
Showing posts from January, 2021

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Chess engine: Raubfisch X44d and GTZ23d NNUE

Raubfisch is an engine derived from Stockfish and Torpedo 1.1 XJR (private engine by Frank Karl Werner and Max Fehler).  Rating JCER - 3122  (3st place) *********************************************************************************************** Raubfisch X44d and GTZ23d NNUE - download

Chess engine: SlowChess 2.5 (Windows and Linux)

SlowChess - winboard/UCI chess engine Author - Jonathan Kreuzer  Rating JCER=2853 About v.2.5: Using Slow Chess : Own GUI or Winboard / UCI Update History 2.5 uses neural nets for evaluation in all stages of the game. (2.4 had only endgame neural nets.) slow64-avx.exe is fastest slow64-sse.exe is for older CPUs that don't support AVX2, it will have slower nps. (With neural net eval hardware popcount is no longer a measurable speed up, so slow64-sse has no hardware pop also.) Slow Chess 2.5 download

Chess engine: CorChess 2021-01-27 NNUE

CorChess is a clone of Stockfish maintained for better performance on long time controls, trying at least partially to fill the gap between regular tests and demands of correspondence players. Rating JCER=3070 CorChess 2021-01-27 NNUE - download

Waxman 2020 wins JCER - Amateur Engines Test, 2021.01.26 - 2021.01.28

  Temp 3'+3" Intel Core i7 7,9 GB GUI  Arena 3.5.1 Book  Perfect 2021 All JCER games 80.837 Table created  Scid vs PC JCER League Tournament:   480 games

New chess opening book: M11.2 (bin and ctg)

  We provide two opening books, in two different formats: bin and ctg. This is enough to be used in almost any chess program (GUI). Of course, every book may contain errors, but this one is based on a high rating. Happy testing! Book - CTG format Customers who wish to use the CTG format book will need a GUI capable of reading this format, ie. Chessbase GUIs.  Please save the book in your book folder. We strongly recommend that you "Optimize" the book in the Book options dialog so the tournament moves are chosen. The book is very wide even in tournament mode unlike most other books. A type of book format mainly used by chess programs from Chessbase , such as Fritz, Chess Base, Komodo, FatFritz, Houdini , etc. Book - BIN format (  Used by chess GUIs Arena, Banksia and Droidfish) Binary books have some important advantages, especially for computer chess engines: space-efficient, fast on accessing and searching, more useful information.  At the most simple form, they ar...

Chess engine: Mayhem 3.0 (Windows and Linux)

Mayhem Tuning Mvv + bug fixes + speedups + last eval printed instead of 0 Fast binaries for Windows + Unix. Compile yourself for extra kick. A little bit stronger Mayhem 3.0 download  

Eman 6.90 wins JCER - Jedi Order 2021.1, 2021.01.26 - 2021.01.28

Promotion to 1. Galactic Empire:  Eman 6.90, HekaStockfish 051220 .     Relegation to 3. Sith Empire: K-141, Reks . Temp 3'+3" Intel Core i5-1035G1 7,9 GB GUI  Fritz 17 Book  Perfect 2021 All JCER games 80.837 Table created  Scid vs PC JCER Test Tournament:   182 games

Chess engine: Rubichess 2.0 NNUE

RubiChess -  UCI chess engine, Rating JCER= 2973 Author - Andreas Matthies This release besides some minor improvements introduces NNUE evaluation to RubiChess and with this some more binaries: RubiChess-BMI2: For best performance on modern intel CPUs and probably also new AMD Ryzen Zen3 / 5?00X CPUs (tests welcome) RubiChess-AVX2: For best performance on modern AMD Ryzen Zen/Zen2 RubiChess: For older CPUs that support POPCNT but no AVX2 RubiChess-SSSE3: For even older CPUs with SSSE3 but no POPCNT RubiChess-Legacy: For very old x86-64 CPU without SSSE3 support (are there any?) You will get a warning at startup if the selected binary doesn't match your CPU or it will just crash. NNUE evaluation is disabled by default. It can be enabled by UCI option "Use NNUE" and it uses default network file nn-803c91ad5c-20201107.nnue which is part of Windows package and for download at Rubichess 2.0 NNUE - download

