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Chess Engines Diary - one million visits!

Floyd 0.8 - UCI chess engine. New version!

Chess engine: Salt 160329 (based on SugaR)

First test Komodo 9.42 (Match Komodo 9.3- Komodo 9.42), 2016.03.29

Soberango 0.00.0 - new chess engine (winboard)

SugaR 2.2 wins CEDR Test Tournament, 2016.03.21 - 2016.03.29

SugaR 2.4 - very strong chess engine!

Stockfish 16032816 - best chess engine

Chess engine: Nayeem 4.4

Stockfish 16032721_snicolet - best chess engine

Chess engine: SaNJiB 3.2 (Stockfish clone)

Chess engine: SF260316MZ

Stockfish 16032721_mbootsector - best chess engine

SmarThink 1.90 - UCi chess engine. New version

Stockfish 16032721_fanon - best chess engine

Redqueen 1.1.98 - UCI chess engine. New version!

Nebula 2.0 wins 7 League chess engines JCER, edition 03/2016, 2016.03.24 - 2016.03.28

140 Chess Engines with I - update location and files

196 Chess Engines with C - update location and files