
Showing posts from May, 2014

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Jurek Chess Engines Rating - first test Texel 1.04 and Arasan 17.2

2014.05.30-31 JCER test Tournament R Engine Score Te Ga Ar Cr 1 Texel 1.04 x64 21.5/30 · ·· ·· ·· ·· 0==1=1==1= 1111===111 ==11=1=110 2 Gaviota 1.0 x64 16.0/30 1==0=0==0= · ·· ·· ·· ·· =11010=010 101==11=1= 3 Arasan 17.2 x64 11.5/30 0000===000 =00101=101 · ·· ·· ·· ·· ==10001110 4 Crafty 24.0 x64 11.0/30 ==00=0=001 010==00=0= ==01110001 · ·· ·· ·· ·· 60 games download , book:  Perfect 2014 ,  Table and GUI:  Arena 3.5 Temp : Blitz 3/3 Hardware: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-3217U CPU @ 1.80GHz z 3,9 GB RAM Operating system: Windows 8.1 Home Edition (Build 9200) 64 bit

Stockfish wins test tournament JCER - 29-31.05.2014

2014.05.29-31 JCER Test Tournament R Engine Score St Ko Ho Gu Cr St Bl De S-B 1 Stockfish 14052621 x64 29.0/42 · ·· ·· =====1 1=1=== ==1=1= ====11 ==11== =1=111 1=11==  558,75  2 Komodo 7 x64 28.5/42 =====0 · ·· ·· 1==1== 1====0 1===01 111111 ===1=1 =11111  535,50  3 Houdini 4 x64 26.5/42 0=0=== 0==0== · ·· ·· =111== 0==11= ==11=1 111==1 1=1=11  483,25  4 Gull 3 x64 22.0/42 ==0=0= 0====1 =000== · ·· ·· 1=1=== =01011 ==1=10 11===1  421,75  5 Critter 1.6a x64 21.0/42 ====00 0===10 1==00= 0=0=== · ·· ·· =0=1== =111=1 11====  396,50  6 Strelka 6 x32 18.5/42 ==00== 000000 ==00=0 =10100 =1=0== · ·· ·· 1=1=1= 1111==  322,50  7 BlackMamba 2.0 x64 11.5/42 =0=000 ===0=0 000==0 ==0=01 =000=0 0=0=0= · ·· ·· ==01=0  243,75  8 DeepSaros eXp rev5 x64 11.0/42 0=00== =00000 0=0=00 00===0 00==== 0000== ==10=1 · ·· ··  218,00  168 games download , book:  Perfect 2014 ,  Table and GUI...

Jurek Chess Engines Rating - first test Crafty P'10 + 10"

2014.05.28-29 JCER test Crafty P'10 + 10" R Engine Author Score Ga 1 Gaviota 1.0 x64 Miguel A.Ballicora 9.5/16 =11=0111=1===0=0 2 Crafty 24.0 x64 Robert Hyatt 6.5/16 =00=1000=0===1=1 16 games download, book: Perfect 2014,  Table and GUI: Arena 3.5 Hardware: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3210M CPU @ 2.50GHz with 7,9 GB Memory Operating system: Windows 8.1 Home Edition (Build 9200) 64 bit All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page Crafty - winboard chess engines Author - Robert Hyatt (USA) JCER=2700

Crafty 24 - winboard engines. New version 30.05.2014

Crafty - winboard chess engines Author - Robert Hyatt (USA) Rating JCER=2700   Crafty 24 download from page

Arasan 17.2 UCI chess engines (Windows, Mac and Linux) and GUI. New version 30.05.2014

Arasan  - UCI engines (and GUI) Author :  Jon Dart   All chess engines downloadable on the site CEDR Rating old version: Arasan 14.1=2390, Arasan 15.1=2512, Arasan 15.2=2593, Arasan 16.3=2671, Arasan 17.0=2750

Texel 1.04 -chess engine UCI. New version 30.05.2014

Texel - UCI Chess engines Author - Peter Osterlund JCER=2807 Texel 1.04 download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

