
Showing posts from November, 2016

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Chess Engine: BrainFish 161127

BrainFish  - UCI chess engine Information from the author: Brainfish  is a standard  Stockfish  chess engine extended by a general book format that is capable of handling a reduced part of Cerebellum, which is an innovative chess opening and playing book. In  Brainfish , the book moves are only used in engine games, not in analysis mode. All moves in the published book Cerebellum_light.bin generated by Cerebellum were calculated by using Stockfish as analysis engine, without using statistics. Then those moves where recalulated by the  Cerebellum Library using a graph algorithm that makes all scores in the library consistant. Consistant  scores means for example, in case the starting position has a score of 0.2 and a best move is 1.e4, the  position after 1.e4 must have the score -0.2. Additionally, some others properties are found, like the  best main line of a position and possible Transitions. Hence, when  Brainfish  is play...

Amoeba 2.0 - UCI chess engine. New version!

Amoeba  - UCI chess engine (D language) Amoeba is a bare chess engine designed to communicate with a chess GUI (arena) via the UCI protocol. Rating CEDR=2581 Amoeba 2.0 - download All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

Ippos 1.27 wins 2 League Best Chess Engines JCER. Edition 08/2016 PL, 2016.11.23 - 2016.11.28

Temp 3' + 3" Hardware: Intel Core i7-4710MQ CPU @ 2.50GHz with 7,9 GB Memory , Windows 10 64-bit āÆ 506 tournament games download, GUI- Arena 3.5.1 ,   151.395 JCER games download ,  Book:  Perfect 2016 , Table created -  Scid vs PC  All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

Sjaak II 1.4.0 - winboard chess engine. New version

Sjaak  - winboard chess engine Homepage Author - Evert Glebbeek    Sjaak -  previous versions JCER=2102 Sjaak II 1.4.0 download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Ezio 24.11.2016 - UCI chess engine. New version!

Ezio 24.11.2016 All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Gogobello 1.0 wins JCER Amateur League D, edition 03/2016, 2016.11.20 - 2016.11.26

Temp 3' + 3" Hardware: Intel Core i3-3217U CPU @ 1.80GHz with 3,9 GB Memory , Windows 10 64-bit āÆ  760 tournament games download , GUI- Arena 3.5.1 ,   151.395 JCER games download ,  Book:  Perfect 2016 , Table created -  Scid vs PC All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Komodo 8 wins 1 League Best Chess Engines JCER. Edition 08/2016 PL, 2016.11.14 - 2016.11.23

Temp 3' + 3" Hardware: Intel Core i7-4710MQ CPU @ 2.50GHz with 7,9 GB Memory , Windows 10 64-bit āÆ  760 tournament games download , GUI- Arena 3.5.1 ,   151.395 JCER games download ,   Book:  Perfect 2016 , Table created -  Scid vs PC  All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Chess engine: Zevra 1.1 build 246

 Zevra 1.1 b. 246 - download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page Author - Oleg Smirnov

Amoeba.1.4 wins JCER Amateur League C, edition 03/2016, 2016.11.14 - 2016.11.20

Temp 3' + 3" Hardware: Intel Core i3-3217U CPU @ 1.80GHz with 3,9 GB Memory , Windows 10 64-bit āÆ 760 tournament games download, GUI- Arena 3.5.1 ,   151.395 JCER games download ,  Book:  Perfect 2016 , Table created -  Scid vs PC All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

Chess engine Quark corbit.

Quark corbit download

Taltos r118 - chess engine (winboard)

Taltos  - winboard chess engine Author - GĆ”bor Buella Talos : C source (Linux64 and Windows) experimental chess engine for learning and fun. ā© Taltos r118 - download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Adachess 2016.11.08 - winboard chess engine. New version!

Adachess  - winboard chess engine Author -  Alessandro Iavicoli  Rating CEDR=1515 ā© Adachess 2016.11.08 download All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page We have stopped posting files on Shortest. Currently, you can find the current links on the DOWNLOAD page. Most of them are placed on Katfile servers. If you do not want to wait long with the download, you can support our work and become a donor. As a thank you, we provide you with a link to the MEGA drive, where you can download the engines and other files without waiting. More information can be found on the DONORS page.

Soberango 0.09 - chess engine (winboard). New version!

Soberango  - winboard chess engine, Author - Luis Babboni (Argentina). Homepage  šŸ”œ  Soberango 0.09 - download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Sayuri 2016.11.13 - new version chess engine UCI

Sayuri  - UCI chess engine Author - Hironori Ishibashi         Sayuri previous versions Rating JCER=1804 All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page ā­ Sayuri 2016.11.13 download

WyldChess 13.11.2016 - winboard chess engine

WyldChess  - winboard chess engine Author - Mk-Chan Overview A free chess engine in C. It does not provide a GUI (Graphical User Interface) but can be linked to one that supports the Xboard/Winboard protocol. The 32-bit and 64-bit executables are available in the binaries folder. Alternatively, WyldChess can be compiled using Cygwin or MinGW (Samples available in makefile). WyldChess 13.11.2016 - download