Fisherov 0.95 wins JCER Test Tournament, 2021.01.24 - 2021.01.27

  Temp 3'+3" Intel Core i5-8250U 7,9 GB GUI Fritz 17 Book  Perfect 2021 All JCER games 80.837 Table created  Scid vs PC JCER Test Tournament:   420 games

SugaR AI 1.40 wins JCER Arena Test Tournament, 2021.01.22 - 2021.01.25

  Temp 3'+3" Intel Core i7 7,9 GB GUI  Arena 3.5.1 Book  Perfect 2020 All JCER games 80.837 Table created  Scid vs PC JCER Test Tournament:   480 games

Nibbler 1.6.1: real-time analysis GUI for Leela Chess Zero (Lc0) - Windows and Linux

Nibbler  is a real-time analysis GUI for Leela Chess Zero (Lc0), which runs Leela in the background and constantly displays opinions about the current position.  You can also compel the engine to evaluate one or more specific moves. Nibbler is loosely inspired by Lizzie. v.1.6.1: When Leela reports that it has spent 0 nodes analysing a move, display its winrate as "?" rather than "50%". Most noticably, this improves the display of losing moves in tablebase positions. Nibbler 1.6.1 for Windows download Nibbler 1.6.1 for Linux download

Only for donors added: 32 chess engines (for Windows), 1 chess engines for Android, 1 chess engines for Linux, GUI (4 files), 1 book .

32 chess engines: Absolute-zero-, Ceres, Cfish 040121, Cheng4 0.40, ChessMatrix 1.0.6, Cosette 4.0 Komekko, Eman 6.80, Eman 6.90, Fisherov 0.94, Fisherov 0.95, Knightx 2.5, LeoChess UCI, Lozza 1.19, Lozza 2021-01-12, Marvin 5.0.0, Mayhem 2.9, Minic 3.03, MinimalChess 1, Nemorino 6.00 patch1, Qabla 0.0.14, Quabla 0.0.1, Raubfisch X44c and GTZ23c, Stash 27.0, Stockfish 21010816, Stockfish 21011119, Stockfish 21011322, Stockfish 21011709, SugaR AI 1.40, TomitankChess 5.0, Waxman2020. 1 chess engines for Android : Crystal 180121. 1 chess engines for Linux : Mayhem 2.8 for Linux. Book:  Perfect 2021. GUI :  ArtemisChess 1.1.0, Jerry 4.0.0, LucaschessR R1.03, Waxman2020 GUI.  ================================================   Full acces to the folder: CHESS ENGINES - about 3000 files! If you do not want to wait a long time for download donate a minimum of 15$, enter your email - you will gain full access to the folder with chess engines and ga...

Eman 6.70 wins JCER Test Tournament, 2021.01.23 - 2021.01.25

  Temp 3'+3" Intel Core i7 7,9 GB GUI  Arena 3.5.1 Book  Perfect 2020 All JCER games 80.837 Table created  Scid vs PC JCER Test Tournament:   306 games

Chess engine: Quabla 0.0.14

Quabla - UCI/winboard chess engine, Author: Volker Böhm Playing strength about 2240 Elo,  UCI & Winboard Support Standard search with very little pruning (Nullmove & Futility in Quiescense) and very little extensions (check extension only) Eval: King Security, Mobility, Static Pawn structure Endgame-Eval: Handling several situations with few pieces (like King + Rook vs. King) Quabla 0.0.14 download

New chess engine: Fisherov 0.95 NNUE for Android

  Fisherov - UCI chess engine (NNUE) Rating JCER = 2721 Fisherov is a chess engine derived from stockfish. Code has been added in various parts to achieve a different style, which becomes more evident by deactivating his neural networks (although this would cause him to significantly lose his strength but he would gain in aggressiveness, which would be interesting for human training or to make him compete against other non-neural chess engines). For greater robustness and competitiveness, the use of a neural network must be left activated (as it already comes by default). The engine already has a network incorporated, although there is also the possibility of using another network from the UCI options. This engine was developed by Luis Damián Primo and Andres Ivan Primo residents of the province of Córdoba, Argentina.  Fisherov 0.95 NNUE for Android download  -  Engine is not publicly available and is non-commercial "Due to a request from the Stockfish team in doub...

