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Jurek Chess Engines Championship - Round 1/16 match 01. Sugar 5.4a - DeepJunior 3-1

Jurek Chess Engines Championship - start 01.09.2015.The participants

SugaR PrO RC1 wins JCER Test Tournament, 2015.08.28 - 2015.08.31

Stockfish 15082916 - new development version very strong chess engine UCI

DeepFish MZ 4.1 - UCI chess engine. New version!

Funfish - modified chess engine Stockfish

Zurichchess fribourg - chess engines UCI. New version!

Stockfish 15082908 - new development version very strong chess engine UCI

Schooner Chess 1.4.1, winboard chess engine. New version

Stockfish 15082821 - new development version very strong chess engine UCI

Giraffe 20150828 (WB chess engine) - new version

121 Chess Engines witch A - update location and files

First Test Sugar PrO RC2, 2015.08.26 - 2015.08.28

277 version and compilation Stockfish - update location and files