
Showing posts from November, 2022

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Exam New Engines CEDR, 2022.11.27-29

  🕒🕓 3'+3" 💻  Lenovo Z710 i7-4710MG 8GB RAM    🖬 GUI-Arena 💾 All games  65.177 games (3'+3")   💾   220 games from the tournament download  "Old Professor" - Critter 1.6a 😁 @chessenginesdiary

ShashChess 26 wins CEDR-Android Chess Engines Tournament (Chess Engines Diary, 2022.11.29-30)

Best progress:  RubiChess 20221120  +27 Time: 3'   90 games download , GUI - Chess Tournament for Android, Tablet - Smasung Galaxy TAB S6 Lite, 4GB RAM,  all CEDR  13.069 games download @chessenginesdiary P Engine CEDR Score Sh Po Br St Ru Ig Fi Vi Ca Ma Chg 1: ShashChess 26 3148 15.0 / 18 XX == == 11 1= 11 1= 11 11 11 +13 2: Polyfish 20220822 3177 14.5 / 18 == XX == == =1 11 11 11 11 11 +7 3: BrainLearn 20 3272 13.5 / 18 == == XX == == =1 11 11 11 11 -11 4: Stockfish 221120 3334 12.0 / 18 00 == == XX == 1= =1 11 11 11 -31 5: RubiChess 20221120 2732 11.5 / 18 0= =0 == == XX == =1 11 11 11 +27 6: Igel 3.1.7 2704 10.0 / 18 00 00 =0 0= == XX 11 11 11 11 +16 7: Fire-zero 10072022 2400 7.0 / 18 0= 00 00 =0 =0 00 XX =1 11 11 +25 8: Viridithas 4.0.0 2400 4.5 / 18 00 00 00 00 00 00...

Chess engine: Rebel 16

Rebel - UCI engines Rating CEDR=3476 (15 place)  Thanks to the author : Ed Schroeder  Website    v.16: Rebel 16 is the next step in the cooperation between Ed Schröder (Rebel) and Chris Whittington (Chess System Tal). 1. Rebel 16 uses the search code of Chess System Tal but comes with its own (much improved) network evaluation. 2. Rebel 16 will be the last version. 3. Now that our work is fully exchangeable (engine and network) Ed will fully devote his time on improving Chess System Tal. Individual statistics: Rebel 15 - 174 games CEDR (+ 48,= 65,- 61), 46.3 % Critter 1.6a                  :   2 (+  1,=  0,-  1), 50.0 % Fritz 17                      :   6 (+  1,=  4,-  1), 50.0 % Kayra 1.3                     :   4 (+  0,=  1,-  3), 12...

CEDR Big Tournament (Tests by Jörn Gronemann, Breitenburg, 2022.11.26)

System is a AMD Ryzon 3950X with 16 CPU, 64MB RAM, Windows 10 Enterprise,  GPU NVIDIA  RTX 3060 ti. GUI-Banksia, For Every Engine only 1 CPU and 512 Hashtables, Book - Super GM 4 mvs,  6TBs. 🕒🕒Time 3'+3"   870 games download   (!) 💾 All games CEDR  65.177 games (3'+3")  @chessenginesdiary

This is prehistory 🙂 10 years ago: Houdini 2.0c wins CEDR Tournament 03-07.10.2012

  This is prehistory 🙂 10 years ago:   CEDR New Engines Test 2012.10.03-07 Time: 5', Acer, Intel Celeron D CPU 3.46GHz with 2,0 GB Memory  Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition x32 GUI: Arena 13     All games 2012 download

Chess engine: Genko 1.0a (Stockfish derivatives)

Chess engine: Genko  (Stockfish derivatives) Rating CEDR=??? (first tests are underway) Genko 1.0a download

CorChess dev-20221121-ff55c90e wins CEDR Banksia Tournament 26-27.11.2022

🕒🕓 3'+3" 💻  Lenovo Ideapad 330, i3-8130U, 12GB RAM    🖬 GUI-Arena 💾 All games  65.177 games (3'+3")   💾  271 games from the tournament download  CorChess  is a clone of Stockfish maintained for better performance on long time controls, trying at least partially to fill the gap between regular tests and demands of correspondence players. Thanks to the Author  Ivan Ivec Rating CEDR=3747 (3'+3")

Chess engine: Viridithas 5.1.0 NNUE

  Chess engine: Viridithas Rating CEDR=2949 v.5.1.0: Viridithas 5.1.0 adds restrictions to the pruning heuristics in Viri's search, deactivating them when mate scores are detected. This improves the speed at which Viridithas solves tactical test positions. I would expect this to improve Viri's strength in some rare positions, but it does not have a significant effect in standard play. Viridithas 5.1.0 NNUE download github: Individual statistics:  Viridithas 2.6.0 - 305 games (+134,= 49,-122), 52.0 % Fisherov 0.98k                :   2 (+  0,=  0,-  2),  0.0 % Slowchess 2.9                 :   2 (+  0,=  0,-  2),  0.0 % Fisherov chess monk 1.2       :   2 (+  0,=  0,-  2),  0.0 % RubiChess 20220813         ...

