
Showing posts from August, 2018

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Chess engine: Raubfisch X38e2 and GTZ17e2

Raubfisch is an engine derived from Stockfish and Torpedo 1.1 XJR (private engine by Frank Karl Werner and Max Fehler) Rating JCER - 3436 Raubfisch X38e2 and GTZ17e2 - download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

EnkoChess 24.08.2018 - new version!

EnkoChess - UCI chess engine,  Author - Evgeny Silchenko Homepage   Raning JCER=1774 EnkoChess 24.08.2018 - download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Rodent III 0.269 - UCI chess engine. New version!

Rodent - UCI chess engine,  Author = Pawel Koziol (Poland) homepage   Rating JCER=2830 Rodent III 0.269 - download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Chess engine: Brainfish 180829 and book: Cerebellum Light 180611

Brainfish - UCI chess engine, CEDR Rating=3469 From the author: Brainfish is a standard Stockfish chess engine extended by a general book format that is capable of handling a reduced part of Cerebellum, which is an innovative chess opening and playing book. In Brainfish, the book moves are only used in engine games, not in analysis mode. All moves in the published book Cerebellum_light.bin generated by Cerebellum were calculated by using Stockfish as analysis engine, without using statistics. Then those moves where recalulated by the Cerebellum Library using a graph algorithm that makes all scores in the library consistant. Consistant scores means for example, in case the starting position has a score of 0.2 and a best move is 1.e4, the position after 1.e4 must have the score -0.2. Additionally, some others properties are found, like the best main line of a position and possible Transitions. Hence, when Brainfish is playing moves that are in the Cerebellum book, it plays like...

Chess engine: Asymptote 0.2.0 (Windows, Mac and Linux)

Asymptote - UCI chess engine. Author M.Lupke Rating JCER=1913 Asymptote 0.2.0 - download

Pirarucu 2.3.8 wins JCER - Test new chess engines, 2018.08.27 - 2018.08.29

Temp 3' + 3" Hardware: Intel Core i7-4710MQ 7,9 GB Mem , 220  Tournament games ,  GUI- Arena 3.5.1 ,   97.598 JCER games (01.07.2018) Book: Perfect 2017 , Table created - Scid vs PC All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Chess engine: Xiphos 0.3.18

Xiphos - UCI chess engine Rating JCER=3090, Author: Milos Tatarevic This project is inspired by Garry Kasparov's "Deep Thinking: Where Machine Intelligence Ends and Human Creativity Begins." This fantastic book has evoked my childhood passion, computer chess. I was wondering how hard it could be to develop an engine strong enough to suppress the legendary Deep Blue, so I gave it a try. Xiphos 0.3.18 - download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

SugaR XPrO 290818 - very strong chess engine!

Sugar - UCI chess engine, Author - Marco Zerbinati  Rating JCER=3374 SugaR XPrO 290818 - download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Chess engine: CiChess 2.5

CiChess - UCI chess engine Rating JCER= 2449 CiChess 2.5 - download All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

Schooner 1.8.3, winboard chess engine. New version

Schooner - winboard chess engine,  Rating JCER=2358 Homepage,   Author -   Dennis Sceviour Schooner 1.83 - download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Chess engine: Rofchade 1.0

Rofchade is a UCI chess engine written in C++. Author- Ronald Friederich. There are 3 versions of rofchade:  1.the regular version, 2.the bmi2 version 3.the nopopcnt version. If you have an Intel processor type Haswell or later (introduced june 2013) then the fastest rofchade version is the bmi2. If you have an AMD processor (Ryzen, Threadripper etc.) or an Intel processor before Haswell use the regular version. NB the bmi2 version is much slower on the AMD processors so don't use that version on AMD If you have an older processor without popcount support (Intel before Nehalem, AMD before Phenom) use the nopopcnt version Rofchade 1.0 - download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

JCER - Stockfish Progress Test, 2018.08.26

Temp 3' + 3" Intel Core i3-3217U CPU 3,9 GB Memory , Windows 10 x64 42 Tournament games , GUI- Arena 3.5.1 , 97.598 JCER games (from 01.01.2017) Book: Perfect 2017 ,   Table created: Scid vs PC

Only for donors added: 16 chess engines

16 chess engines: Aldebaran 070, BrainFish 180812, BrainFish 180818, BrainFish 180821, Dorky 4.8, Ethereal 10.92, Galjoen 0.39.2, Greko 2018.08, Invictus 0.001, Pirarucu 2.3.8, Raubfisch X38e1_and_GTZ17e1, Raubfisch_X38e_and_GTZ17e, ShashChess Pro 3.0, Stockfish 18082021, SugaR XPrO 180818, Weini 0.0.23. Full acces to the folder: CHESS ENGINES - about 3000 files! If you do not want to wait a long time for download - donate a minimum of 10$, enter your email - you will gain full access to the folder with chess engines. Bonus on donate of 15$ - acces to the folder with games, tables, engines pack. My email:

Ethereal 10.92 - UCI chess engine. New version!

