43 chess engines: Acqua 3.5.3, Allie 0.4. Alouette 0.0.6, asmFish 2019-05-20, Asymptote 0.6, BrainFish 190602, BrainFish 190610, CFish 2019-06-06, Cfish 130619, CorChess 2019-05-17, CorChess 2019-06-07, Cpw 1.1.18, Danasah 7.90, Demolito 1.0.14, Dimitri 5.00, Embla 2.0.6, Embla 2.0.7, Ethereal 11.40, Francesca 0.24, GiuChess 1.0, Igel 1.6.0 , Jumbo 0.6.107, Knightx 1.94, Knightx 1.94 bugfix, Komodo 10 free, McCain X4, Nemeton 1.81, Orion 0.6, Raubfisch X40b2_and_GTZ19b2, Raubfisch X40c_and_GTZ19c, Sapeli 1.16, Sapeli 1.20, Shark 190517_bf, Sting sf-15, Stockfish 19052509, Stockfish 19061000, Topple 0.6.1, Topple 0.7.0, Xiphos 0.5.4. And book: Perfect 2018, Cerebellum light 190610. ================================================ All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page Full acces to the folder: CHESS ENGINES - about 3000 files! If you do not want to wait a long time for download - donate a minimum of 10$, enter your email - you will gai...