Chess engine: GnuChess 6.2.4.TM

GnuChess WB and UCI engines Rating JCER=2623 āÆ   GnuChess 6.2.4.TM download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page DOWNLOAD

Neurone XXVI - winboard chess engine. New version

Neurone   - winboard chess engines Neurone website   Author :  Lissandrello Luca Neurone XXVI download   All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

SugaR 2.6 wins Super League Best Chess Engines JCER. Edition 08/2016 PL, 2016.11.06 - 2016.11.14

Temp 3' + 3" Hardware: Intel Core i7-4710MQ CPU @ 2.50GHz with 7,9 GB Memory , Windows 10 64-bit āÆ 760 tournament games download, GUI- Arena 3.5.1 ,  151.395 JCER games download ,  Book: Perfect 2016 , Table created - Scid vs PC All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page Today starts 1 League JCER, edition 08/2016: ComStock 3, Komodo 8, Shredder 13, Arasan 19.2, Booot 6.1, BlackMamba 2.0, RobboLito 0.21Q, DeepHiarcs 14WCSC, Sting sf 7.3, Houdini 1.5a, Cheng4 0.39, Senpai 1.0, Ice3 658, Alfil 15.8, Gaviota 1.0, Spike 1.4, SmarThink 1.96, Hakkapeliitta TCEC, Pedone 1.4.1 i Naum 4.6.

Fire 5.0 - new version best UCI chess engines!

Fire  - UCI chess engines author compilation - by Norman Schmidt Rating JCER =3118 Fire 5.0 download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Critter 1.6a wins Chess engines for Android, JCER Test Tournament, Polska, 2016.11.12 - 2016.11.13

360 games download , Temp 1', Tablet LG Pad

Chess engine: Zevra 1.1 build 227

 Zevra 1.1 b. 227 - download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page Author - Oleg Smirnov

Galjoen 0.33 - UCI chess engine. New version

Galjoen  chess engines WB/UCI Homepage Rating JCER = 1956 Galjoen 0.33 - download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

GreKo 2015ml wins JCER Amateur League B, edition 03/2016, 2016.11.07 - 2016.11.14

Temp 3' + 3" Hardware: Intel Core i3-3217U CPU @ 1.80GHz with 3,9 GB Memory , Windows 10 64-bit 760 tournament games download , GUI- Arena 3.5.1 ,   151.395 JCER games download ,   Book:  Perfect 2016 , Table created -  Scid vs PC All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Update chess download (link expired)

We have stopped posting files on Shortest. Currently, you can find the current links on the  DOWNLOAD  page. Most of them are placed on Katfile servers. If you do not want to wait long with the download, you can support our work and become a donor. As a thank you, we provide you with a link to the MEGA drive, where you can download the engines and other files without waiting. More information can be found on the  DONORS  page. Edit 28.01.2025 - Chess Engines Diary Team Chess Engines Pack (Windows) A-1 A-2 A-3 A-4 A-5 B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 B-5 B-6 B-7 B-8 B-9 B-10 B-11 B-12 B-13 B-14 B-15 B-16 B-17 B-18 B-19 C-1 C-2 C-3 C-4 C-5 C-6 C-7 C-8 C-9 C-10 C-11 C-12 C-13 C-14 C-15 C-16 C-17 C-18 C-19 C-20 C-21 ?-1 ?-1 ?-1 D-1 D-2 E-1 E-2 E-3 E-4 E-5 E-6 F-1 F-2 G H-1 H-2 H-3 H-4 H-5 I-1 I-2 J K-1 K-2 K-3 L-1 L-2 L-3 L-4 L-5 L-6 L-7 L-8 L-9 L-10 L-11 L-12 L-13 L-14 L-15 L-16 L-17 L-18 L-19 M-1 M-2 M-3 M-4 M-5 M-6 M-7 M-8 M-9 M-10 M-11 M-12 M-13 N O P-1 P-2 P-3 P-4 P-5 P-6 P-7 P-8 ...

Chess engines for Android: 3xmatch (Firenzina-Caviota, Rhetoric-Deuterium and Texel-Toga)

Chess engines for Android, match Firenzina-Gaviota, Polska, 2016.11.12 Engine Score *** +/-/= 1: Firenzina 2.4.1 xTreme 9.0 / 10 111=111=11 (+8 -0 =2) 2: Gaviota v1.0 1.0 / 10 000=000=00 (+0 -8 =2) Chess engines for Android, match Rhetoric-Deuterium, Polska, 2016.11.12 P Engine Score *** +/-/= 1: Rhetoric 1.4.1 6.0 / 10 ===110=1== (+3 -1 =6) 2: Deuterium 4.0 / 10 ===001=0== (+1 -3 =6) Chess engines for Android, match Texel=Toga II, Polska, 2016.11.12 P Engine Score 1234567890 +/-/= 1: Texel 1.07a6 32-bit 6.5 / 10 101110011= (+6 -3 =1) 2: Toga II 3.0 3.5 / 10 010001100= (+3 -6 =1) All games download ,  Temp 1', Tablet LG Pad