Chess engine: Peacekeeper 0.11

Peacekeeper - UCI engine Author: Kyle Zhang v.0.11: Bugfix for v0.1 Includes: Fix UCI "setoption" command Fix node count overflow bug Fix PV line display when mate found Prevent pruned nodes from being counted (Hopefully) Includes working executables Peacekeeper 0.11 download

This is prehistory 🙂 10 years ago: Rybka 4.1 wins CEDR Tournament 02.10.2012

This is prehistory 🙂 10 years ago:   CEDR New Engines Test 2012.09.29-30 Time: 5', Acer, Intel Celeron D CPU 3.46GHz with 2,0 GB Memory  Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition x32 GUI: Arena 13     All games 2012 download R Engine Score Ry Ho Fi Gu Hi St 1 Rybka 4.1 x32 17.5/30 000111 1111== 10==1= =110== ===010 2 Houdini 2.0c Standard x32 17.0/30 111000 ====01 =11=00 1001=1 0111=1 3 Fire 2.2 xTreme x32 16.0/30 0000== ====10 ====1= 1=1==1 =1==1= 4 Gull II beta2 14.5/30 01==0= =00=11 ====0= 01=01= 0=1101 5 Hiarcs 2011 WCSC 13.0/30 =001== 0110=0 0=0==0 10=10= 11=0== 6 Stockfish 2.3.1 x32 12.0/30 ===101 1000=0 =0==0= 1=0010 00=1==

Stockfish 221120 for Android

Stockfish - UCI chess engine Chess Engines Diary Rating CEDR=3089 Stockfish 221120 for Android - download Our social media: Individual statistics:  Stockfish 200320 - 168 games (+113,= 50,-  5), 82.1 % SugaR 20180424                :   2 (+  1,=  1,-  0), 75.0 % Xiphos 0.5.5                  :   8 (+  8,=  0,-  0), 100.0 % Stockfish 10                  :   4 (+  1,=  3,-  0), 62.5 % Godel 6                       :   2 (+  2,=  0,-  0), 100.0 % Komodo 10                     :   6 (+  3,=  3,-  0)...

Chess engine for Android: Rubichess 20221120

RubiChess  -  UCI chess engine,  Rating CEDR= 2732 Author  - Andreas Matthies Rubichess 20221120 for Android - download Individual statistics: RubiChess 1.8 - 122 games (+ 28,= 33,- 61), 36.5 % Xiphos 0.5.5                  :   6 (+  0,=  3,-  3), 25.0 % Komodo 10                     :   6 (+  0,=  2,-  4), 16.7 % Senpai 2.0                    :   4 (+  2,=  2,-  0), 75.0 % Embla                         :   2 (+  2,=  0,-  0), 100.0 % Stockfish 7                   :   2 (+  0,=  1,-  1), 25.0 % Laser 1.7                     :...

MadChess 3.2 beta - new version UCI chess engine

MadChes  - UCI engines,  Author - Erik Madsen Rating JCER=2783   MadChess 3.2 beta download Individual statistics: MadChess 3.1 - 207 games (+ 78,= 20,-109), 42.5  % Ruydos 1.1.11                 :   1 (+  0,=  1,-  0), 50.0 % Betsabe II 1.96               :   2 (+  2,=  0,-  0), 100.0 % ECE 20.1                      :   1 (+  1,=  0,-  0), 100.0 % SeeChess 1.2                  :   1 (+  1,=  0,-  0), 100.0 % Tomcat 1.0                    :   1 (+  0,=  0,-  1),  0.0 % Monolith 2                    :   1 (+  0,=  0,-  1),  0.0 %...

Chess engine: Viridithas 5.0.0 NNUE

  Chess engine: Viridithas Rating CEDR=2949 v.5.0.0: New Features: New neural network trained on filtered and re-evaluated data from Viridithas 4.0.0's games.1 Some fail-soft adjustments for qsearch. Code quality improvements. Upgrade Futility Pruning and Late Move Pruning. Bias Viridithas toward preferring complex positions. Simplify move ordering in search. Avoid dropping into qsearch when in check. Viridithas 5.0.0 NNUE download github: Individual statistics:  Viridithas 2.6.0 - 305 games (+134,= 49,-122), 52.0 % Fisherov 0.98k                :   2 (+  0,=  0,-  2),  0.0 % Slowchess 2.9                 :   2 (+  0,=  0,-  2),  0.0 % Fisherov chess monk 1.2       :   2 (+  0,=  0,-  2),  0.0 % RubiChess 20220813    ...