
Showing posts from March, 2013

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Jurek Chess Engines Rating Live - 29.03.2013

JCER Temp 3’ +3”, Min 20 games, Windows 64 bit 2013-03-29 17:54:54 : Program Elo + - Games Score Av.Op. Draws 1 Houdini 3 x64 : 3019 27 26 378 68.9 % 2881 44.2 % Houdini 1.5a x64 : 2934 29 29 313 58.6 % 2873 44.4 % 2 Critter 1.6a x64 : 2932 97 98 36 45.8 % 2961 30.6 % 3 Stockfish 13032321 x64 : 2918 65 54 20 52.5 % 2901 85.0 % 4 IvanHoe T0.4.1 x64 : 2900 28 28 224 59.2 % 2836 61.2 % 5 Strelka 5.5 x64 : 2895 32 32 192 50.8 % 2890 58.9 % 6 Fire 2.2 xTreme GH x64 : 2894 28 28 233 52.8 % 2875 61.8 % 7 JukeBox DEV1 x64 : 2892 71 67 73 77.4 % 2678 34.2 % 8 Deep Rybka 4.1 x64 : 2892 26 25 387 57.9 % 2837 46.0 % 9 Komodo 5 x64 : 2885 48 48 127 51.2 % 2877 37.8 % 10 RobboLito 0....

Houdini 3 - Critter 1.4 JCER Match

JCER Tournament 29.03.2013 R Engine Score *** 1 Houdini 3 x64 21.5/30 1==1111=1=111==1=1==1=1011===0 2 Critter 1.4 x64 8.5/30 0==0000=0=000==0=0==0=0100===1 Temp: Blitz 3' + 3" Com: Pentium Dual-Core CPU T4300 @ 2.10GHz z 4,0 GB RAM System: Windows 7 64 bit Games download Table created: Scid vs PC   GUI- Arena All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

JCER Best Engines Long Tournament (90'+30"). Games 23,24 and 25

     Engine                  Score   Ho St De Cr Ro Fi Iv    S-B 1: Houdini 3     x64        4.5/7   ·· =  1  =0 1  =  1    15,00 1: Stockfish 2.3.1 x64      4.5/7   =  ·· =  1  1= =  =    15,00 3: Deep Rybka 4.1 x64       4.0/7   0  =  ·· 1  == 1  =    13,00 4: Critter 1.4 x64          3.5/7   =1 0  0  ·· =  1  =    12,50 5: RobboLito 0.21Q x64      3.0/8   0  0= == =  ·· =  =    10,75 6: Fire 2.2 xTreme GH 64bit 3.0/7   =  =  0  0  =  ·· 1=    9,75 7: IvanHoe T0.4.1 x64       2.5/7   0  =  =  =  =  0= ··    9,00 25 of 42 games played All fil...

Jurek Chess Engines Rating Tournament 26-28.03.2013

26-28.03.2013 JCER Tournament R Engine Score Cr Bo Bo Cr Bl Bl S-B 1 Critter 1.4 x64 19.5/30 · ·· ·· =101== =0=1== ==1=10 1=1=1= 1=1=11  266,50  2 Bouquet 1.5 x64 16.0/30 =010== · ·· ·· 0110=1 0==101 ====== ==11==  229,75  3 Bouquet 1.6 x64 16.0/30 =1=0== 1001=0 · ·· ·· =0==== 100011 1=11=1  225,25  4 Critter 1.6a x64 15.5/30 ==0=01 1==010 =1==== · ·· ·· 0=01== 110==1  224,50  5 BlackMamba 1.2b x64 13.5/30 0=0=0= ====== 011100 1=10== · ·· ·· ==0===  203,25  6 BlackMamba 1.2c x64 9.5/30 0=0=00 ==00== 0=00=0 001==0 ==1=== · ·· ··  145,75  Temp: Blitz 3' + 3" Com: Pentium Dual-Core CPU T4300 @ 2.10GHz z 4,0 GB RAM System: Windows 7 64 bit Games download Table created: Scid vs PC   GUI- Arena All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

Stockfish 13032321 first test

Match Stockfish 25.03.2013 Engin Score *** 1: Stockfish 13032321 x64 10.5 / 20 =======1=======1==0= 2: Stockfish 2.3.1 x64 9.5 / 20 =======0=======0==1= Temp: Blitz 3' + 3" Com: Pentium Dual-Core CPU T4300 @ 2.10GHz z 4,0 GB RAM System: Windows 7 64 bit  Games download  Table created:  Scid vs PC   GUI- Arena