International E-mail Chess Club - news

================================================================ Game requests or reports, notices of address change, vacations and absences and time violations should be sent to the club via the appropriate web forms. All communications forms are listed on the Contact Us page. The link can be found at the top of the left-hand navigation frame at IMPORTANT NOTICE: in order to help bring games to a conclusion in a reasonable time scale, we encouraged everyone to submit time complaints as promptly as possible, according to the section 7 of the IECC Guidelines. ================================================================= * IECC CLASS TOURNAMENTS * last update: May 29, 2014 ================================ The Class TD's are: - Senior TD Mauro Vio - TD Aldo Maggiora - TD Filiberto Pivirotto - TD Matt Baker To get more information on Class events or to enter a Class Tournament fill in the appropriate form on the Class Events page at http://www.chess-i...

JCER - first test Komodo 7, 2014.05.27 - 2014.05.29

JCER Test Komodo, 2014.05.27 - 2014.05.29 Player JCER Score Komodo 7 x64 Komodo 7a x64 Komodo TCEC x64 Chg 1: Komodo 7 3086 24.0 / 40 XXXXXXXXXXXXXX ==0======1===00=1111 110==1===1111===0=1= +40 2: Komodo 7a 3086 20.0 / 40 ==1======0===11=0000 XXXXXXXXXXXXXX =1=0====1========1== +0 3: Komodo TCEC 3086 16.0 / 40 001==0===0000===1=0= =0=1====0========0== XXXXXXXXXXXXXX -40 60 games download , book:  Perfect 2014 ,  Table and GUI:  Arena 3.5 Hardware: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3210M CPU @ 2.50GHz with 7,9 GB Memory Operating system: Windows 8.1 Home Edition (Build 9200) 64 bit

TCEC Season 6 - Superfinal Live 28.05.2014. Stockfish superstar!

N Engine Rtng Pts Gm SB St Ko 1 Stockfish 170514 3164 31.0 53 682.00 ············· + 13 = 36 - 4 2 Komodo 7x 3155 22.0 53 682.00 + 4 = 36 - 13 ·············   TCEC Live Temp: 120' + 30" (16 cores)    

flChess - 3D chess

flChess : beauty HD graphics, smart AI with 6 levels compute strength + crafty chess engine support, full 3D desk and chess, controlled camera with zoom, undo turn. MORE

New book: Perfect 2014

Perfect 2014 - are compatible for Chess GUIs: - Arena, Aquarium, ChessBase and Shredder Classic. Author -  Sedat Canbaz (Turkey) book Perfect 2014 download

Claudia 0.2 - UCI chess engine. New version 27.05.2014

Claudia - UCI chess engine Author - Antonio Garro All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page Claudia v.0.2. downloadable on the site

Orion 0.1 - UCI chess engine. New version 24.05.2014

Orion - UCI chess engine Author - David Carteau Orion 0.1 download All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

Sayuri 2014.05.24 - new version chess engine UCI

Sayuri - UCI chess engine Author - Hironori Ishibashi Sayuri 2014.05.24 download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Komodo wins Jurek Chess Engines Rating Cup 2014 (temp 90' + 30")

Jurek Chess Engines Rating CUP - temp 90’ + 30” Swiss Tournament - 9 round 16 best chess engines JCER. Start – 2014.05.12 End - 24.05.2014 Hardware : Intel Core i5­3210M CPU @ 2.50GHz with 7,9 GB Memory Operating system : Windows 8.1 64 bit Games download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page P Engines JCER Score 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Chg 1: Komodo TCEC x64 3086 6.0 / 9 13w+ 6b= 10w+ 2b= 4b= 3w= 12w+ 5w= 9b= +12 2: Stockfish 040514 64 3202 5.5 / 9 5b= 9w+ 4w= 1w= 6b= 7w= 8b+ 3b= 10w= -9 3: Strelka 6 w32 3008 5.5 / 9 9b= 5w= 13w+ 8w= 7b= 1b= 6b+ 2w= 4b= +18 4: Gull 3 x64 3100 5.5 / 9 12b= 7w+ 2b= 6w= 1w= 14w+ 5b= 9b= 3w= +5 5: PanChess 00.537 x64 3016 5.0 / 9 2w= 3b= 12w+ 7b= 8w- 11b+ 4w= 1b= 6b= +10 6: IvanHoe 9.46b x64 3018 5.0 / 9 ...

