Stockfish - UCI chess engine, compiled by MichaelB7 Rating JCER=3559 Timestamp: 1624908005 Make net nn-956480d8378f.nnue the default Trained with the pytorch trainer: This run is thus started from a previous master net. all.binpack equaled 4 parts Wrong_NNUE_2.binpack plus two parts of Training_Data.binpack Each set was concatenated together - making one large Wrong_NNUE 2 binpack and one large Training so the were approximately equal in size. They were then interleaved together. The idea was to give Wrong_NNUE.binpack closer to equal weighting with the Training_Data binpack passed STC: LLR: 2.93 (-2.94,2.94) <-0.50,2.50> Total: 18440 W: 1693 L: 1531 D: 15216 Elo +3.05 Ptnml(0-2): 67, 1225, 6464, 1407...