Ethereal - UCI chess engine, Author - Andy Grant Rating JCER=3079 Ethereal rating progress: Ethereal 10.55 - 3079, Ethereal 10.00 - 2978, Ethereal 8.80 - 2835, Ethereal 8.60 - 2673, Ethereal 8.37 - 2635, Ethereal 8.24 - 2542. All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page Ethereal 10.92 - download

Chess engine: Raubfisch X38e1 and GTZ17e1

Raubfisch is an engine derived from Stockfish and Torpedo 1.1 XJR (private engine by Frank Karl Werner and Max Fehler) Rating JCER - 3436 Raubfisch X38e1 and GTZ17e1 - download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Spike 1.4 wins JCER Test Tournament, 2018.08.24 - 2018.08.25

Temp 3' + 3" Hardware: Intel Core i7-4710MQ 7,9 GB Mem , 112  Tournament games ,  GUI- Arena 3.5.1 ,   97.598 JCER games (01.07.2018) Book: Perfect 2017 , Table created - Scid vs PC All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Chess engine: Stockfish 18082021

Stockfish - UCI chess engine Interesting compiled by Stefan Geschwentner  Rating JCER=3441 Stockfish 18082021 - download

Chess engine: Invictus 0.001

Invictus - UCI chess engine Author - Edsel Apostol.  Edsel Apostol - a uthor of chess engines TwistedLogic, and Invictus. Co-author of Hannibal chess engine. Invictus 0.001 - download

Chess engine: Pirarucu 2.3.8

Pirarucu - UCI chess engine (java) Author : Raoni Campos,  Rating JCER=2361 Pirarucu JCER rating progress: Pirarucu 2.2.2 - 2361, Pirarucu 2.1.1 - 2324, Pirarucu 2.0.7 - 2252, Pirarucu 2.0.5 - 2211, Pirarucu 2.0.2 - 2142, Pirarucu 1.9.1 - 2040, Pirarucu 1.8.1 - 1997, Pirarucu 1.2 - 1762, Pirarucu 2.3.8 - download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Today start - Super League JCER edition 04/2018

Only free chess engine!* * - after the victory of the free Stockfish engine from Komodo and Houdini, commercial engines will not be promoted Engine Author JCER Komodo 9.02 Don Dailey, Larry Kaufman, Mark Lefler 3186 Raubfisch X38e Frank Karl Werner, Max Fehler 3436 SugaR XPrO 180818 Marco Zerbinati, Sergey Aleksandrovitch Kozlov 3374 Stockfish 18082021 Marco Costalba 3441 Houdini 1.5a Robert Houdart 3027 Fizbo 2 Youri Matiounine 3113 Andscacs 0.94 Daniel Jose 3122 Gull 3.1 JV Vadim Demichev 3096 Fire 7.1 Norman Schmidt 3182 Booot 6.3.1 Alex Morozov 3109 Roc 0.8 Demichev/Hyer 3100 Nirvanachess 2.4 Thomas Kolarik 2996 Strelka 6 x32 Jury Osipov 3034 Critter 1.6a Richard Vida 3022 Texel 1.08a11 Peter Österlund 3023 Equinox 3.30 Giancarlo Delli Colli 3020 ComStock 3 Decembrists 2987 BlackMamba 2.0 Matteo D'Annibale, Maurizio Platino 2923

134 chess engines the letter Da-Di update!

134 engines the letter Da-Di download     Engine list

49 engines the letter Ca-Cg update!

49 engines the letter Ca-Cg download    Engine list

Raubfisch X38e wins - Test Stockfish, clones and derivatives, 2018.08.14 - 2018.08.24

Temp 3' + 3" Hardware: Intel Core i7-4710MQ 7,9 GB Mem , 816  Tournament games ,  GUI- Arena 3.5.1 ,   97.598 JCER games (01.07.2018) Book: Perfect 2017 , Table created - Scid vs PC Stockfish progress: Stockfish 9 - 42,5 points, Stockfish 18081006 - 52 points.

63 engines the letter Rod-Rz update!

63 engines the letter Rod-Rz download     Engine list

159 engines the letter Ra-Roc update!

159 engines the letter Ra-Roc download     Engine list

Chess engine: Greko 2018.08

Greko - UCI chess engine, Author: Vladimir Medvedev  Rating JCER=2503   Greko 2018.08 - download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Chess engine: Brainfish 180821 and book: Cerebellum Light 180611

Brainfish - UCI chess engine, CEDR Rating=3469 From the author: Brainfish is a standard Stockfish chess engine extended by a general book format that is capable of handling a reduced part of Cerebellum, which is an innovative chess opening and playing book. In Brainfish, the book moves are only used in engine games, not in analysis mode. All moves in the published book Cerebellum_light.bin generated by Cerebellum were calculated by using Stockfish as analysis engine, without using statistics. Then those moves where recalulated by the Cerebellum Library using a graph algorithm that makes all scores in the library consistant. Consistant scores means for example, in case the starting position has a score of 0.2 and a best move is 1.e4, the position after 1.e4 must have the score -0.2. Additionally, some others properties are found, like the best main line of a position and possible Transitions. Hence, when Brainfish is playing moves that are in the Cerebellum book, it plays like...