JCER Swiss Torunament wins Houdini 1.5a

JCER Swiss Tournament 23-24.03.2013 M Engin Score (Tie) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 +/-/= 1: Houdini 1.5a x64 6.0 / 9 44.5 23b+ 9b+ 6w= 14w+ 8b= 7w= 3w= 2b- 4w+ (+4 -1 =4) 2: Houdini 3 Pro x64 6.0 / 9 40.5 21w- 11w+ 3b- 10b= 22b= 24w+ 18b+ 1w+ 8b+ (+5 -2 =2) 3: JukeBox_DEV1x64 5.5 / 9 46.0 5b= 7w= 2w+ 20b= 6b+ 8w= 1b= 9b= 10w= (+2 -0 =7) 4: Stockfish 130219 64bit 5.5 / 9 43.5 10w+ 14b= 15w+ 6b- 5b= 16b= 20w+ 8w+ 1b- (+4 -2 =3) 5: Bouquet _1.6 x64 5.5 / 9 40.5 3w= 25w= 22b= 12b= 4w= 21b+ 14w= 7b+ 6w= (+2 -0 =7) 6: Chiron 1.5 64bit 5.0 / 9 45.5 7b= 16w+ 1b= 4w+ 3w- 14b= 9w= 19w= 5b= (+2 -1 =6) 7: Komodo 5 64-bit 5.0 / 9 45.0 6w= 3b= 13w+ 17b+ 20w+ 1b= 8b- 5w- 9b= (+3 -2 =4) 8: IvanHoe T0.4.1 x64 5.0 / 9 43.5 15b= 18...

New Development Versions Stockfish 13032321

Stockfish - chess engines UCI Author compilation -  Gary Linscott Stockfish 13032321

JCER test 21-22.03.2013 - DeepRybka wins

Player Score SB Deep Fire Bouq Ryan Crit Blac 1: Deep Rybka 4.1 x64 13.0 / 20 117.25 XXX =110 0110 =1=0 1=== 1111 2: Firenzina 2.2.2xTreme x64 11.5 / 20 106.75 =001 XXX 1=== ==== ==1= 1==1 3: Bouquet 1.6 x64 10.5 / 20 101.25 1001 0=== XXX 0=11 ==01 =101 4: RyanFish 1 x64 9.5 / 20 94.50 =0=1 ==== 1=00 XXX =001 ==1= 5: Critter 1.6a x64 9.0 / 20 91.25 0=== ==0= ==10 =110 XXX =0== 6: BlackMamba 1.2c x64 6.5 / 20 64.00 0000 0==0 =010 ==0= =1== XXX Temp: Blitz 3' + 3" Com: Pentium Dual-Core CPU T4300 @ 2.10GHz z 4,0 GB RAM System: Windows 7 64 bit  Games download  Table created:  Scid vs PC   

NG Play 8.3 - winboard chess engine. New version 23.03.2013

NG Play - winboard chess engine Author - George Georgopoulos  NG Play 8.3 download All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

Toga II v3.0 (based at Fruit) - new version 23.03.2013

Toga II - UCI chess engines Author - Jerry Donald Toga II 3.0 download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Match RyanFish 1 - Stockfish 13021920 (Test by Chess Engines Diary)

  Match RyanFish - Stockfish  2013.03.20 R Engine Score ***** 1 RyanFish 1 x64 10.5/20 =1===1======0=1====0 2 Stockfish 13021920 x64 9.5/20 =0===0======1=0====1 Temp: Blitz 3' + 3" Com: Pentium Dual-Core CPU T4300 @ 2.10GHz z 4,0 GB RAM System: Windows 7 64 bit Games download Table created: Arena 3    All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Chess engines IvanHoe (New version test 17-20.03.2013)

CEDR, 2013.03.17-20 Test IvanHoe R Engine Score Iv Iv Iv Iv Iv S-B 1 IvanHoe T0.4.1 x64 10.0/16 · ·· · =1=1 ===1 ==== ===1  75,50  2 IvanHoe 46h 8.5/16 =0=0 · ·· · ==== 1==1 ===1  63,75  3 Ivanhoe B46fE.02 x64 7.5/16 ===0 ==== · ·· · 1=0= ==01  60,00  4 Ivanhoe B47e 64bit 7.5/16 ==== 0==0 0=1= · ·· · ==1=  59,75  5 IvanhoeB50kB x64 6.5/16 ===0 ===0 ==10 ==0= · ·· ·  54,00  Tempo: Blitz 3' + 3" Com: Windows 7 64 bit, Intel Core i5-2450M, 8GB RAM, System: Windows 7 64 bit book: Perfect 2012 Games download Table created: Arena 3.0 All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Ivanhoe 46h3 - UCI engines. New version 20.03.2013

Ivanhoe - UCI engines Author - Kranium Ivanhoe 46h3 - download

Gaviota 0.86 wins CEDR Tournament for Android 20.03.2013

Chess for Android Tournament, 2013.03.20 P Player Score Gaviota Rodent 1.0 Betsabe II AdroitChes 1: Gaviota 0.86 25.5 / 30 XXXXX 111=1=1=0= =111111110 1111111111 2: Rodent 1.00 20.5 / 30 000=0=0=1= XXXXX 11=1=10=11 1111111111 3: Betsabe II 1.30 12.0 / 30 =000000001 00=0=01=00 XXXXX 1111011101 4: AdroitChess 0.3 2.0 / 30 0000000000 0000000000 0000100010 XXXXX Samsung Galaxy Tab 2, Temp 1' + 1", Games download     Table:  Scid vs PC All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Match Houdini 3 - RyanFish 1 (CEDR 2013.03.18)