Jurek Chess Engines Rating - first test Napoleon and Gunborg

2014.05.23 JCER Test Napoleon and Gunborg P'10 + 10" R Engine Score Ga Na Gu 1 Gaviota 1.0 x64 15.5/16 · ·· ·· ·· 11111111 111111=1 2 Napoleon 1.6.0b x64 7.0/16 00000000 · ·· ·· ·· 11111101 3 Gunborg 0.41 x64 1.5/16 000000=0 00000010 · ·· ·· ·· 24 games download , book:  12 moves classic ,  Table and GUI:  Arena 3.5 Temp : 10' + 10", Hardware: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-3217U CPU @ 1.80GHz z 3,9 GB ram Operating system: Windows 8.1 Home Edition (Build 9200) 64 bit

Gunborg 0.41 - UCI chess engine. New version 23.05.2014

Gunborg UCI chess engine. Author - Torbjörn Nilsson Gunborg 0.41 download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Napoleon 1.6.0b - UCI chess engine. New version 23.05.2014

Napoleon - UCI chess engine Napoleon 1.6.0b download All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

Sting sf 4.5 - chess engine UCI. New version and first test JCER

Sting sf - UCI chess engines (based on Stockfish) Author - Marek Kwiatkowski Sting sf 4.5 download   2014.05.20-22 JCER Match Sting-Houdini P'10 +10" R Engine Score Ho St 1 Houdini 1.5a x64 10.5/16 · ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· · ==1=1=1=0==11==1 2 Sting sf 4.5 x32 5.5/16 ==0=0=0=1==00==0 · ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· · 16 games download, book: 12 moves classic,  Table and GUI: Arena 3.5 Temp : 10' + 10", Hardware: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-3217U CPU @ 1.80GHz z 3,9 GB ram Operating system: Windows 8.1 Home Edition (Build 9200) 64 bit All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Jurek Chess Engines Rating match Rybka 4.1 - BlackMamba P10' + 10"

2014.05.15-18 JCER Match Rybka-BlackMamba R Engine Score *** 1 Deep Rybka 4.1 x64 9.0/16 ===1===========1 2 BlackMamba 2.0 x64 7.0/16 ===0===========0 16 games download, book: 12 moves classic,  Table and GUI: Arena 3.5 Temp : 10' + 10", Hardware: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-3217U CPU @ 1.80GHz z 3,9 GB ram Operating system: Windows 8.1 Home Edition (Build 9200) 64 bit All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

Jurek Chess Engines Rating Cup after 56 games (temp 90' + 30")

Jurek Chess Engines Rating CUP - temp 90’ + 30” Swiss Tournament - 9 round 16 best chess engines JCER. Start – 2014.05.12. Participants: Stockfish 040514, Houdini 4, Gull 3, Komodo TCEC, Critter 1.6a, Fire 3.0, IvanHoe 9.46b, RobboLito 0.21Q, PanChess 00.537, Bouquet 1.8, Strelka 6, Deep Rybka 4.1, ComStock 3, Equinox 2.02, DeepSaros 3.5a, BlackMamba 2.0. Hardware : Intel Core i5­3210M CPU @ 2.50GHz with 7,9 GB Memory Operating system : Windows 8.1 64 bit Jurek Chess Engines Rating Cup , Swiss tournament  2014.05.12 - 2014.05.21 Player Rtng Score 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Chg 1: Komodo TCEC x6it 3086 5.0 / 7 14w+ 6b= 11w+ 2b= 3b= 4w= 10w+ +11 2: Stockfish 040514 x64 3202 4.5 / 7 5b= 9w+ 3w= 1w= 6b= 8w= 7b+ -4 3: Gull 3 x64 3100 4.5 / 7 10b= 8w+ 2b= 6w= 1w= 15w+ 5b= +6 4: Strelka 6 w32 3008 4.5 / 7 9b= 5w= 14w+ 7w= 8b= ...