
Showing posts from November, 2017

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Demolito 20170826 wins 6 League JCER, edition 06/2017, 2017.11.25 - 2017.11.28

Temp 3' + 3" Hardware: Intel Core i7-4710MQ with 7,9 GB Memory , Windows 10 64-bit 462 Tournament games , GUI- Arena 3.5.1 ,  161.651 JCER games - until 31.12.2016   58.448 JCER games (from 01.01.2017)  JCER League Book: Perfect 2017 ,     Games, engines, book - download     Table created - Scid vs PC All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

Shield 2.0 - UCI chess engine. New version!

Shield - UCI chess engine Author - Luigi Marco Ripamonti Rating JCER=2174 Shield 2.0 - download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Chess engine: SCTR 1.1d

SCTR 1.1d - download from page Rating JCER=2615 Authors: Can Cetin & Dogac Eldenk

Nemorino 3.21 - UCI chess engine. New version!

Nemorino - UCI chess engine Author - Christian GĆ¼nther Home page Rating JCER=2977 Nemorino 3.21 download from page

Chess engine: SCTR 1.1

SCTR 1.1 - download from page Rating JCER=2615 Authors: Can Cetin & Dogac Eldenk

Stockfish 181117 wins JCER Swiss Tournament, 2017.11.25 - 2017.11.26

P Engine JCER Score 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Chg 1: Stockfish 181117 3395 8.5 14w+ 6w+ 3b= 4b= 8w+ 2w= 9b= 5b= 10w+ 7b+ 11b+ +0 2: Raubfisch X36e 3392 8.5 7b= 4b= 6w+ 3w= 9w+ 1b= 5w= 8w+ 15b+ 14b+ 10b+ +0 3: Komodo 11.2.2 3308 8.0 15b+ 5w= 1w= 2b= 4w= 8w+ 14b= 6w+ 12b+ 11b= 9w+ +4 4: SugaR XPrO 1.3 3395 7.5 10b= 2w= 11w+ 1w= 3b= 5w+ 6b= 9w+ 14w= 8b= 16b+ -10 5: Komodo 9.02t 3186 7.0 12b+ 3b= 8w= 9w= 13w+ 4b- 2b= 1w= 6w= 17w+ 14b+ +13 6: Brainfish 191117 3341 6.0 17w+ 1b- 2b- 16w+ 7w= 13b+ 4w= 3b- 5b= 18w= 19w+ -21 7: Sting SF 9t 2991 6.0 2w= 10b- 17b+ 15w+ 6b= 9b- 16w= 13b= 18w+ 1w- 20b+ +14 8: Andscacs 0.921 3096 5.5 19w+ 13w= 5b= 10w+ 1b- 3b- 12w+ 2b- 9b= 4w= 18b= +3 9: Fire 6.1 3193 5.5 11w= 16b= 20w+ 5b= 2b- 7w+ 1w= 4b- 8w= 19b+ 3b- -11 10: Fritz 16 3036 5.5 4w= 7w+ 13b= 8b- 14w= 15b= 17b+ ...

Chess engine: Raubfisch ME262 GTZ15e3

Raubfisch is an engine derived from Stockfish and Torpedo 1.1 XJR (private engine by Frank Karl Werner and Max Fehler) Rating JCER - 3392 Raubfisch ME262 GTZ15e3 - download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Chess engine: Stockfish MateFinder 251117

Stockfish MateFinder 251117 - download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

SugaR XPrO 251117 - very strong chess engine!

Sugar - UCI chess engine Author - Marco Zerbinati  JCER=3395 SugaR XPrO 251117 - download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Chess engine: Raubfisch X36e3

Raubfisch is an engine derived from Stockfish and Torpedo 1.1 XJR (private engine by Frank Karl Werner and Max Fehler) Rating JCER - 3392 Raubfisch X36e3 - download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

TJchess 1.3 wins 5 League JCER edition 06/2017, 2017.11.21 - 2017.11.25

Temp 3' + 3" Hardware: Intel Core i7-4710MQ with 7,9 GB Memory , Windows 10 64-bit 462 Tournament games, GUI- Arena 3.5.1 ,  161.651 JCER games - until 31.12.2016   58.448 JCER games (from 01.01.2017)  JCER League Book: Perfect 2017 ,     Games, engines, book - download     Table created - Scid vs PC Promoted to 4 League: TJchess, Dimitri, Jumbo. Demoted to 6 League: Quarkcorbit, Ramjet, Shallowblue.  All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Chess engine: asmFish 2017-11-23 (Linux, Mac and Windows)

UCI chess engine: asmFish JCER Rating=3377 ā­ asmFish 2017.11.23 - download All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

Chess engine: Nawito (Windows and Linux)

