
Showing posts from January, 2015

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Jurek Chess Engines Rating (BayesELO) - live 31-01-2015


Stockfish 6 wins JCER Test Tournament, 2015.01.30 - 2015.01.31

JCER Test Tournament, 2015.01.30 - 2015.01.31 P Engines JCER Score Stockfish Stockfish Sugar 3.0a Komodo 8 x Chg 1: Stockfish 6 x64 3306 17.5 / 30 XXXXXXX 1========= =1===1==== =1=1==1=0= -15 2: Stockfish 14122018a x64 3306 17.0 / 30 0========= XXXXXXX ========== 1==0=11111 -18 3: Sugar 3.0a x64 3187 16.0 / 30 =0===0==== ========== XXXXXXX =1=11=1=== +39 4: Komodo 8 x64 3154 9.5 / 30 =0=0==0=1= 0==1=00000 =0=00=0=== XXXXXX -6 60 games download ,  Table:  Scid vs PC   GUI: Fritz 12  book:  Perfect 2014c   Temp:   3' + 3",  Hardware:  Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3210M CPU @ 2.50GHz with 7,9 GB Memory  Operating system:   Windows 8.1 Home Edition (Build 9200) 64 bit    

Stockfish 15013018 - new development version very strong chess engine UCI

Stockfish  - chess engines UCI Previous version chess engine Stockfish   Author compilation -  Jean-Francois Romang     Stockfish 15013018 download

Sting sf 4.81 - chess engine UCI. New version 31.01.2015

Sting sf  - UCI chess engines (based on Stockfish) Previous version chess engine Sting sf   Author -  Marek Kwiatkowski Sting sf 4.81 download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Stockfish 15012922 - new development version very strong chess engine UCI

Stockfish  - chess engines UCI Previous version chess engine Stockfish   Author compilation -  Marco Costalba     Stockfish 15012922 download

Sayuri 2015.01.29 - new version chess engine UCI

Sayuri  - UCI chess engine Author - Hironori Ishibashi        Sayuri previous versions Sayuri 2015.01.29 download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Sjaak II 1.0 rc1 - winboard chess engine. New version 31.01.2015

Sjaak  - winboard chess engine Homepage Author - Evert Glebbeek    Sjaak -  previous versions Sjaak II 1.0 rc1 download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Jurek Chess Engines Rating - new list 30.01.2015

JCER Live - 30.01.2015 1.  1 Stockfish 14122018a - 3306 2. Sugar 3.0a - 3187 3. Komodo 8 - 3154 4. Houdini 4 - 3138 5. Gull 3 x64 etc. All list

Komodo 8 wins Swiss Tournament JCER, 2015.01.29 - 2015.01.30

Swiss Tournament JCER, 2015.01.29 - 2015.01.30 P Engines JCER Score 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Chg 1: Komodo 8 x64 3154 7.5 / 9 10b+ 9w+ 3w= 7b+ 6w+ 2b- 4w+ 5b+ 12w+ +16 2: Stockfish 6 x64 3231 6.0 / 9 11b= 5w= 7w- 12b+ 8w+ 1w+ 3b= 4b= 10w+ -9 3: Equinox 3.30 x64 3039 5.5 / 9 15w+ 8b+ 1b= 4w= 9b= 5w= 2w= 6b= 7b= +13 4: Gull 3 x64 3093 5.0 / 9 12w= 11w= 5b+ 3b= 7b= 9w+ 1b- 2w= 6w= +1 5: Sugar 3.0b x64 3196 5.0 / 9 13w= 2b= 4w- 14w+ 11b+ 3b= 6w= 1w- 15b+ -17 6: Critter 1.6a x64 3040 5.0 / 9 14w+ 7b= 13b= 11w+ 1b- 15w= 5b= 3w= 4b= -4 7: Mars 3.36 x64 3040 5.0 / 9 16b+ 6w= 2b+ 1w- 4w= 8b= 9w- 17b+ 3w= +0 8: PanChess 00.611 x64 3008 5.0 / 9 18b+ 3w- 9b= 10w+ 2b- 7w= 11w+ 12b- 14w+ -5 9: Fire 4 x64 ...

Stockfish 6 RC3 wins test tournament new engines, 2015.01.28 - 2015.01.29

60 games download ,  Table:  Scid vs PC   GUI: Fritz 12  book:  Perfect 2014c   Temp:   3' + 3",  Hardware:  Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3210M CPU @ 2.50GHz with 7,9 GB Memory  Operating system:   Windows 8.1 Home Edition (Build 9200) 64 bit  

Hannibal 1.5 - UCI chess engine. New version 28.01.2015

Hannibal - UCI chess engines Author - Samuel N. Hamilton and Edsel G. Apostol Hannibal download All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

Stockfish 6 - best chess engine (Windows, Linux, Mac and Android)

Stockfish  - chess engines UCI Previous version chess engine Stockfish     Stockfish 6 download