Chess engine: Waxman 2020

Chess GUI - Waxman 2020 , Rating JCER=2506 Author:  Ivan Bacigal Waxman 2020 - download

Chess engine: Eman 6.90

Eman - UCI Chess Engine  (Stockfish variety) Author: Khalid Omar,  Rating JCER=3063 Eman 6.90 - download The link was removed due to an allegation by the Stockfish team of violating the GPL.

New chess opening book: Perfect 2021 (abk, bin, bkt, ctg)

  Opening book Perfect 2021 (abk, bin, bkt, ctg) - download

Chess GUI - Waxman 2020

Chess GUI - Waxman 2020 ,  Author:  Ivan Bacigal The chess-playing code is the same as in the current WinBoard engine.  The user interface is part leftover 1990s code, part new code, and  a good deal comes from an unreleased PALM OS (!!) port of WAXMAN. Waste not, want not.  As before, the feature set is minimal. WAXMAN plays chess, solves  chess problems, and saves, loads and prints games -- with diagrams.  WAXMAN is completely self-contained. There are no external files  to install. Everything, including a library of opening moves, is built  into the executable file that you can put in any folder you want. Waxman 2020 GUI - download

Chess engine for Android: Mayhem 2.9

Mayhem Bugfixes + more knowledge + speedups + improvements. The strongest Mayhem. Mayhem 2.9 download  

Chess engine: Eman 6.80

Eman - UCI Chess Engine  (Stockfish variety) Author: Khalid Omar,  Rating JCER=3063 Eman 6.80 - download The link was removed due to an allegation by the Stockfish team of violating the GPL.

SugaR AI 1.40 wins JCER - Test New Engines, 2021.01.20 - 2021.01.23

  Temp 3'+3" Intel Core i7 7,9 GB GUI  Arena 3.5.1 Book  Perfect 2020 All JCER games 80.837 Table created  Scid vs PC JCER Test Tournament:   364 games

Only for donors added: Fisherov 0.95 for Android

Only for donors added: Fisherov 0.95 for Android (Folder" ...Engines/ForAndroid) ================================================   Full acces to the folder: CHESS ENGINES - about 6000 files! If you do not want to wait a long time for download donate a minimum of 15$, enter your email - you will gain full access to the folder with chess engines and games, tables, etc. My email: jotes @ My email:

Chess engines for Android: Blackdiamond 12-R2-09

  Blackdiamond 12-R2-09 for Android download

Stockfish 110121 wins JCER Test Tournament, 2021.01.17 - 2021.01.23

  Temp 3'+3" Intel Core i7 7,9 GB GUI  Arena 3.5.1 Book  Perfect 2020 All JCER games 80.837 Table created  Scid vs PC JCER Test Tournament:   468 games

Chess engine: Nemorino 6.00 patch1

Nemorino - UCI chess engine, Author - Christian Günther Rating JCER=2970 (8 place) Nemorino 6.00 patch1 download

Chess engine: Mayhem 2.9 (Windows and Linux)

Mayhem Bugfixes + more knowledge + speedups + improvements. The strongest Mayhem. Mayhem 2.9 download  

Chess engine: Cosette 4.0 (Komekko)

  Cosette - UCI chess engine (written in C# for .NET Core platform) Rating JCER=2297 Author: PaweÅ‚ Tearth v. 4.0: Added Texel project Added check extension Added check detection in quiescence search Added evasion moves generator Added static null-move pruning Added futility pruning Added new formulas calculating reduction for LMR and null move pruning Added a new way of building Piece-Square tables, better for tuning Fixed redundant saving of transposition table entries Adjusted search parameters Adjusted evaluation parameters Improved threefold repetition detection Updated .NET runtime version to 5.0.102 Cosette 4.0 (Komekko) download