Nawito - winboard chess engine " Dedicate this chess engine to my friends of "Circuito Mayaricero de Ajedrez" for help me on the  decision to programming a chess engine" Author  Nawito download All files (games, tables and engines) -  download from page

Komodo 9.02 (free version) wins JCER Test Tournament, 2017.11.20 - 2017.11.24

All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page Temp 3' + 3" Hardware: Intel Core i3-3217U CPU 3,9 GB Memory , Windows 10 x64 480 Tournament games , GUI- Arena 3.5.1 ,  161.651 JCER games ,  until 31.12.2016   58.448 JCER games (from 01.01.2017)  JCER League Book: Perfect 2017 ,   Table created - Scid vs PC

Wasp 2.60 - UCI chess engine. New version!

Wasp - UCI chess engine Author: John Stanback Rating JCER=2833 Wasp it is a complete  rewrite of previous chess engine called Zarkov. Wasp 2.60 - download

Gnuchess 6.2.5 wins 4 League JCER, edition 06/2017, 2017.11.17 - 2017.11.21

Temp 3' + 3" Hardware: Intel Core i7-4710MQ with 7,9 GB Memory , Windows 10 64-bit 462 Tournament games , GUI- Arena 3.5.1 ,  161.651 JCER games - until 31.12.2016   58.448 JCER games (from 01.01.2017)  JCER League Book: Perfect 2017 ,     Games, engines, book - download     Table created - Scid vs PC

Chess Engine: BrainFish 171119 and book: Cerebellum Light 171119

BrainFish - UCI chess engine CEDR Rating= 3341 Information from the author: Brainfish is a standard Stockfish chess engine extended by a general book format that is capable of handling a reduced part of Cerebellum , which is an innovative chess opening and playing book. In Brainfish, the book moves are only used in engine games, not in analysis mode. All moves in the published book Cerebellum_light.bin generated by Cerebellum were calculated by using Stockfish as analysis engine, without using statistics. Then those moves where recalulated by the Cerebellum Library using a graph algorithm that makes all scores in the library consistant. Consistant scores means for example, in case the starting position has a score of 0.2 and a best move is 1.e4, the position after 1.e4 must have the score -0.2. Additionally, some others properties are found, like the best main line of a position and possible Transitions. Hence, when Brainfish is playing moves that are in the Cerebellum book,...

Match Gull - Seagull, 2017.11.19 - 2017.11.20

P Engine JCER Score ***** Chg +/-/= 1: Seagull 1.0 3000 50.5 ======11=========1===1010===0==========1=1====0=00 =======10=====0====1===1======0==0===1============ +150 (+11 -10 =79) 2: Gull.3.1 JV 3098 49.5 ======00=========0===0101===1==========0=0====1=11 =======01=====1====0===0======1==1===0============ -140 (+10 -11 =79) Temp 3' + 3"  Hardware: Intel Core i3-3217U CPU 3,9 GB Memory,  Windows 10 x64 100 Tournament games ,  GUI-Fritz 12,  161.651 JCER games ,  do 31.12.2016   58.448 JCER games (od 01.01.2017) Book: Fritz 12,   Tabela - Scid vs PC All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Vajolet2 v.2.4 - UCI chess engine. New version!

Vajolet - UCI chess engine Author - Marco Belli.  JCER old verion - 2857 Vajolet2 v2.4 download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Sting sf 9 - chess engine UCI. New version

Sting sf - UCI chess engines (based on Stockfish) Author - Marek Kwiatkowski Rating JCER=2991 Sting sf 9 download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Chess engine: LittleWing 0.4

LittleWing - winboard chess engine author - Vincent Ollivier JCER rating=1489 LittleWing 0.4 - download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Only for donors added: 26 chess engines and 1 book

šŸ”’ 19.11.2017 - o nly for sponsors added 26 chess engines: asmFish 2017-11-06,  BrainFish 171110, C hess22k 1.6,  CiChess 1.8 071117,  Counter 2.1,  Embla 1.0.0,  Ethereal 8.37,  Gromit 3.0,  KasparovChess 1.0.0.jar,  Raubfisch ME262 GTZ15d2,  Raubfisch ME262 GTZ15e,  Raubfisch X36d2,  Raubfisch X36e,  Seagull,  Senpai 2.0, S tockfish 17110522, S tockfish 17110813, S tockfish 17110813_Pascutto, S tockfish 17111012, S tockfish 17111012_ceebo, S tockfish 17111113, S tockfish 17111811, S tockfish 17111814, S tockfish 17111816, S tockfish 17111816_basepr1me, T exel108a2. and Chess opening book: Cerebellum_light_171112.7z We would like to thank our sponsors šŸ’— It's not too late to become a Sponsor šŸ˜€ 

Stockfish 17111816_basepr1me - new version!

