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Chess engine: Raubfisch X38d3b and GTZ17d3b

JCER Championship 2018, Match Stockfish 280718 - Booot 6.3.1, 2018.07.29

Chess engine: ShashChess Pro 1.0

Chess engine: Stockfish 18072807

JCER Championship 2018, Match Stockfish 280718 - Arasan 21, 2018.07.29

Chess4j 3.4 - winboard engine. New version

Chess engine: Brainfish 180728 and book: Cerebellum Light 180611

JCER Championship 2018, Match Komodo 9.02 - Texel 1.08a11, 2018.07.26

BrainFish 180722 wins JCER Test New chess engines, 2018.07.21 - 2018.07.24

Chess engine: Brainfish 180726 and book: Cerebellum Light 180611

Dorky 4.7 - winboard chess engine. New version!

Chess engine: Marlin 240718

Chess engine: Xadreco 5.85 180721

Chess engine: Asymptote 0.1.8 (Windows, Mac and Linux)

Chess engine: Raubfisch X38d3a and GTZ17d3a

Baron 3.43 - UCI chess engine. New version

K2 0.91 - UCI chess engine. New version!

JCER Championship 2018, Match Fizbo 2 - Booot 6.3.1, 2018.07.22

Chess engine: asmFish 2018-07-23

Chess engine: Pirarucu 2.2.2

TomitankChess 2.0 wins new chess engines test, 2018.07.18 - 2018.07.20

Chess engine: Xiphos 0.3.6

Nemorino 5.00 - UCI chess engine. New version!

Chess engine: Brainfish 180722 and book: Cerebellum Light 180611

Chess engine: Raubfisch X38d2c and GTZ17d2c

JCER Championship 2018, Match Fire 7.1 - Critter 1.6a, 2018.07.21


Chess engine: Chenard 06-03-2018


First Test chess engine Dorky 4.6, 2018.07.17 - 2018.07.18

Chess engine: Scorpio 2.86 mcts

JCER Championship 2018, Match Strelka 6 - Gull 3.1JV (2018.07.17 - 2018.07.18)

Chess engine: Hedgehog 1.9

First Test chess engine: Ethereal 10.55, 2018.07.16 - 2018.07.17

Chess Engine: Coiled 0.5

Chess Engine: BrainFish 180715 and book: Cerebellum Light 180611