 7.5/20 =0001=101= 00==010001 Temp: Blitz 3/3, Pentium Dual-Core CPU T4300 @ 2.10GHz z 4,0 GB GUI - Arena  system: Windows 7 64 bit games download (PGN File)    Files with games and engines can be found on the website: Download

DeepSaros 4.1.6 - UCI engines. New version 28.12.2013

DeepSaros  - UCI chess engines Website : Ratings :  JCER = 2931 , DeepSaros 4.1.6 download   All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

Djinn 1.007 - winboard engines (32 bit). New version 28.12.2013

Djinn  - winboard chess engines Author - Thom Linkes Djinn 1.007 (32 bit) download All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

Greko 10.3 UCI chess engine. New version 28.12.2013

Greko  - UCI chess engines Author :  Vladimir Medvedev Greko 10.3 download      Ratings :  JCR = 2334 ,  CCRL = 2538 ,  CEGT = 2393 ,  WBEC = 250 1 All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

2013.12.26 JCER Test new engines Djinn 1.006 and Supra 18

2013.12.26 JCER Test new engines Djinn 1.006 and Supra 18 R Engine Score Dj Dj Su Su 1 Djinn1.006 x64 26.0/30 Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā·Ā· 1==0==1==1 1111111111 1111111111 2 Djinn 0.992 x64 24.0/30 0==1==0==0 Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā·Ā· 1111111111 1111111111 3 Supra 18.0 x64 7.0/30 0000000000 0000000000 Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā·Ā· 0110011111 4 Supra17 3.0/30 0000000000 0000000000 1001100000 Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā·Ā· All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page Temp: Blitz 3/3, Pentium Dual-Core CPU T4300 @ 2.10GHz z 4,0 GB GUI - Arena   system: Windows 7 64 bit  games download (PGN File)    Site: All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Protector 1.6.0 wins CEDR Test Tournament 22-25.12.2013

In addition to updating the links on the download page, we are also cleaning up the old entries and adapting them to our standards. A very interesting tournament from 11 years ago was won by the Protector 1.6.0 engine. In 2nd place we have the Bright 0.5c engine and in 3rd place the Cheng4 0.36a engine. CEDR Test Tournament 22-25.12.2013 R Engine Score Pr Br Ch Di Oc Be Co Jo Rh Ab NG Co Sd Fu 01 Protector 1.6.0 23.5/26 01 == 11 11 11 11 1= 11 11 11 11 11 11 02 Bright 0.5c 21.5/26 10 1= 10 11 =1 =0 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 03 Cheng4 0.36a 20.0/26 == 0= 0= =1 01 11 =1 11 11 11 11 11 11 04 Discocheck 5.0.1 19.5/26 00 01 1= =1 10 11 01 1= 11 11 11 11 11 05 Octochess r5190 17.0/26 00 00 =0 =0 11 =0 11 1= 11 11 11 11 11 06 Belka 2.0.0 16.5/26 00 =0 10 01 00 0= =1 11 11 11 11 11 11 07 Colossus 2008b 16.0/26 00 =1 00 00 =1 1= 0= 11 10 11 11 11 11 08 Jonny 4.00 15.0/26 0= 00 =0 10 00 =0 1= 11 1= 11 1= 11 11 09 Rhetoric 1.1 10.5/26 00 00 00 0= 0= 00 00 00 1= 11 11 11 11 10 Abrok 6.0 10.0/26 00 0...

Lucas Chess 8.00 new official version - best chess software

The aim is to play chess against the computer with increasing levels of difficulty and with a limited number of hints that are given by a chess tutor. Also included are thousands of training positions such as different types of endgames, tactical combinations and chess problems (mate in 2,3,4 and more). LucasChess 8.0 download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page LucasChess 8.00 portable version download

Supra 18.0 - UCI engines. New version 24.12.2013

Supra  - UCI engines Author : Pedro Mourao Correia    Website Ratings :  JCER =2097 , Supra 18.0 download    All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Djinn 1.006 - winboard engines (32 and 64-bit). New version 24.12.2013

Djinn  - winboard engines Author - Thom Linkes Djinn 1.006 download All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

Protector 1. 6 unoficial version - UCI chess engines. New version 22.12.2013

Protector - UCI chess engines Author - Raymund Heid Protector 1.6 download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Rhetoric 1.1 - UCI chess engine. New version 22.12.2013

Rhetoric - UCI chess engines Author - Alberto Sanjuan Rhetoric 1.1 download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Nirvanachess 1.3 wins CEDR Tournament 2013.12.20-22