Chess engine: ShashChess Pro 3.0

ShashChes s - UCI chess engine. Rating JCER=3329 ShahChess derived from Stockfish family chess engines.  Engine’s behaviour on the different positions types (requiring the corresponding algorithm) : Tal Capablanca Petrosian the mixed ones Tal-Capablanca Capablanca-Petrosian Tal-Capablanca-Petrosian ShashChess Pro 3.0 - download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Dorky 4.8 - winboard chess engine. New version!

Dorky - is a Winboard compatible engine and supports most of the features of Winboard.  Author - Matt McKnight  Rating JCER=2196 Dorky 4.8 download from page

Chess engine: Weini 0.0.23

Weini - winboard chess engine   Weini=WisEness Is Not Inside   Author : Vivien Clauzon Weini 0.0.23 - download

Chess engine: Brainfish 180818 and book: Cerebellum Light 180611

Brainfish - UCI chess engine, CEDR Rating=3469 Information from the author: Brainfish is a standard Stockfish chess engine extended by a general book format that is capable of handling a reduced part of Cerebellum, which is an innovative chess opening and playing book. In Brainfish, the book moves are only used in engine games, not in analysis mode. All moves in the published book Cerebellum_light.bin generated by Cerebellum were calculated by using Stockfish as analysis engine, without using statistics. Then those moves where recalulated by the Cerebellum Library using a graph algorithm that makes all scores in the library consistant. Consistant scores means for example, in case the starting position has a score of 0.2 and a best move is 1.e4, the position after 1.e4 must have the score -0.2. Additionally, some others properties are found, like the best main line of a position and possible Transitions. Hence, when Brainfish is playing moves that are in the Cerebellum book, ...

Galjoen 0.39.2 - UCI chess engine

Galjoen - chess engines UCI, Author: Werner Taelemans Rating JCER = 2110 Change: Galjoen 0.39.2:  Bugfix for 'UCI_LimitStrength=false' option.  Galjoen JCER Rating progress: Galjoen 0.38 - 2110, Galjoen 0.37.2 - 2013, Galjoen 0.36 - 1930, Galjoen 0.35.6 - 1871. Galjoen 0.39.2 - download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

SugaR XPrO 180818 - very strong chess engine!

Sugar - UCI chess engine, Author - Marco Zerbinati  Rating JCER=3374 SugaR XPrO 180818 - download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Only for donors added: 108 chess engines and book Ranomi 180315

108 chess engines : andscacs 0.94, Arasan 21.0, Arasan 21.0-beta, asmFish 2018-07-23, asmFish 2018-06-25, asmFish 2018-07-05, asmFish 2018-07-11, asmFishCP 2018-07-12, Asymptote 0.1.8, Baron 3.43, Betsabe II 1.84-fixed, Booot 6.3, Booot 6.3.1, BrainFish 180622, BrainFish 180708, BrainFish 180715, BrainFish 180721, BrainFish 180722, BrainFish 180726, BrainFish 180728, BrainFish 180809, CDrill_1800 Build 4.7, Cfish 050718, Cfish 080718, CFish 080718_all, Cfish 310718_BMI2, Chenard 06.03.2018, Chess 22k 1.10, chess 4j 3.4, chess 4j 3.4.1, CiChess 2.4t, Coiled 0.5, Coiled 0.6, CorChess 2.4 180618, Counter 2.9, Dorky 4.6, Dorky 4.7, Embla 1.0.3, Ethereal 10, galjoen 0.39, galjoen 0.39.1, greko 2018.06, greko 2018.07, Gull 18062311, Hedgehog 1.9, Igel 1.2, igel 0.8, K2 0.91, Laser 1.6, Marlin 230718, Marlin 240718, marvin 3.1.0, McBrain 9.6, Nemeton 1.7, Nemorino 5.00, Orion 0.5, Pedone 1.8, Pirarucu 2.0.7, Pirarucu 2.1.1, Pirarucu 2.2.2, ProDeo 2.8, Raubfisch X38d2a und GTZ17d2a, Raubfisc...

56 engines the letter Dj-Dz update!

56 engines the letter Dj-Dz download     Engine list

151 engines the letter M update!

151 engines the letter M download     Engine list

99 engines the letter Ci-Cz update!

99 engines the letter Ci-Cz download     Engine list

53 engines the letter Ga-Gh update!

53 engines the letter Ga-Gh download     Engine list

48 engines the letter Pr-Pz update!

48 engines the letter Pr-Pz download     Engine list

85 engines the letter Pa-Po update!

85 engines the letter Pa-Po download     Engine list