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Stockfish 220620 wins JCER - Fritz Tournament (New Engines Test), 2020.06.28 - 2020.06.30

Combusken 1.1.0 wins 9 League JCER edition 35, 2020.06.28 - 2020.06.30

Chess engine: Wasabi 1.3.0 (Windows and Linux)

Chess engine: Stockfish 20062822Nicolet

Chess engine: Badchess 0.4.4

GoldOno 7.0 wins JCER - Android chess engines Tournament, 2020.06.28-29

Fridolin 3.10 wins 7 League JCER edition 35, 2020.06.26 - 2020.06.28

Chess engine: Stockfish 20062822Geschwentner

Chess engine: Cfish 11

Chess engine: BrainLearn 9

Chess engine: Stockfish 20062822

Chess engine: ShashChess 12 (for Windows and Linux)

Chess engine: Lc0 0.26.0-rc1

Stockfish 170620 wins JCER - Fritz Tournament (Test new engines) 2020.06.27-28

Chess engine: Halogen 4.0

Only for donors added: 9 chess engines, 1 GUI

CyberPagno 3.0 wins 8 League JCER edition 35, 2020.06.26 - 2020.06.28

Chess Graphical User Interface: Banksia 0.30 (Windows, Mac and Linux)

Chess engine: Foxsee 4.0.0

Chess engine: OliThink 5.4.10 (Windows and Mac)

Chess engine: Demolito 28-06-2020

Chess engine: CorChess 2020-06-22 (Windows, Linux and Android)

Chess engine: Cfish 2020-06-28

Sugar-NN 170120 wins JCER - Android Chess Engines Tournament, 2020.06.27-28

Chess engine: Stash 18.1