Match Houdini 3 - RyanFish 2013.03.18 Player Score (Tie) 123456 1: Houdini 3 x64 4.0 / 6 8.00 1==011 2: RyanFish 1 x64      2.0 / 6 8.00 0==100 Temp: Blitz 3' + 3" Com: Pentium Dual-Core CPU T4300 @ 2.10GHz z 4,0 GB RAM System: Windows 7 64 bit Games download Table created: Scid vs PC GUI - Aquarium All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

ChessX is an Open Source chess database - new version 0.9.6 "Instructor"

ChessX  Our latest release features quite a few new features like the training mode, where moves are hidden and its up to you to find the correct continuation. Ideal for tactics training. ChessX is an Open Source chess database. With ChessX you can operate on your collection of chess games in many ways: browse, edit, add, organize, analyze, etc. ChessX is  cross-platform . It works on  Windows ,  Linux  and  Mac OS X . Chessx 0.9.6

Beowulf 2.3b5.1 winboard chess engine. New version 18.03.2013

Beowulf - winboard chess engines Author - Colin Frayn Beowulf 2.3b5.1 downloadable on the site

EXChess 7.02 beta - winboard engines. New version 11.03.2013

EXChess  - Winboard chess engines Author :  Daniel Homan    EXChess 7.02 beta download EXChess website   JCER  ranking = 2574

Chess Engines Diary Rating Live 18.03.2013

Chess Engines Diary Rating Live 18.03.2013 ELOstat Windows 7 64bit Temp:3’ +3” Engine ELO +- Games Score % 1. Houdini 3 3030 -1 329 68,7% 2. Critter 1.4 2974 -9 160 58,8% 3. Stockfish 13021920 2959 -27 50 57,0% 4. IvanHoe 50b 2915 -9 44 51,1% 5. Strelka 5.5 2912 -25 183 50,8% 6. Fire 2.2xTreme GH 2908 -26 224 52,7% 7. RobboLito 0.21Q 2899 -20 167 49,7% 8. DeepRybka 4.1 2898 -33 367 57,5% 9. Komodo 5 2897 -21 118 50,8% 10. Robodini 1.1 2896 -32 94 59,6% 11. PanChess 00.250 2889 -35 207 48,3% 12. JukeBox DEV 1 2889 --- 64 79,7% 13. DeepSaros 2.5c 2884 -22 54 54,6% 14. ComStock 1.0.2a 2872 -32 156 50,0% 15. Bouquet 1.6 2868 -51 268 54,1% 16. LEOpard 0.7c 2868 -53 150 54,3% 17.Firenzina 2.2.2xTreme 2864 --- 34 91,2% 18. Deep Hiarcs WSCS 2011 2827 -64 127 50,0% 19. Black Mamba 1.2b 2814 -43 174 54,0% 20. Crab 1.0 beta 2814 -36 54 50% Full list (pdf file) All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

JukeBox 3 wins 3 League Chess Engines Diary (CEDR 13-17.03.2013)

3 League Chess Engines Diary (CEDR 13-17.03.2013) M Player JCER Score (Tie) Ju Fi Ga EX To Cr Qu Bo Oc Di Ar Ro Ne Gl Be Gr Sl NG Chg 1: JukeBox DEV1 2200 32.5 512.50 X =1 11 11 =1 11 11 11 11 =1 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 +252 2: Firenzina 2.2.2 2200 31.0 466.00 =0 X =1 1= 11 =1 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 +235 3: Gaviota 0.86 2639 24.0 334.75 00 =0 X 1= 11 10 =0 11 == 11 =1 == 01 11 11 11 11 11 -14 4: EXchess 7.01b 2579 24.0 327.50 00 0= 0= X =0 11 11 10 11 10 01 =1 11 11 11 11 11 11 +7 5: Tornado 4.88 2613 22.5 301.25 =0 00 00 =1 X 10 =0 == 11 11 11 11 0= 11 11 11 1= 11 -20 6: Crafty 23.5 2634 22.5 299.00 00 =0 01 00 01 X =1 == 11 =1 == =1 11 11 11 11 1= 11 -27 7: Quazar 0.4 2679 21.0 273.00 00 00 =1 00 =1 =0 X 11 01 01 0= 11 11 11 1= 11 =1 11 -54 8: BorodinoChess 1.0 x32 2200 17.5 214.50 00 00 00 01 == == 00 X =0 10 11 0= 11 1= 01 11 11 11 +99 9: Octochess r4984 2658 17.5 202.25 00 00 == 00 00 00 10 =1 X 10 0= =1 1= 11 11 11 1= 11 -...