Stockfish , chess engine UCI Rating JCER = 3395 šŸ”¬ Author: basepr1me Timestamp: 1511019933  OpenBSD friendly start.  ā­ā­ā­    Stockfish 17111816_basepr1me - download

Stockfish 181117 wins JCER Swiss Tournament, 2017.11.18 - 2017.11.19

P Engine JCER Score 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9  Chg 1: Stockfish 181117 3395 7.0 / 9 7b+ 2w= 8w= 3w= 11b+ 5b+ 4b= 10w+ 9w+ +1 2: Raubfisch X36e 3392 6.0 / 9 9w+ 1b= 3b= 4w= 15w+ 8b= 5b= 6b= 11w+ -8 3: Symphysodon 290917 3378 5.5 / 9 13b+ 4w= 2w= 1b= 6w= 11w= 8b= 5w= 10b+ -13 4: McBrain 3.0 TCEC 3355 5.5 / 9 10w+ 3b= 5w= 2b= 12b= 6w= 1w= 8w= 13b+ -9 5: Komodo 11.2.2 3308 5.5 / 9 14b= 7w+ 4b= 12w+ 8b= 1w- 2w= 3b= 15b+ -5 6: Gull.3.1 JV 3098 5.5 / 9 16w+ 8b- 12w= 15b= 3b= 4b= 14w+ 2w= 17w+ +2 7: Fritz 16 3036 5.5 / 9 1w- 5b- 10w= 18w+ 13b= 16b+ 12w= 17b+ 8w+ +0 8: Fizbo 1.9 3097 5.0 / 9 15b+ 6w+ 1b= 11b= 5w= 2w= 3w= 4b= 7b- +18 9: Texel 1.08a2 3018 5.0 / 9 2b- 14w= 13w= 10b- 18w+ 17w+ 16b+ 12b+ 1b- -8 10 Seagull 1.0 2800 4.5 / 9 ...

Stockfish 17111816 - new version!

Stockfish , chess engine UCI Rating JCER = 3395 šŸ”¬ Author: Stefan Geschwentner Timestamp: 1511018864  Simplify good/bad capture detection. bench 5336313  ā­ā­ā­    Stockfish 17111816 - download

Chess engine: Seagull 1.0 (based on Gull 3)

Seagull - UCI chess engine (based on Gull 3) Author - Vadim Demichev Seagull 1.0 - download All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

Stockfish 17111814 - new version!

Stockfish , chess engine UCI Rating JCER = 3395 šŸ”¬ Author: Stefano Cardanobile Timestamp: 1511010486 Fix comments. Bench: 5109559.  ā­ā­ā­   Stockfish 17111814 - download

First Test chess engine Embla 1.0.0, 2017.11.17 - 2017.11.18

P Engine JCER Score Embla Chg +/-/= 1: Embla 1.0.0 1853 20.0 / 100 XXXXXXXXX +10 (+13 -73 =14) 2: Ares1.005 2 2242 10.0 / 10 1111111111 +11 (+10 -0 =0) 3: Counter 2.1.0 2433 10.0 / 10 1111111111 +11 (+10 -0 =0) 4: FireFly 2.72 2198 10.0 / 10 1111111111 +11 (+10 -0 =0) 5: K2 0.87 2363 10.0 / 10 1111111111 +11 (+10 -0 =0) 6: CT800 1.12 2098 9.5 / 10 111=111111 +14 (+9 -0 =1) 7: Monolith 0.3 2240 9.0 / 10 11111=111= +1 (+8 -0 =2) 8: Dimitri 3.81 2130 6.5 / 10 1111011=00 -19 (+6 -3 =1) 9: Barbarossa 0.3.0  2107 6.5 / 10 =1=111010= -17 (+5 -2 =3) 10 Embla 0.9.91 1853 5.0 / 10 =00=011==1 +0 (+3 -3 =4) 11 Claudia 0.5 1850 3.5 / 10 0010===001 -14 (+2 -5 =3) Temp 3' + 3"  Hardware: Intel Core i3-3217U ...

Ethereal 8.37 wins 3 League JCER, edition 06/2017, 2017.11.13 - 2017.11.17

Temp 3' + 3" Hardware: Intel Core i7-4710MQ with 7,9 GB Memory , Windows 10 64-bit 462 Tournament games , GUI- Arena 3.5.1 ,  161.651 JCER games - until 31.12.2016   58.448 JCER games (from 01.01.2017)  JCER League Book: Perfect 2017 ,     Games, engines, book - download     Table created - Scid vs PC Promoted to 2 League: Ethereal, Tucano, Chess22k . Demoted to 4 League: Maverick, Sjakk, Pawny . All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page