Stockfish Polyglot 010121 wins JCER - Arena Test Tournament, 2021.01.17 - 2021.01.21

  Temp 3'+3" Intel Core i7 7,9 GB GUI  Arena 3.5.1 Book  Perfect 2020 All JCER games 80.837 Table created  Scid vs PC JCER League Tournament:   480 games

Chess engine: Minimalchess 1

MinimalChess as an engine to an UCI compatible Chess GUI. O riginally released on 01/23/2021.  Author: L ithander Minimal 1 download

Chess engine for Android: SF 170121

Version works with the NNUE neural networks. Rating JCER=2732 SF 170121 for Android - download

New chess engine: Fisherov 0.95 NNUE

  Fisherov - UCI chess engine (NNUE) Rating JCER = 3108 (1 place) Fisherov is a chess engine derived from stockfish. Code has been added in various parts to achieve a different style, which becomes more evident by deactivating his neural networks (although this would cause him to significantly lose his strength but he would gain in aggressiveness, which would be interesting for human training or to make him compete against other non-neural chess engines). For greater robustness and competitiveness, the use of a neural network must be left activated (as it already comes by default). The engine already has a network incorporated, although there is also the possibility of using another network from the UCI options. This engine was developed by Luis Damián Primo and Andres Ivan Primo residents of the province of Córdoba, Argentina.  Fisherov 0.95 download  -  Engine is not publicly available and is non-commercial "Due to a request from the Stockfish team in doubt about...

Chess engine: Leochess UCI

Leochess - a simple but strong chess engine made with python. Made by Harikeshav. Harikeshav R is a 12 year old programmer who makes programs as a hobby.  Leochess UCI download

Chess engine for Android: Magic 2.0

MagiC - UCI chess engine, Rating JCER=2664 (Windows) Author: Z Zhang MagiC-engine Chess engine version 2. Much better than version 1 - implemented better searching and increase hash size. Enjoy! Magic 2.0 for Android download

Chess engine for Android: SugaR AI 1.40

Sugar - UCI chess engine, Author - Marco Zerbinati  Rating JCER=2649 SugaR AI 1.40 for Android  - download

Chess engine for Android: Crystal 2021-01-18

Crystal  is a free, powerful UCI chess engine derived from Stockfish.  Author: Joseph Ellis   Rating JCER=2744 Crystal 2021-01-18, for Android -  download

Only for donors added: Fisherov 0.95

Only for donors added: Fisherov 0.95 ================================================   Full acces to the folder: CHESS ENGINES - about 6000 files! If you do not want to wait a long time for download donate a minimum of 15$, enter your email - you will gain full access to the folder with chess engines and games, tables, etc. My email: jotes @ My email:

Match Fisherov 0.94 - Stockfish 21011322, 17-19.01.2021

  Temp 3'+3" Intel Core i7 7,9 GB GUI  Fritz 17 Book  Perfect 2020 All JCER games 80.837 Table created  Scid vs PC JCER Match Tournament:   240 games

Chess engine: TomitankChess 5.0

TomitankChess  - JavaScript Chess Engine (UCI) Author - Tamás Kuzmics Rating JCER=2640 TomitankChess (with node.js) run in Arena, in WinBoard and in Cutechess as well. - Example for Arena GUI with node.js   + Comand line: direct acces to node.exe (C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe)   + Command line parameters: direct acces to tomitankChess.js (C:\Program Files\nodejs\tomitankChessUCI.js) This is quite different from the SF solution. network is only 768x16x1. Smaller than I've seen before. it does not replace evaluation, it only compensates that.  trained only with 2.7M example. The network is not compatible with other engines (*) and it's integrated into the code. (hardcoded) I wrote the network from scratch. I don't use machine learning platform. I have around 10 elo better net (768x32x1) in fix depth test, but JavaScript is too slow, and don’t have AVX or similar methode in JavaScript (so i use vanilla approach). Essentially the smaller net has nearly th...