47 chess engines and Stockfish pack: asmFish 2018-05-08, asmFish 2018-04-24, asmFish28418, Bambix-0.75, BrainFish 180423, BrainFish 180501, BrainFish 180509, BrainFish 180513, BulldogVB 1.7, BulldogVB 2.0, CFish R3 140518, chess22k 1.9, ChessBrainVB V368 TCEC, ct800-v1.30, Danasah 7.30, Ethereal 9.64, Ethereal 9.65, Ethereal 9.72, Ethereal 9.74, Godel 4.0.7, hedgehog 1808, Jonesy10w64, Jumbo 0.6.31, Lozza 1.18, McBrain 9.1, pirarucu 1.4, pirarucu 1.6, pirarucu 1.8, Pirarucu 1.9, Pirarucu 1.9, pirarucu 1.2, Pleco 0.1.3, Popochin 4.1, Raubfisch X38 and_GTZ17, Raubfisch X38b4_and_GTZ17b4, Raubfisch_X38b_and_GTZ17b, Raubfisch_X38b3._und_GTZ17b3, ronja 0.7, Ruydos 1.1.6, Scorpio 2.85 mcts, texel108a11, Wasp 3.00, WChess1.6, Xiphos 0.2.2, Xiphos 0.2.4, Xiphos 0.2.5, Xiphos 0.2.6. And Stockfish pack: 16_30.04.2018. Full acces to the folder: CHESS ENGINES - about 3000 files! If you do not want to wait a long time for download - donate a minimum of 10$, enter your email - ...