Gojemat 6.6.1.b01 wins test tournamnet new engines, 2015.01.27 - 2015.01.28

 Test New Engines, 2015.01.27 - 2015.01.28 P Engines JCER Score Goje Myrd Scid Sjak Lozz Supe Chg 1: Gojemat 6.6.1.b01 2545 16.5 / 20 XXX 0011 11=1 ==11 1111 1111 -2 2: Myrddin 0.87 x64 2200 11.5 / 20 1100 XXX 10=0 1110 11=1 =010 +54 3: Scidlet 4.4 wb 2200 11.0 / 20 00=0 01=1 XXX 1001 0110 1111 +48 4: Sjakk 2.2 x64 2532 10.0 / 20 ==00 0001 0110 XXX 0101 1111 -64 5: Lozza 1 14 6726 Node 2211 8.5 / 20 0000 00=0 1001 1010 XXX 1111 +20 6: Superpawn-89-x64 2200 2.5 / 20 0000 =101 0000 0000 0000 XXX -36 60 games download,  Table: Scid vs PC  GUI: Fritz 12  book: Perfect 2014c   Temp:   3' + 3",  Hardware:  Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3210M CPU @ 2.50GHz with 7,9 GB Memory  Operating system:   Windows 8.1 Home Edition (Build 9200) 64 bit   All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Stockfish 161114 wins test tournament new version Stockfish, 2015.01.26 - 2015.01.27

90 games download ,  Table:  Scid vs PC   GUI: Fritz 12 book:  Perfect 2014c   Temp:   3' + 3",  Hardware:  Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3210M CPU @ 2.50GHz with 7,9 GB Memory  Operating system:   Windows 8.1 Home Edition (Build 9200) 64 bit

Mars 3.36 - (very strong) chess engines UCI (based on Ippolit) . New version 27.01.2015

Mars   - UCI chess engines  Previous version chess engine Mars     Older version    JCER  : Mars 2,1 = 3062, 3014 Mars Mars 2,8 = 1,5 = 3035, Mars 1,7 = 3018, Mars 2,0 = 3015, Mars 1,1 = 2981 ,   Mars 1,8 = 3024, Mars 3,1 = 3022,   Mars 1,6 = 2886,    Mars 3.36 download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Superpawn b89 - UCI chess engine. New version 27.01.2015

Superpawn - UCI chess engine Homepage Superpawn b89 - download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Myrddin 0.87 - winboard chess engine. New version 27.01.2015

Myrddin - winboard chess engines Author -  John Merlino Myrddin 0.87 download All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

Lozza 1.14 - UCI chess engine. New version 27.01.2015

Lozza - javascript chess engines Author - Colin Jenkins Lozza 1.14 download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Stockfish 6 Release Candidate 3

Stockfish  - chess engines UCI Previous version chess engine Stockfish     Stockfish Stockfish 6 Release Candidate 3 download

Sugar 4.1 - UCI chess engine. New version 26.01.2015

Sugar  - UCI chess engine Author -  Marco Zerbinati     Previous version chess engine Sugar   Sugar 4.1 download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

JCER, First Test Arasan 17.5, 25.01.2015

40 games download,  Table: Scid vs PC  GUI: Arena 3.5   book: Perfect 2014c   Temp:   3' + 3",  Hardware:  Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3210M CPU @ 2.50GHz with 7,9 GB Memory  Operating system:   Windows 8.1 Home Edition (Build 9200) 64 bit All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

Stockfish 6 Release Candidate 2

Stockfish  - chess engines UCI Previous version chess engine Stockfish     Stockfish Stockfish 6 Release Candidate 2 download

Texel 1.05 -chess engine UCI. New version 25.01.2015

Texel - UCI Chess engines Author - Peter Osterlund Previous version chess engine Texel   JCER=2807  Texel 1.05 download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Superpawn b71 - UCI chess engine. New version 15.01.2015

Superpawn - UCI chess engine Homepage Superpawn b71 - download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

K2 0.71 - UCI chess engine. New version 25.01.2015

K2  - UCI chess engines Author - Sergey Meus  Previous version chess engine K2   Rating    JCER    K2 0.63 - 2358 K2 0.57=2305 K2 0.71 download

Arasan 17.5 UCI chess engines (Windows, Mac) and GUI. New version 25.01.2015

Arasan  - UCI engines (and GUI) Author :  Jon Dart   Previous version chess engine Arasan   CEDR Rating  old version: Arasan 17= 2743 , Arasan 16.3= 2655 , Arasan 15.2= 2574 , Arasan 14.1= 2374 All chess engines downloadable on the site

JCER, Test Stockfish 6 RC1, 2015.01.21 - 2015.01.22

60 games download ,  Table:  Scid vs PC   GUI:  Arena 3.5   book:  Perfect 2014c   Temp:   3' + 3",  Hardware:  Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3210M CPU @ 2.50GHz with 7,9 GB Memory  Operating system:   Windows 8.1 Home Edition (Build 9200) 64 bit

SCE - new UCI chess engine

SCE - UCI chess engine SCE 1.2 download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

JCER First test Stockfish 6 RC1

60 games download ,  Table:  Scid vs PC   GUI:  Arena 3.5   book:  Perfect 2014c   Temp:   3' + 3",  Hardware:  Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3210M CPU @ 2.50GHz with 7,9 GB Memory  Operating system:   Windows 8.1 Home Edition (Build 9200) 64 bit