CEDR Tournament 2013.12.20-22 R Engine Score Ni Ro Pr Tu Re Ti Pe Te Su S-B 1 Nirvanachess 1.3 25.0/32 Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā· 1=== 1010 11== 101= 1101 1111 1111 1111  324,00  2 Rodent 1.1 x64 24.0/32 0=== Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā· 1=11 =1=0 1=00 =111 1111 1111 1111  304,25  3 ProDeo 1.87 24.0/32 0101 0=00 Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā· ==1= 1111 1011 1111 1111 1111  297,25  4 Tucano 3.0 x64 21.5/32 00== =0=1 ==0= Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā· =101 101= 1111 1111 1111  252,25  5 Redqueen 1.1.4 x64 20.0/32 010= 0=11 0000 =010 Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā· =110 1111 1111 1111  223,00  6 Tigran 24n x64 16.5/32 0010 =000 0100 010= =001 Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā· 1011 1111 1111  167,25  7 Pedone 0.1 x64 8.0/32 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0100 Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā· 1110 1111  33,50  8 Testina 3 3.0/32 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā· 1100  12,00  9 Supra17 2.0/32 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0011 Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā·  6,00  Temp: Blitz 3/3, Pentium Dual-Core CPU T4300 @ 2.10GHz z 4,0 GB GUI - Arena syst...

Fire 3.0 - first test Chess Engines Diary (18-21.12.2013)

Fire 3.0 - first test Chess Engines Diary (18-21.12.2013) R Engine Score Fi 1 Fire 3.0 x64 48.5/70 *** 2 Critter 1.6a x64 5.0/10 =====1==0= 3 Vitruvius 1.11C x64 4.0/10 0=00=1==== 3 Firenzina 2.3.1 xTreme x64 4.0/10 ===0====0= 5 Naum 4.2 x64 3.0/10 ==00====00 5 Houdini 1.5a x64 3.0/10 =10=000==0 7 Onno 1-2-70 x64 1.5/10 =00000==00 8 BlackMamba 1.4 x64 1.0/10 00=0=00000 Level: Blitz 3/3, Hardware: Intel Core(TM) i5-3210M CPU @ 2.50GHz z 7,9 GB ram  system: Windows 8 Home Edition (Build 9200) 64 bit GUI - Arena games download (PGN File)   All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Deuterium wins Test average engine power by CEDR 2013.12.16-20

Test average engine power by CEDR 2013.12.16-20 R Engine Score De Dj Ab Ma De NG Ma Mo 1 Deuterium 24.0/28 Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā· 1=11 1010 1111 =011 1111 1111 1111 2 Djinn 0.992 x64 22.0/28 0=00 Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā· 1=11 11=0 111= 1111 1111 1111 3 Abrok 6.0 19.5/28 0101 0=00 Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā· 1111 =111 1101 =011 1111 4 Maverick 0.5 x64 15.0/28 0000 00=1 0000 Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā· 1111 1101 0=11 1111 5 Delphil 3 x64 12.5/28 =100 000= =000 0000 Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā· ==1= =111 1111 6 NGplay 9.83 x64 9.0/28 0000 0000 0010 0010 ==0= Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā· 0111 01=1 7 MadChess 1.3 7.5/28 0000 0000 =100 1=00 =000 1000 Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā· 1110 8 MorphyChess 1.05 2.5/28 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 10=0 0001 Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā· Temp: Blitz 3/3, Pentium Dual-Core CPU T4300 @ 2.10GHz z 4,0 GB GUI - Arena system: Windows 7 64 bit games download (PGN File) - Download edit 18.10.2024: The tournament, held 11 years ago, is a different era in the field of chess engines. Simply prehistory. The winner was the Deuterium engine, which has n...

Firenzina 2.4 xTreme (clone Fire) UCI chess engine. New version 18.12.2013

Firenzina - UCI chess engines Author - Dmitri Gusev Firenzina 2.4 xTreme download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Jurek Chess Engines Rating - ELO Stat live 17.12.2013

Engines JCER Games Cheng 1. Houdini 4 3044 20 +27 2. Stockfish 13072711 3016 69 -2 3. Fire 2.2+ xTreme Gh 2987 58 +2 4. Gull R600 2950 106 +2 5. Komodo TCEC 2948 50 +34 6. Critter 1.4 2927 375 -1 7. Houdini 1.5a 2916 790 +1 8. DeepSaros 4.1.2 2902 24 +49 9. Amitis 1.0 2897 104 -25 10. Pan Chess 00.400 2893 202 0 11. Bouquet 1.7b 2892 253 -1 12. Strelka 5.5 2886 350 0 13. RobboLito 0.21Q 2885 447 -1 14...

Jurek Chess Enginest Rating - test tournament 15-16.12.2013

2013.12.15-16 JCER Test R Engine Score Ch Ar Ar Ci 1 ChessTiger 2007 24.5/30 Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā·Ā· =00==111=1 1111111011 1111=11111 2 Arasan 16,3 x64 23.0/30 =11==000=0 Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā·Ā· 1=11111=11 1111111111 3 Ares 1.004 12.0/30 0000000100 0=00000=00 Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā·Ā· 1111111111 4 Cinnamon 1.1c x64 0.5/30 0000=00000 0000000000 0000000000 Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā·Ā· Ā·Ā· Temp: Blitz 3/3, Pentium Dual-Core CPU T4300 @ 2.10GHz z 4,0 GB GUI - Arena   system: Windows 7 64 bit  games download (PGN File)    Site: